Curriculum Vitae

Thomas “Danny” Boston, PhD

School of Economics

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0615

Rm. 237, Old CE Building

Work (404) 894-5020

  1. Earned Degrees

Cornell University:

MA, Economics, 1974

PhD, Economics, 1976

Major Area: Economic Development

Minor Area: Macroeconomics

West Virginia State University: BS, 1968

  1. Current Research Areas (JEL Designations)

M13:Business and Firm Administration – Entrepreneurship, Startups and Growth

R20:Urban Economics – Gov’t Policy, Household Analysis and Neighborhood Effects

H43:Public Economics - Project Evaluation

J1:Demographic Economics - Public Policy and the Economics of Minorities and Races

III.Employment History

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Economics, Atlanta, GA: Associate Professor, 1985 – 1994; Professor, 1995 -

EuQuant, Inc. Atlanta, GA: Founder, and CEO, 1994 -

United States Senate, Joint Economic Committee, Wash, DC: Senior Economist, 1991-1992

Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA, Assistant Professor 1976 – 1980; Associate Professor, 1981 – 1985; Department Chair, 1978 - 1985

U.S. Regular Army, Infantry: 2 lt. 1968 –69; 1st Lt. 1969 – 70; Captain, 1970 – 71; Purple Heart, 1970, honorable discharge, 1971

IV.Courses Taught

Econ 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics

Econ 4450/8803 African American Entrepreneurship (Grad/Undergrad)

Econ 4321 Entrepreneurship and Technology

Econ 3120 Advanced Macroeconomic

Econ 4803/8803 Economic Development of the Inner City (Grad/Undergrad)

Econ 6105 Macroeconomics (Graduate)

V. Teaching Awards

AY2011/12, Thanks for Being a Great Teacher, GA Tech Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Georgia Tech Ambassadors

AY2010/11, Thanks for Being a Great Teacher, GA Tech Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Georgia Tech Ambassadors

2005/06GA Tech, Ivan Allen College Legacy Award, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

1989/90State of Georgia Economics Educator of the Year, Georgia Association of Economics and Finance in cooperation with the Georgia Council on Economic Education

1988/89George C. Griffin Undergraduate Faculty of the Year, Student Government Association, GA Tech, AY 1988/89

1981/82Outstanding Undergraduate Professor, student body of Clark-Atlanta University

VI. Research Grants

Grants Awarded

Principal Investigator (PI): University Transportation Center, “Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of State DOT Highway Expenditures” April, 2012; $225,000

Co-PI, with C. Ross, PI: Pew Charitable Trusts (2011 - ) Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of Atlanta Regional Plan 2040, $144,992,

Researcher with C. Ross, M. Woo, M. Elliot, PI: Georgia Department of Transportation (2011-) Impact of Regional SPLOST on County Infrastructure, $150,000 Contract Research Project No. 4906002

PI: Kauffman Foundation, (2010 - ) Evaluation of Minority Business Transformation in the Gulf Coast, Kansas City and South East Michigan, $74,034, Grant # 112873, PI

PI: MacArthur Foundation (2010- )Public Housing Revitalization and Family Self-Sufficiency $50,000, PI

PI: U.S. HUD in Association with AHA, (2006- ); Evaluation of Grady Homes HOPE VI Revitalization, $678,499, Grant #5126656, PI

PI: MacArthur Foundation, (2005-09)A Generalized Model for Evaluating the Chicago Housing Authority’s Plan for Transformation, $500,000, Grant # 82867, PI

PI: Kauffman Foundation, 2005-08, High Growth Black-owned Firms, $104,790, Grant # 20060581, PI

Principal Recipient: Ford Foundation (1995) The Inner City: Urban Poverty and Economic Development in the Next Century, $14,000 distribution support, PI

Principal Recipient: Twentieth Century Fund (1995 – 97) Affirmative Action and Black Entrepreneurship, $50,000

Co-PI with Terry Blum, PI: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1989 – 1991) Worksite Integration of ADM Prevention Strategies $144,458 (Contract #1-r01-AA-07192-02)

PI: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (1982) A Comparison of the Mobility and Income of Earnings Losers across Growing, Stable and Declining SMSAs $40,000 (1982, Contract #H-5345G)

PI: U.S. Department of Labor (1980-1981) The Economics of Black Reverse Migration to the South $15,000, (Contract # 36-13-80-1)

PI: U.S. Department of Energy (1980) Impact of Energy Policy on the Black Rural Population, $63,128 (Contract # DE-FF-GG01-8011-01010)

Principal Recipient: National Science Foundation, (1982) Minority Institute Graduate Traineeship, September $105,000 (#SP1:78008043)

Principal Recipient: U.S. Department of Labor, (1982-83) Strengthening Grant for the Department of Economics, $150,000 (D.O.L. # 1-122-476-203)

Principal Recipient: Ford Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Minorities, AY 1983/84

Principal Recipient: Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Fellowship, AY 1983/84

Principal Recipient: Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for Minority Scholars, AY 1983/84

VI. Students Supported viaResearchGrants

Jin Peng: Spring 2009/Spring 2010

Tashieka Tucker: AY 2008/09

Diana Nichols: AY 2007/08

Jaijie Chen: AY 2007/08

David Sibal (undergraduate): summer 08

Chaoqi Su: summer 08

Ruifeng Zhang: summer 08

Yijin Yun, AY2005/06, fall 07

Shen Tao, AY2006/07

Carrie Cooper, spring 07 –Fall 07

Deona DeClue, (undergraduate) AY2006/07

Iswardeep Singh, spring 07 – summer 07

Zhong Zhuang, AY2006/07

Ryan Meriweter, Summer 07

Jolea Bryant, summer 07

Kai Williamson: summer 07

Loubna Bouamane, AY2005/06

Smitha Kartik, AY2005/06

VII. Published Research

Books Published

______ed., 2002. Leading Issues in Black Political Economy. New York: Transaction Press

______1999. Affirmative Action and Black Entrepreneurship.New York: Routledge

______and C. Ross. 1997. eds., The Inner City: Urban Poverty and Economic Development in the Next Century. New York: Transaction Press, 1997

______1997.ed., A Different Vision: African American Economic Thought. Vol. 1. New York: Routledge

______1997. ed., A Different Vision: Race and Public Policy, Vol. 2. New York: Routledge

______1998. Race, Class and Conservatism. London: Allen & Unwin, Inc

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Myungje Woo, Catherine L. Ross, and Thomas D. Boston (forthcoming) Do Megaregions Produce Greater Regional Convergence or Divergence: Implications for Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Investment? Journal of Planning and Urban Development

Boston, Thomas D. 2011.A Nation Building Process. Harvard International ReviewcorrespondenceVol. XXXII, No.2 Summer 2011: 4

______2011 Minority Report: Expanding Opportunities for Everyone., Democracy Journal, summer: 28-34.

______andLinje Boston 2007. Secrets of Gazelles: Differences between African American High-Growth Oriented Entrepreneurs and Other Small Business Owners”The Annals of the American Association of Social and Political Science vol. 613:108 - 130

______2006. The Role of Black-owned Businesses in Black Community Development, ed., Paul Ong, Jobs and Economic Development in Minority Communities: Realities, Challenges, and Innovation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press: 161 – 175.

______2005.Black Patronage of Black-owned Businesses and Black Employment, eds., Cecilia Conrad, Whitehead, J., Mason, P., and Stewart, J. African Americans in the U.S. Economy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005: 373 – 377.

______2005. The Effects of Revitalization on Public Housing Residents: A Case Study of the Atlanta Housing Authority. Journal of the American Planning Associationvol. 71, no 4. Autumn:393- 407, with Response to Comment, p. 410.

______and Usha Nair-Reichert. 2004. The Conceptualization and Implementation of Affirmative Action in the United States, India and Brazil, Pierre Sané ed. Struggle Against Discrimination: Studies on Human Rights. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO: 111-168.

______2000.Minority Business Trends. Smelser, N., Wilson, W.J. and Mitchell, F. eds. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequence. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Science Press, 2000: 190 -221.

______Usha Nair-Reichert. 2003. Affirmative Action: Perspectives from the United States, India and Brazil. The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 27, no 1 : 3-14.

______1999. Generating Jobs through African American Business Development. J. Whitehead and C. Harris, eds. Readings in Black Political Economy. Dubuque: Kendall-Hunt,: 305 -10.

______1996.Status of the African American Labor Force with Projections and Policies for the Year 2000, Vol 1. U. Oyemade and L. Morris, eds., One Third of a Nation. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press

______ __1996. Location Preferences of Successful African American-owned Businesses in Atlanta” Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 24. nos. 2-3: 337-357.

______1995. Characteristics of Black-owned Corporations in Atlanta: with comments on the SMOBE Undercount” Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 23 No. 4:85-100.

______andC. L. Ross. 1993. “The Struggle for Economic Empowerment” Colloquia: Cornell Journal of Planning and Urban Affairs, , Vol. 20 (1993):12-16.

______1992Meeting the Croson Standard: A Research Guide for Local Policy Makers. Washington, D.C.: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies., 58 pp.

_________1992.Sixteenth Century Expansion and the Economic Decline of Africa. Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 20 No. 4 :5-38.

______1991.Race, Class and Political Economy: Reflections on an Unfinished Agenda, A. Zegeye, L. Harris, and J. Maxted eds., Exploitation and Exclusion: Race and Class in Contemporary U.S. Society. New York: Hans Zell Publishers: 142-157.

______1991. “W.E.B. Du Bois and the Historical School of Economics” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 81 No. 2: 303-306

______1990.A Common Destiny: How Does it Compare to the Classic Studies of Black Life in America. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings.

______1990.Segmented Labor Markets: New Evidence from a Study of Four Race/Gender Groups. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 44 No. :99-115.

______1990. Standing up to Croson: A Summary of Some Key Findings in the Atlanta Study. Legislative Bulletin, No. 8, Fall, pp. 1-4, 6.

Ross, C., T. Boston and J. Cheek. 1990.Private Sector Provision of Transit Services: A Case Study. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 116 No. 1: 48-57

______1987. Black Business Development: Historical Problems, Contemporary Outlook” Benjamin E. Mays Monograph Series, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 21-33.

Boston, Thomas D. (1987) “Race and Conservatism in Economic Analysis” Journal of the Southwestern Society of Economists, Proceedings Vol. 144 No. 1, pp. 175-180.

______1985. Racial Inequality and Class Stratification: Contributions to a Critique of Black Conservatism,Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 17 No. 3:46-71.

__________1983. Capitalist Development and Afro-American Land Tenancy,” Science and Society, Vol. XLVI, No. 4 (Winter 1982/83):455-460.

______1982. On the Transition to Feudalism in Mozambique. Journal of African History, Vol. 8 No. 44. Winter 1981/82:182-187.

VIII. Congressional Testimony and Significant Government Service

President’s Council of Economic Advisors White House Meeting on African Americans, Jobs and the Economy “Growth is Not Enough” April 11, 2012.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Conference on “Small Business and Entrepreneurship during an Economic Recovery" November 9-10, Wash, DC

Testimony, US Senate Roundtable Discussion on Job Creation and Minority Business Development, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Roundtable Co-Chaired by the Hon. Senator Mary L Landrieu and Hon. Congressman Chaka Fattah, September 22, 2011.

Testimony, US Senate Roundtable Discussion on Minority Business Development, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Chaired by the Hon. Senator Mary L Landrieu, September 24, 2009.

Testimony, US House of Representatives House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity, Topic: The Future of Public Housing. “Research Findings on the Impact of Public Housing Revitalization”, Committee Chaired by Honorable Maxine Waters, July 28, 2009.

Testimony, US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, September 24, 2008: “How Information Policy Affects the Competitive Viability of Small and Disadvantaged Businesses in Federal Contracting”. Committee Chaired by the Honorable Wm. Lacy Clay

Testimony, US Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, September 11, 2008: “Business Start-up Hurdles in Underserved Communities: Access to Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship Training”. Committee chaired by the Honorable Senator John F. Kerry

IX. Commissioned Reports

T. Boston 2011. Capacity Building in the New Economy: Mandate for Minority-owned Businesses. Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, 58pp

______and Linje Boston 2007. Increasing the Capacity of the Nation’s Small Disadvantaged Businesses. Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and entered into the Congressional Record as part of testimony before US Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, September 11, 2008, 63 pp.

______2007. The Best Practices In Supplier and Employment Diversity and Lending Programs for Disadvantaged Businesses, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Advancing Equity and Racial Inclusion (Inter-American Development Bank) Meeting Held in Brasilia, Brazil 5 – 7 April 2005.

______2006 Market Area Assessment of the Capacity of Minority-Owned Firms Pp. 25. Greater Atlanta Economic Alliance.

______2005. Environment Matters: The Socio-economic Mobility of Public Housing Residents in Mixed-Income Communities.Ed inHousing Issues and the African American Community, Southern Center for Studies in Public Policy, Clark-Atlanta University, pp. 145 – 170.

______ and Usha Nair-Reichert (2000, report) The Influence of Initial Net Worth, 8(a) Sales and Other Firm Attributes on the Performance of Businesses in the Small Business Administration’s Section 8(a) Program, U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. 90 pp.

______1998. Twenty by Ten: The Future of Black-owned Businesses in Atlanta. Atlanta Renaissance Policy Task Force. 72 pp.

_________and , W. Schaffer. 2006. Grady Health System Economic Impact Study. Pp 20.

X. Book Reviews

Boston, Thomas D.1996.Journal of Economic Literature, A review of Thomas Sowell’s Race and Culture: A World View (New York: Harper Collins, 1994), pp. 163-165.

______1992Southern Economic Journal, A review of S. Green and P. Pryde’s Black Entrepreneurship in America. (1990), (New Brunswick: Transaction Pub.) Vol. 59 No. 2, pp. 323-324.

________1987.Journal of Regional Science, A review of Charles A. Lave’s, (1985) Urban Transit: The Private Challenge to Public Transportation (eds.), (Cambridge: Ballinger), Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 141-143.

________1985.Review of Black Political Economy, A review of Lloyd Hogan’s, (1984) Principles of Black Political Economy (Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul), Vol. 13 No. 4, pp. 93-98.

XI. Intellectual Property: Trademarks Granted

Gazelle Indexsm: US Patent and Trademark Registration Certificate No. 3,514,835.

Flashscholarsm, including logo: Awarded trademark by US Office of Patent and Trade: Service mark: Reg. No. 3,757,953

EuQuantsm and, plus corporate logo. Awarded Service mark by US Office of Patent and Trade

XII. PhD Dissertation Committees(since employed at GA Tech)

Mahir Partik, PhD Committee, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Tech, AY 2011- present

Mitch Moody, PhD Committee, Georgia Tech, City Planning Department, (2008) “Georgia’s Long-Term Unemployed Workers: Sectoral Transitions, Wage Effects and Potential Workforce Development System Responses.”

Sonia Gatchair, PhD Committee, Georgia Tech, School of Public Policy, (2007), The Impact of High Tech Industries on Economic Outcomes of African Americans.”

Loubna Bouamane,PhD Committee, University Denis Diderot: Paris Vii – Paris, History Dept. (2007), “The History of African American Business Development”

Karen Starks Canada, PhD Committee, Clark-Atlanta University, School of Social Work, , Graduated , (1997).

John Trimble, PhD Committee, Georgia Tech, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Graduated, (1992).

XIII. Masters Theses Supervised, Last 10 Years

Carrie Cooper, 2007. “On the Explanation of the Wealthy Slave Class in Classical Athens”,

Shen Tao, 2007. “A Theoretical and Tentative Analytical Approach to the Quality Life Index”,

Zhong Zhuang, 2007 “Factors Influencing the Labor Force Participation of Low-Income Adults on Public Housing Assistance”

DeonaDeClue, 2007. “A Comprehensive Study of the Factors Affecting Poverty and Inequality in Brazil”

  1. Recent Undergraduate Honors Theses Supervised

Andrew Kim, spring 08

Deona DeClue, spring 06

Therese Fernalld, spring 05.

Radhika Nataraj, spring 05.

Pinckney Stephens, spring 2004.

Kathryn Hill, summer 2004.

Niraj Patel, summer 2004.

Amitanh Chopra, spring 2004.

XV. Notable Professional Service

Monthly contributor to CNN, provide analysis of DOL Monthly Jobs Report, 2008 –present

Provide oversight and technical training on Millennium Development Goals to Members and staff of the Free State Provisional Legislature, South Africa, July, 2011-present

Provide oversight and technical training on Millennium Development Goals to members of the Nigerian National Assembly House Committee on MDGs, January 2010– present

Former Vice President, West Virginia State University Board of Governors, 2005 – 2011.

Member, Black Enterprise Board of Economists, 1994 -

Former Member,Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta “Small/Midsize Entrepreneurial Business Advisory Council, 2009-2011

Participant, National Public Radio Talk of the Nation series: “Conversations with Leading Economic Thinkers”, March 11, 2009

City of Atlanta’s Mayor’s Council of Economic Advisors, City of Atlanta, served during the mayoral terms of the late Honorable Maynard H. Jackson, Honorable Bill Campbell, and Honorable Shirley Franklin

Inducted: National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame, September 21, 2000

Inducted: West Virginia State University ROTC Hall of Fame, October 1993

XVI. Visiting Lecturer

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Benjamin E. Mays Academy, Indiana, PA, July 1984

Stanford University, Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Economics, AY1983-1984Position supported by a Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Minorities

Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics, Visiting Lecturer, Shanghai, China, September 1983

XVII. Continuing Education

SPSS Intermediate Workshop, Atlanta, Feb 16 -17, 2005

Local Demographic Analysis Workshop (LDAW), Atlanta March 4-5, 2004

Introduction to ArcGIS I, Atlanta, October, 2004

XVIII. Op Editorials in the Atlanta Journal Constitution

Boston, T. D. “Invest in Citizens to Reduce Crime”, October 30, 2009

______“Why Not Target some of the Stimulus to Small Businesses: The Sector that is Creating Jobs?” January 18, 2009

______“Fiscal Stimulus will Energize Economy, Restore Confidence”, Op-Ed, Atlanta Journal Constitution, October 24, 2008

______“Economy: So what will Change in Washington mean for Corporate America?” AJC Conversation Atlanta Journal Constitution, November 9, 2008. B3

______“Let’s Get Black to Business: Surge in Minority-owned Companies should Spill into Atlanta”, Op-Ed, Atlanta Journal Constitution August 8, 2005. A11

______“No Hartsfield without Jackson” Op-Ed, Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 7, 2003

______“Adding Wealth to the Cause” February 6, 2000. Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, F1

______“Unleashing Black Wealth” January 18, 1998, Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, Perspective Section

______“Set Aside the Myths” July 7, 1994, Atlanta Journal/Constitution,Op. Ed. Page.

______“Is U.S. Ready to Bite the Bullet on Deficit,” February 21, 1993, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Op. Ed. Page

______“A Testament to the American Dream,” December 17, 1992, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Op. Ed. Page

______“Understanding the Flat Tax: Jerry Brown is Wrong,” March 25, 1992, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Op. Ed. Page

______“The Black-Owned Business Boom: Can Atlanta Sustain the Growth?” September 25, 1990. Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Op. Ed. Page

XIX. Editorials and Contributions in Other Popular Media

______”Economic Outlook for 2011”, Atlanta Tribune, January/February 2011

______“The Economic Value of Supplier Diversity” Atlanta Business League 75th Anniversary Edition, fall 2008

______“Beyond Race and Poverty” Global Atlanta Works Atlanta Regional Commission electronic Newsletter, October 2007

______“Confidence is Key,” Black Enterprise, January, 2003.

______"Riding the Internet Wave” Black Enterprise, July, 1999.

______“Should Social Security be privatized?” Black Enterprise, February, 1999.

______“Keeping an Eye on the Fed,” Black Enterprise, September, 1997.

______“Black Businesses Can Make A Difference” Black Enterprise, March/April 1996.

______“Dueling Economic Agendas: Clinton and Dole Face off over Divergent Economic Platforms” Black Enterprise, November 1996, p.22.

______“Last Word on the Flat Tax: Why Most African Americans Would Lose Big if the Tax Became a Reality” Black EnterpriseMay 1996, p.28.

______“Ready, Aim, Fire: Critics continue to Blast Away at Federal Set-aside Programs” Black Enterprise,March 1996, p.24.

  1. Lectures, Presentations and Keynote Addresses

Recent Invited Lectures and Presentations