1. / Name of the candidate and address
( in block letters) / JETTINI T MATHEW
2. / Name of the Institution / CANARA COLLEGE OF NURSING KUNDAPUR
3. / Course of study and subject / M. Sc. NURSING
4. / Date of admission to the course / 15/07/2013
5. /
Title of the study
6.1 Introduction
An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association/acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring or In the easy way could say that “Interpersonal relationship is the nature of interaction that occurs between two or more people.” The association may based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. Interpersonal relationships are formed in the context of social, cultural, and other influences. Interpersonal relationships are important because it is the heart and soul of human experience necessary for procreation and survival of the society .At work place, interpersonal relationship enables workers share ideas, brainstorm and come up with decisions that one brain could not come up with. It also cultivates the culture of an organization through motivation and appreciation of workers.1
Interpersonal relationship is inherent in interactions among individuals and it may be personal and professional. As health care professionals, nurses take on certain responsibilities and give up certain opportunities. All the nurses in this era are expected to have the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgment to provide safe, competent and ethical care.1
In health care profession interpersonal relationship refer to reciprocal social and emotional interactions between the patient and other persons in the environment. The nurse-client relationship is professional and therapeutics. It ensures the client’s needs are the first and foremost. It exists to meet the needs of the client, not the needs of the nurse. It always the nurse who is responsible for establishing and maintaining boundaries with clients, regardless of how the patient behaves. There are some components to the nurse-client relationship: trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy and power. Regardless of the context, length of interaction and whether a nurse is the primary or secondary care provider , these components are always should present.2
The importance of interpersonal relationship says that without a proper relationship between patient and their nurse, the cares which are giving to the client by the nurse will not be effective and we will not get particular result in doing that The professional relationship between nurses and their client is based on a recognition that clients are in the best position to make decisions about their own lives when they are active and informed participants in the decision-making process. These relationships must neither have a negative effect on meeting a client’s therapeutic needs nor in any way interfere with a client’s right to receive safe, competent and ethical care.2
Meanwhile communication is also have a great important in human life as well as all the profession Communication is the basic element of human interaction that allows people to establish, maintain, and improve contact with others .It involves the conveyance of both verbal and nonverbal messages and is required in all situations in life when people interact. From the very early times when Homo Sapiens began to evolve and cohabit in an environment that was both hostile and primitive, one of the first skills it was imperative to learn was the communication of ideas. So that communication between each other would be more easily understood by early Homo Sapiens, different modes of communication were developed. Methods of communication for language in the written and spoken form have continued to evolve over the millennia to the extent that, in our present world, we are using highly technological methods such as the internet and other electronic formats. When we can talk about our feelings they became less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.3
Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures. Communication is “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes”. Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver doesn't have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. The communication process is complete once the receiver understands the sender's message4
In a healthy work environment (HWE) professionals use skilled communication style to achieve positive outcomes. In the HWE literature, the major communication emphasis to date has focused on the responsibility to become a skilled communicator .Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming is used to conceptualize a five model for becoming a skilled communicator. These five factors include awareness of self-deception, along with reflection, authenticity, mindfulness, and candor.5
The world wide communication represents an essential and very important role in human need as well as a basic human right. Without having possibility to communicate and talk to other people, no individual, community, group, or any other institution would not be able to exist or prosper. Strictly speaking the ability to communicate or the general right to communication make it possible to exchange opinions, thoughts, and meanings. So it enables people to express themselves and show their own points of view. Consequently communication makes people who and what they are and particularly strengthens human dignity6
Communication has a key role in nursing. It is an important aspect of patient care to ensure patient safety, answering questions and wearing a reassuring smile can go long way in improving patient satisfaction. Well practiced communication techniques alone are ineffectual if the central notion of interpersonal connection goes unacknowledged. The primary factor, in the nursing context, is the relationship between nurse and patient, co-worker or caretaker. We are unlikely to communicate without some form of relationship, whether through an information leaflet or poster where there is an intention to relate to persons who may or may not be known, or by physically being close to a person in a bed or chair, who is in need of support to prevent suffering, or through a life saving intervention or information to prevent further deterioration of a health- related problem3
Need for the study
‘No one can live without speaking and expressing their feelings’. This was a suggestion made to me as I selected regarding interpersonal relationship and communication skills between patient and health care team. At face value, this statement would appear entirely valid; nursing is after all the ultimate caring profession and at the mean while it also has more values of interpersonal relationship and communication as well.
Interpersonal relationship is a relationship or a bond that is formed between two or more person that is trustworthy and mutually benefit each other. The development of interpersonal relationships is the keystone in building what you want to achieve in life. How you interact with others, your body language the tone of your voice and the expressions on your face are just as important as what you say, if not more important. Interpersonal relationships involve more than just the verbal communication between people. Your ability to make a person feel comfortable in your presence, no matter their station in life, is a measure of your effectiveness in the development of interpersonal relationships. The importance of interpersonal relationships cannot be denied. Making connections with other people starts with your ability to listen to them, your ability to validate them and your ability to let them know that what they say is important to you7,8
The importance of interpersonal relationships have a great role in health care profession especially in nursing ,because a good interpersonal relationship between nurses and their patients is determined by the successful communication between them, be it verbal, nonverbal or otherwise. A patient feels the nurse should know more about their sickness so if they are not asked about how they feel, they will not volunteer information. This withholding of information hampers quick recovery due to lack of bonding between them. The patient then develops uneasiness and anxiety whenever the nurse is around them. In these situations, the nurse will not be able to help a patient unless the patient expresses their fears, anxiety, problems, feelings and pain if any.8
The worldwide values of interpersonal relationships are increasing day by day. People started to understand the importance of it especially in work place. As EEO trust Survey (Charted Accountants Journal, 2004) found, 81% of respondents think that they are more productive at work if they have good inter personal relationship because they feel better. In other words, work places benefit if workers have good inter relationships.9
It’s very necessary to improve the interpersonal relationship in nursing care. Therapeutic nurse-client relationship is established and maintained by the nurse through the use of professional nursing knowledge, skills and caring attitudes and behaviours in order to provide nursing service that contributes to the client’s health and wellbeing. So, its very important to proof that an effective communication and a good interpersonal relationship in nursing will give more result and professional satisfaction than whereas nurse have less communication and interpersonal relationship with their clients. Because it is widely accepted that building and maintaining a good patient relationship is an essential aspect of the treatment and healing process and that effective communication skills and interpersonal relationships are key to achieving this. It also goes without saying that patients spend more time communicating with nurses than with any other healthcare professional. Emphasis placed on the therapeutic nature of medicine means that, possibly more than any other learner, non-native speaker nurses have a very real need to communicate effectively from day one.10
‘Communication is the ability to convey information to another effectively and efficiently’. It may be oral communication or may be written communication; anyhow the main aim of communication is that to listener should understand what we mean to say easily. There are different types of methods are available for communication technology wise it has a great improvement and benefits. The worldwide it’s essential and nobody cannot live in this world without communication with each other.
The statistics, on communication skills show there were 526 million daily active users on average in March 2012.Further,the 2010 media industry fact sheet reported that two-third of the population over the age of 13 are connected by cell phones. Social networking has become common in today’s society, especially among adolescents and young adults, and continues to grow in popularity. According to statistics gathered by ComScore networks, 713 million people ages 15 or older, which were 14% of the global population, used the internet in June 2006, with 153 million being in the United States. Increased utilization of computers and cell phones to communicate, tasks that have historically required interpersonal skills and face-to-face interactions, may be altering the means in which young people attain and practice skills that are necessary to function in their daily lives. Recent studies have shown that communication technology is increasing exponentially with each generation and is becoming a mainstay within our society.11
Communication have very ultimate role in nursing. Communication is an effective method for building and maintaining interpersonal relationship. A good interpersonal relationship between nurses and their patients is determined by the successful communication between them, be it verbal, nonverbal or otherwise. A patient feels the nurse should know more about their sickness so if they are not asked about how they feel, they will not volunteer .Effective communication between nurse and client will give more safe and secure feeling for the client and more over its helps to cure the client condition8
A caring hands and words will cure easily than a medicine. The positive results of effective communication are well documented and are essential in achieving, amongst others, increased recovery rates, a sense of safety and protection, improved levels of patient satisfaction and greater adherence to treatment options. Aside from these, successful communication through a patient-centred approach also serves to reassure relatives that their loved ones are receiving the necessary treatment. Within the nursing field, such skills are considered indicative of best practice.12
An integrative literature search was executed at Kathleen wuste in 2009 to describe the use and definitions of the concepts of nurse-patient relationship and nurse-patient communication in nursing literature. The total number of relevant citations found was 97. The search results were reviewed, and key points were extracted in a standardized form. The total number of relevant citations found was 97. Extracts were then qualitatively summarized according to relevant aspects and categories for the review. The result main intention of communication and interaction in the health setting is to influence the patient’s health status or state of well-being. The included citations all conclude that communication skills can be learned to a certain degree. Involvement of patients and their role in communication often is neglected by authors. Considering the mutual nature of communication, patients’ share in conversation should be taken more into consideration than it has been until now.13
A quasi-experimental study was carried out in Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Canada and a patient-centered communication intervention targeting registered and unregulated nursing staff caring for complex continuing care patients with communication impairments post stroke. Baseline data are collected from staff and patients. Follow-up occur at 1 and 3 months post-intervention. Subject recruitment and data collection from 60 patients and 30 staff takes approximately 36 months. The Patient-Centered Communication Intervention provides staff with strategies to facilitate interactions with patients and to minimize agitation associated with considerable stress. The improvement of these interactions will lead to a reduction of agitation, which has the additional significance of increasing patients' well-being, quality of life, and satisfaction with care.14