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Bill Otte

Vice President

Jim Nessling


Michele Gallardo


Ron Boscaccy


Mary Nessling


Isabell Otte


Mary Nessling


Toni Glowinski

Diane Sampson


Don Kaminski


Toni Glowinski


Our board meetings are held at Grant Park on the 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 6:30 pm.

If you are interested in observing a meeting, please confirm date and time by calling -

Bill Otte @ 708-562-8323.


FootballPlacement of your child will be the decision of the L.T.B.F. Board, based on age, weight, and ability.

CheerPlacement of your child will be the decision of the Cheer Coordinators, based on age, weight, and ability.


Both football & cheerleading teams start practice in JULY. 10 hours per week before the new school year starts & 6 hours per week during school at Grant Park in Northlake.

NOTE: Cheer - Dates & locations subject to change.

Family vacations should be scheduled around the Leyden Bear season which runs from July(end)

Thru December.

If you have any questions regarding football, please contact:Bill Otte @ 708-562-8323.

If you have any questions regarding cheerleading, please contact:Isabell Otte @ 708-562-8323.


* Team Moms to assist coaches

* Assistant coaches

* Concession Stand

* Homecoming weekend

* The field on game day (setting up, chains, taking down)

For more information you may visit our website .



  1. Will not criticize the Organization, Board Members, coaches, referees, players at any time,but reserve constructive criticism for later with a Board Member present, with those it involves.
  1. Will accept ruling of the game officials. All Official's decisions are final.
  1. Will not criticize an opposing team, its players, coaches, or fans by word of mouth or gestures.
  1. Emphasize with your child, that good athletes strive to be good students and that both are

Physically and mentally alert.

  1. Strive to make every football / cheerleading activity serve as a training source for life, anda basis for good mental & physical health by being there to support your child.
  1. Emphasize that winning a game or competition is the result of good "TEAMWORK".
  1. Will refrain from talking to your child during games & practices.
  1. Refrain from using abusive and profane language to anyone.
  1. Abstain from drinking of any alcoholic beverages at both game & practice fields.
  1. Will support all fund raising and other Organization activities.
  1. Will be responsible for completing and turning in all required paperwork during the season on time.
  1. Will be required to help out where needed during organization functions.
  1. Will be responsible for dropping off / and picking up your child, on time, to all organization functions.
  1. Will be responsible for your child's equipment & uniforms. Will purchase / replace anything that is lost or damaged due to misuse, or not returned at the end of the season, by required date given bycoach.
  1. Will uphold all Rules, Regulations, Code of Conduct & Board Member decisions.
  1. CHEER - Practices are mandatory 2 weeks prior to cheer competitions at discretion of head coach.
  1. Will NOT be allowed to sell any items on the sidelines (apparel, food, photos) without permission fromthe President of Leyden Bears.
  1. Only Rostered players, coaches, team mom for that team playing at that time is allowed on the sideline!

Any violations of the Code of Conduct could result in termination of organization participation.



(Football players & Cheerleaders)

  1. Players are expected to always try to do their best at every practice and in each game. Always striving to improve their skills.
  1. Players will always listen to instructions from the coaches and will conduct themselvesproperly in behavior and language among themselves and towards other teams & coaches.
  1. Players must wear the official Leyden Bears uniform for all games; FB - Helmet, jersey, athletic supporter, game pants, rubber spikes & all pads. Game jerseys & game pants are to be worn forgames only. Cheer - Hair bow, socks, shoes, briefs, vest & skirt of uniform, bodysuit. No make-up allowed no long or fake fingernails, no bright nail polish, clear if any.
  1. ABSOLUTELY NO jewelry of any kind is permitted on players - football & cheerleading. MUST be removed prior to game or competition for the day, i.e.: coaches are not

Responsible for any lost items.

  1. Players will arrive for practice 15 minutes before starting time. Two missedpractices in the same week, excused or unexcused will result in non-participation of thatweek’s game / halftime routine (cheer). 2 missed games, call to parents & put on probation. 3 missed games players will be expelled.
  1. If a player does not dress for practice due to injury, and goes to doctor for such injury, he/she will need a doctor's release note to be able to start practice again.
  1. If injured, and cannot dress for practice, he/she is still expected to attend practice & games.If he/she fails to do so, the possible removal from the team could result.
  1. Players will arrive 60 minutes before game time for warm-ups. Failure to do so could resultin non-participation of that particular game and/or halftime routine, or otherwise specifiedby coach.
  1. Helmets are used for protection only, they are not to be thrown or sat on.
  1. All players will be responsible for their equipment at all times, and will return at the endof the season.
  1. Please refrain from profanity at any time.
  1. Good sportsmanship is a must. Failure to do so could result in automatic team non-participation.
  1. All players must display good sportsmanship. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.i.e.: talking back to coaches or other adults, harassing other team members, fighting, etc., that could result in possible dismissal.
  1. During the game all football players will remain in the bench area, unless playing onthe field.
  1. Cheerleading is mandatory at ALL football games. Missing games will cause dismissal from the squad. Cheerleaders will cheer in rain, sleet, and snow. (If the football team plays, cheerleaders will cheer).


I acknowledge receiving, reading, & understanding the L.T.B.F. Code of Conduct,

Rules & Regulations Packet provided to me at time of participant registration.

No Refunds after 10 days, no exceptions.

The Leyden Bears Organization needs volunteers on game days.

To be refundedthe $25 volunteer fee you must work 2 games (3hours) per child in the concession stand, chains are no longer a reimbursed volunteer position.

Parent's Signature Parent's Printed Name

Child's Name (print)Date