WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3000



DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, October 03, 2017

Change 9


VOLUME 2, Supply Standards and Procedures


I. This change to DLM 4000.25, Defense Logistics Management Standards, Volume 2,
June 2012, is published by direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Supply Chain Integration under the authority of DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy,” December 14, 2011. Unless otherwise noted, revised text in the manual is identified by bold, italicized print. Exceptions are when an entire chapter or appendix is replaced, a new one added, or an administrative update is made. Administrative updates in Change 9 include the following: "DLA Logistics Management Standards" is changed to "Defense Logistics Management Standards" to reflect the most recent name change for the DLMS Program Office. Abbreviations such as etc., e.g., and i.e. are incorporated inside the parentheses. Occurrences of “shall” are changed to “will” per the current style guide for DoD issuances. “Defense Logistics Management System” is updated to “Defense Logistics Management Standards”. “DoDM 4140.1-R” is updated to “DoDM 4140.01”. References to “(DLA) Transaction Services” are changed to “Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)” and “DLA Logistics Information Services” to “Logistics Information Services”; and minor typographical and similar editing errors in previous versions, including changes previously approved in ADC 229, ADC 1123 that had been inadvertently omitted, have been corrected.

II. This change includes Approved Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Change (ADC) published by Defense Logistics Management Standards Office memorandum:

A. ADC 1161A dated February 23, 2017. Replaces ADC 1161 in its entirety and removes an incorrect business rule in position 10 of the PIID, updates the list of references to reflect approved (rather than draft) documents, and updates the implementation date to no later than March 31, 2017. There are no additional changes to the procedures or DLMS transactions identified in ADC 1161, which updated DLMS procedures to accommodate the PIID numbering system. This is a mandated change required by recent changes to the FAR and DFARs and all Components must comply with the PIID numbering requirements of DFARS subpart 204.16 for all new solicitations, contracts, delivery calls/orders, and agreements issued, and any amendments and modifications to those new actions. Additionally, this change provides guidance for legacy procurement instrument identification number (PIIN)/legacy call/order number during the initial transition. Revises Chapter 4, Chapter 17, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, and Chapter 26. Revises the DLMS Data Dictionary.

B. ADC 1174 dated January 11, 2017. Identifies multiple updates to DLMS SDR processing and procedures. These changes improve existing processing, and improve the visibility and accuracy of SDRs. Selected changes with minimal impact are already implemented and are identified to document the procedures within a DLMS change and provide wider visibility. Revises Chapter 17, and Appendix 7.28. Revises DLMS ICs 842A/W and 842A/R.

C. ADC 1176 dated March 29, 2017. Revises and clarifies procedures to support requisitioning under a Depot Maintenance Inter-Service Agreement (DMISA) or comparable agreement. Updates DAAS to pass (rather than route) all requisitions containing Project Codes 3AB and 3BB to the activity identified by the RIC-To. Revises MILSTRIP procedures to provide guidance specific to using these three project codes inclusive of the intended recipient or requisitions of parts needed to complete a maintenance action. Revises MILSTRIP requisition data content rules to allow use of the supply condition code by the repair agent when requisitioning for induction to maintenance. Revises Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 23. Revises DLMS ICs 832N, 511R, 511M, and 869F.

D. ADC 1179 dated April 16, 2017. Revises receipt and disposal procedures to authorize automatic disposal at DLA Distribution Centers during receipt of returned materiel previously managed under now obsolete DLA RIC (S9_). Revises Chapter 13, Chapter 17, and Appendix AP7.28.

E. ADC 1181A dated February 14, 2017. Requires all DoD Components to assign a cause code identifying contractor/vendor noncompliance (when applicable as the reason for the discrepancy) on the final SDR reply by the item manager (action activity). The cause code will trigger transmission of SDR data from WebSDR via a new interface for use in evaluating vendors’ performance in PPIRS-SR. WebSDR will determine if the SDR record removed, updated, or added the contractor noncompliance Cause Codes CN, CS, or CP and will send the updated record to PPIRS-SR. Revises Chapter 17, Appendix 7.28, and adds Appendix 8.56.

F. ADC 1203 dated January 30, 2017. Documents procedures for processing DLMS SDRs submitted for reimbursement of repackaging costs. These procedures are primarily applicable to (a) FMS shipments frustrated at the freight forwarder facility due to packaging and documentation discrepancies and (b) retail/tactical activity discrepant receipts where repackaging is required prior to storage or distribution. Revises Chapter 17, and Appendix 7.28, Revises DLMS ICs 842A/W and 842A/R.

G. ADC 1205 dated August 26, 2016. Revises the Physical Inventory Control procedures for single item-inventory record data sharing to support the DODM 4140.01 change requiring that inventory control points and storage activities “collaborate and ensure that the inventory data in their respective systems is the same, thus becoming, in effect, a single item inventory record.” Revises Chapter 6.

H. ADC 1214, dated May 30, 2017. Establishes the DLMS 824W DTID and HWPS Validation transaction, which will replace the GenComm Standard Version 5.0 Log File that the DLA Distribution Standard System (DSS) sends back to the hazardous waste generator. The DLMS 824W will identify the waste profile sheet (WPS) and DTID numbers that processed along with the reject advice code for data content that is rejected. Revises Chapter 16. Establishes new DLMS IC 824W.

I. ADC 1216 dated February 6, 2017. Revises the instructions for retaining accountable documentation under the physical inventory control procedures to clarify that the existing responsibilities apply to both the materiel owners and storage activities, as applicable. Provides clarification regarding retention of research documentation applicable to accounting error inventory adjustments associated with the location reconciliation process. Revises Chapter 6, Physical Inventory Control.

J. ADC 1222 dated September 28, 2016. Revises the current procedures under inventory prioritization to remove the requirement for the CFO Annual Statistical Sample Inventory Plan to be posted on the Joint Physical Inventory Working Group webpage. Updates procedures under inventory prioritization, to document that DLA distributes the DoD CFO Annual Statistical Sample Inventory Plan once a year to each applicable centralized Service point of contact. Documents DLA’s responsibility to distribute the DoD CFO Annual Statistical Sample Inventory Plan results to all Services. Revises Chapter 6.

K. ADC 1224 dated March 1, 2017. Revises multiple DLMS transactions that impact the Air Force owned inventory in possession of the CICP to clarify identification of the CICP as the custodial activity for GFP accountability reporting and the Air Force program manager as the owner of the property. Enhances the visibility of GFP through logistics transactions to maintain required accountability. Revises DLMS ICs 527R, 846P, 846R, 867I, 945A, and 947I.

L. ADC 1225 dated March 7, 2017. Adds a data element for the MAC to the DLMS 527R Receipt, and authorizes the DLMS enhancement for Acceptance Date and LAC for use with the Air Force Accountable Property System of Record. Provides revisions needed to clarify that the Air Force CICP sends the receipt transactions to the Air Force program manager for GFP accountability. Revises DLMS IC 527R.

M. ADC 1227 dated June 2, 2017. Updates the DLMS 832N Catalog Data Support transaction to include a new information exchange requirement along with the supporting data elements. Revises Chapter 23. Revises DLMS IC 832N.

N. ADC 1228 dated June 9, 2017. Revises procedures and transaction content associated with inventory reconciliation supporting the Intra-Air Force Government Furnished Property-Accountability (GFP-A) Capability Initiative. Revises Chapter 6. Revises DLMS ICs 846P, 846R, 945A, and 940R.

O. ADC 1232 dated June 5, 2017. Revises DLMS 846D Logistics Reassignment Transfer and Decapitalization and DLMS 846S Logistics Reassignment Storage Information transactions to allow the Air Force Contractor Inventory Control Points (CICP) to send an image transaction to the Air Force APSR, identify the CICP, identify the authorizing procurement instrument identifier (PIID), and authorize use of the transaction set preparation date and time. Revises DLMS ICs 846D and 846S.

P. ADC 1234 dated March 1, 2017. Updates the DLMS 832N Catalog Data Support transaction to support DLA Disposition Services Scrap and Salvage Recycling contracts, which will replace the existing Scrap Venture contract; it adds the disposition sub-category code, and the contract start, effective, expiration, and extension dates to the existing data elements in the DLMS 832N. Establishes a new Disposition Sub-Category Code SR - Scrap and Salvage Recycling that will be used in the DLMS 832N and DLMS 511R Requisition transactions. Revises Chapter 16. Revises DLMS ICs 511R, 832N, and 846C.

Q. ADC 1238 dated March 1, 2017. Updates the DLMS 527R Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA) and Disposition Services Turn-in Receipt Acknowledgement (TRA) to allow Air Force CICPs to transmit images of MRA and TRA transactions to update intransit balances on the Air Force APSR (Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)). Revises DLMS IC 527R.

R. ADC 1253 dated February 2, 2017. Eliminates the DoD Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Program for The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Equipment Data Base TEDB and eliminates the associated Federal Logistics Information System UIT Designator Code. Revises Chapter 19.

S. ADC 1254 dated March 22, 2107. This administrative change modifies DLMS XML schema files that use X12 Data Element (DE) 355, Unit or Basis for Measurement Code. The inclusion of unit of measure (UoM) code values under Data Element 355 will be turned off in all applicable XML schema files. This change lifts the UoM code restrictions in XML schemas that currently have this restriction in place. Revises the DLMS ICs 511M, 511R, 527D, 536L, 650A, 832N, 841W, 842C/R, 842P, 842S/Q, 846C, 846F, 846I, 846P, 846S, 856N, and 945A (4010 & 4030).

T. ADC 1260 dated June 27, 2017. Adds new Discrepancy Codes to DLMS Volume 2, Appendix 7.28 and Appendix 7.29. Revises Appendix 7.28 and Appendix 7.29..

Added or Replaced Files / Added or Replaced Files /
Change History Page / Chapter 18 /
Table of Contents / Chapter 19 /
Chapter 4 / Chapter 20 /
Chapter 5 / Chapter 21 /
Chapter 6 / Chapter 23 /
Chapter 7 / Chapter 26 /
Chapter 11 / Appendix 7.28 /
Chapter 13 / Appendix 7.29 /
Chapter 16 / Appendix 8 /
Chapter 17 / Appendix 8.56 /

IV. This change is incorporated into the on-line DLMS manual at the Defense Logistics Managements Standards Website Publications Page and the PDF file containing the entire set of change files is available on the Formal Changes Page.