MARCH 30, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schneider with Turner, McCormick and Kipp present. Kelly Lowery, Attorney, joined the meeting.
Turner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of discussing trash in the borrow ditch, Justin Price and Jack Devie will come at a later date to discuss road sign and Larry Neugebauer will arrive in their time slot to discuss a new hire. There will be an executive session with Matt Hansen to discuss personnel. The board will meet with Wanda Trennepohl, the Treasurer for her Department Head meeting today after the commissioner meeting and there will be a work session following Trennepohl. McCormick second, carried.
The March 30, 2017 payables were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the March 30, 2017 payables and payroll. Turner second, carried.
The minutes of the March 21, 2017 meeting were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the minutes as presented with changes made. Turner second, carried.
McCormick moved to approve Resolution #2017-010 for Points West Community Bank in the amount of $100,000 at .60% interest. Turner second, carried.
Turner moved to approve Resolution #2017-011 for Points West Community Bank in the amount of $250,000 at .50% interest. McCormick second, carried.
McCormick moved to approve Resolution #2017-012 for Points West Community Bank in the amount of $250,000 at .50% interest. Turner second, carried.
McCormick moved to approve the Liquor License for Hippodrome Arts Centre for the use of the Hippodrome Theatre for events to be held on May 4, 2017, June 14, 2017, July 13, 2017, Aug 12, 2017, Aug 17, 2017, Oct 12, 2017, Nov 8, 2017 and Dec 6, 2017. Turner second, carried.
Turner moved to approve the NJC COSI Support Letter. McCormick seconded, carried.
Discussion was held on the trash in the borrow ditching. They will table this until the next meeting in unfinished business.
Discussion was held on the Gutter & Drainage between the Museum and the work center. McCormick will get two bids
McCormick wrote a $6000.00 grant to Stretesky for helping with the Fairground Electrical Bid. They have received one bid so far.
Sheriff Neugebauer joined the meeting to discuss the new hire. Shannon Norris can start on April 17th at a starting pay of $36,000.00. McCormick moved to approve the hiring of Norris. Turner seconded, carried. There was some discussion on allowing Neugebauer to buy a storage container to store evidence. McCormick moved to approve. Turner second, carried. Neugebauer left the meeting.
Matt Hansen joined the meeting at 9:15. Discussion was held about chip sealing in June. Discussion was held on whether or not to repair a 2000 F150 that needs a new motor. Need to get grants submitted for the wells at the landfill. Hansen needs to get that started.
Schneider moved to go into executive session on March 30, 2017 at 9:45 a.m. for a conference with the County Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b). We will discussing the Matt Hansen’s raise. And an employee issue. Turner second, carried. The time is now 10:00 a.m. and the executive session has been concluded. The participants in the executive session were: Donald Schneider, Mark Turner, Howard McCormick, Kelly Lowery and Matt Hansen. For the record, if any person who participated in the executive session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the executive session occurred during the executive session, or that any improper action occurred during the executive session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record. Seeing none, we will continue with the next agenda item. McCormick moved to come out of executive session. Schneider second, carried.
Came out of executive session at 10:20. Kipp rejoined the meeting.
Turner moved to give Matt Hansen a $250.00 a month raise starting April payroll. McCormick seconded, carried.
McCormick moved to make Matt Hansen the foreman for Sedgwick County Road and Bridge. Turner second, carried.
Hansen left the meeting.
Juby Cumming joined the meeting to discuss UPS. Cumming left the meeting.
Becky Kizer joined the meeting to discuss Eastern Colorado Services. She is now the manager with Eastern Colorado Services. Howard McCormick will sit on that board. There is a concern with the gutter and drainage between her building and the museum. The commissioners will look into fixing this issue with both buildings. Al Mar will become a facility for higher functioning clients. Some of the clients are willing to do odd jobs to earn a little money. There will always be a staff member with them. Kizer left the meeting.
Turner moved to adjourn the meeting. McCormick second, carried. Meeting was adjourned.
______Donald Schneider, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board By Jane Kipp, Chief Deputy Clerk