Teacher : Melanie Lisk Subject: Civics Dates: 10/27/14 – 10/31/14

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
GPS / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments
Lesson / Opening – Collect Essential Questions
1. Students will use the App Educreations.
2. They will make seven slides on Educreations telling what the Preamble is and what each goal means
1. Students will complete a guided notes handout.
2. The handout recaps what we have covered so far this unit. / Opening – Collect guided readings (reg) Continue working on Educreations (Hon)
1. They will continue to work on Educreations Assignments
2. Students will start notes over the Seven Articles in the Constitution
1. Students will take notes of the Seven Articles in the Constitution / Opening – Recap
1. Complete Notes over the Seven Articles
2. Constitution Woman? (maybe….not sure)
3. If not Constitution Woman, students will complete a crossword over the Seven Articles
4. NearPod Poll - Articles
Close / Discussion / Announce Quiz / Quiz reminder
Thursday / Friday / Additional Notes
GPS / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / Unit 2 will be broken down into two parts
1. Constitutional Convention, Structure, and Basic Principles
2. Amendments
Lesson / Opening- Review Seven Articles Quiz
1. Socrative Quiz – Seven Articles
2. Discovery “Shhhhhh….We’re writing the Constitution” / Opening- SmartBoard
1. Unit 2 Part 1 Study Guide
2. Students will complete their study guide using their own notes
Close / Test Discussion / Review Game discussion

Teacher: Melanie Lisk Subject: Civics Dates: 10/22/12 – 11/2/12

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
GPS / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments
Lesson / Opening – Pass back Unit 2 Part 1 Test – Discuss Retake options
1. Discussion on “why” amendments are made
2. Create Amendment Bracelets using index cards
3. Start The Bill of Rights / Opening – Pass back Unit 2 Part 1 Test – Discuss Retake options
1. Discussion on “why” amendments are made
2. Create Amendment Bracelets using index cards
3. Start The Bill of Rights / Opening – Amendment Picture Practice
1. Review Bill of Rights
2. Amendments 11-27 students will create an index card ring for each amendment
3. Discuss Amendment Illustrations
Close / Recap / Recap / If time permits students will begin illustrations
Thursday / Friday / Additional Notes
GPS / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / SSCG3 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Ratification
B. Purpose stated in Preamble
C. Principles
SSCG5 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of gov’t described in the U.S. Constitution
A. Bill of Rights and other selected amendments / Modifications will be made for Honors classes
Lesson / Opening – Pass back part 1 test
1. Review Bill of Rights
2. Amendments 11-27 students will create an index card ring for each amendment
3. Discuss Amendment Illustrations / Opening – Review Amendments
1. Recap directions for Amendment Illustrations
2. Then students will create an illustration using 11x14 paper that depicts the meaning of their amendment
3. Students will have very specific instructions on each part
Close / If time permits students will begin illustration / Discussion