Class: P3/4Term PlanTerm: 2 2016-2017
Literacy:- Read fiction and non-fiction books and be able to discuss them.
- Choose a book from the library and read to self.
- Show an understanding of what has been read by completing activities relating to the book.
- Continue to improve spelling ability and strategies for tackling unfamiliar words.
- Continue to develop our VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) when writing sentences.
- Continue to develop handwriting by forming cursive letters.
- Listen carefully toseveral instructions and be able to follow them.
*These vary slightly depending on level, but most of us will:
Increase our speed and accuracy in mental maths.
Multiply and Divide by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.
Find the missing number in a number statement.
Mentally add three digits; subtract single digits.
Identify coins, add amounts and find the correct change up to £1.
Follow co-ordinates to find a specific location on a map/grid.
Use directional language to give and follow basic commands.
Estimate the answer, calculate and check solution by comparing.
Explore fractions by using practical activities (apply division).
Estimate and measure using weight and length.
Health & Wellbeing:
Learn basic gymnastics moves and how to perform them safely.
Combine simple skills to develop an effective performance in Gymnastics.
Revise and develop simple Scottish country dances.
Encourages others and allow them to do their best.
To know that there are people in our lives who care for us and look after us. Gain an awareness that others may be looked after by parents, carers and other adults.
To know what to do to look after our bodies and who can help us.
Show respect for our bodies and know what is right and wrong. To know who to talk to if we are worried.
Show respect to peers and adults and be kind to others.
Complete a daily mile on days that we don’t have PE. / Contexts for Learning: Mapping & Our Local Area
- To know the points on a compass rose & the order they come in.
- To use directional language (left, right, forwards…).
- To follow basic directions & give directions (also with compass).
- To use co-ordinates to find a feature on a map.
- To recognise OS symbols& use a simple map or street plan.
- To identify physical features i.e. sea/river/ hill/ mountain on a map - and identify which ones are in our local area.
- To identify important human features i.e. school/ church/hospital on a map – and identify which ones are in our local area.
- To draw a simple map.
- To work as a team when orienteering.
- To inform others about our local area by creating a tourist information brochure.
Other Events:
Take part in whole school events: Christmas Performance; Scottish Country Dancing; Assembly Work with other in co-operative learning activities. Demonstrate a responsible attitude to a personal task(s), eg a role within the class, at home, in a team.Begin to use our own initiative. Work hard to earn Dojo (Personal) points and Well Done Tickets that will lead towards a Gold Card. Identify and work towards personal learning targets. Identify success, progress and next steps in learning. Be responsible and respectful. Be creative and enjoy learning. /