The South Australian

Government Gazette




By Authority: A. MARTIN, Government Printer, South Australia






Acts Assented to:

Advance Care Directives Act 2013...... 6628

Aged and Infirm Persons’ Property Act 1940...... 6628

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights Act 1981...... 6628

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Act 2014...... 6628

Appropriation Act 2014...... 4008

Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) Act 2004...... 6144

Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations)
Amendment Act 2014...... 6144

Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Act 2004.....6628

Budget Measures Act 2014...... 6016

Burial and Cremation Act 2013...... 6628

Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006...... 6628

Civil Liability Act 1936...... 6358, 6524

Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Act 2014.....6524

Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Act 2014...... 6358

Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia)
Act 2013...... 6628

Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995...... 6628

Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act 2009...... 6524

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935...... 6628

Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences—Cognitive
Impairment)Amendment Act 2014...... 6628

Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988...... 3144, 6016, 6628

Crown Proceedings Act 1992...... 6524

Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006...... 3144

Fair Trading Act 1987...... 5948

First Home and Housing Construction Grants Act 2000...... 6628

Freedom of Information Act 1991...... 6628

Guardianship and Administration Act 1993...... 6628

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012...... 6524

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Act 2014...... 6524

Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009...... 6628

Judicial Administration(Ancillary Appointments and Powers)
Act 1988...... 6358

Lady Kintore Cottages Act 1920...... 3654

Legal Practitioners Act 1981...... 5948, 6628

Local Government Act 1999...... 6358, 6628

Local Government (Governance) Amendment Act 2014...... 6358

Mental Health Act 2009...... 6628

Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013...... 6358

National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996...... 6628

National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008...... 6628

Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1974...... 6464

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989...... 6144

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy)
Amendment Act 2014...... 6144

Police Superannuation Act 1990...... 6464

Public Sector Act 2009...... 6628

Residential Parks Act 2007...... 6628

Residential Tenancies Act 1995...... 6628

Retirement Villages Act 1987...... 6628

Return to Work Act 2014...... 6358

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust Act 1981...6628

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust
(Membershipof Trust) Amendment Act 2014...... 6628

South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013...... 6628

South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014...... 6358

South Australian Housing Trust Act 1995...... 6628

Southern State Superannuation Act 2009...... 6464

Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio) Act 2014...... 6628

Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Act 2014...... 6628

Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Act 2014...... 5948

Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Act 2014...... 6628

Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Act 2014...... 6464

Summary Offences Act 1953...... 6628

Superannuation Act 1988...... 6464

Supply Act 2014...... 3089

Supreme Court Act 1935...... 6358

Valuation of Land Act 1971...... 6628

WorkCover Corporation Act 1994...... 6358

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986...... 6358

Work Health and Safety Act 2012...... 6358

Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 2013:

Appointments...... 3238

Acts Interpretation Act 1915:

Appointments...... 3144, 4008, 4009, 6628, 6774

Revoked the Appointments...... 4124, 4230, 6629, 6774

Adelaide Cemeteries Authority Act 2000:

Appointments...... 6628

Adelaide Festival Corporation Act 1998:

Appointments...... 6192

Administrative Arrangements Act 1994:

Delegation of Powers and Functions...... 5949

Revocation of Delegation...... 3145, 6145

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Return to Work Act)
Proclamation 2014...... 6612

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of South Australian
Employment Tribunal Act) Proclamation 2014...... 6870


Administrative Arrangements (Committal of Acts—Minister for
Housing and Urban Development) Proclamation 2014...... 6688

Administrative Arrangements (Transfer of Assets, Rights and Liabilities to
Minister for Public Sector) Proclamation 2014...... 6558

Administration and Probate (Removal of Requirement for Surety)
Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2014...... 5988

Aerodrome Fees Act 1998:

Schedule of Charges...... 3145

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994:

Designation of State Co-ordinator...... 6106

Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004:

Approval of Classes of Permits to use Certain Agricultural
and Veterinary Products...... 6359

Air Transport (Route Licensing—Passenger Services) Regulations 2014:

(No. 223 of 2014)...... 4034

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights Variation
Regulations 2014:

(No. 200 of 2014)...... 3132

Appointments, Resignations, etc.:

Department of the Premier and Cabinet...... 3092, 3141, 3144, 3238,
3284, 3654, 3835, 3952,
4008, 4052, 4056, 4124,
4230, 4286, 5212, 5948,
6016, 6076, 6106, 6144,
6192, 6358, 6416, 6464,
6524, 6572, 6628, 6774

Pleased to Note and Approve...... 6776

Removed from Office...... 3145, 6465

Resignation...... 4008, 6775

Retention of Title...... 3654, 6192

Revoked the Appointments...... 3144, 3952, 4008, 4009,
4056, 4124, 4230, 6629, 6774

Revoked the Commission...... 4052

Aquaculture Act 2001:

Appointments...... 6774

Art Gallery Act 1939:

Appointments...... 3952, 4286

Associations Incorporation Act 1985:

Deregistration of Associations...... 3145, 3952, 5213, 6416

Dissolution of Association...... 3952, 4125, 4231,
6017, 6144

Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations)
Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamations 2014...... 6477

Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Act 2004
(South Australia):

Appointments...... 4009, 6192

Instrument of Appointment...... 4009

Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Variation
Regulations 2014:

(No. 286 of 2014)...... 6880

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000:

Approval of Contingencies...... 4125

Boxing and Martial Arts Act 2000:

Designation of Delegate...... 6465

Brands Act 1933:

Brands Registered, Transferred or Cancelled—

2nd Quarter 2014...... 4132

Budget Measures Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2014...... 6179

Building Work Contractors Act 1995:

Exemptions...... 5213, 6145, 6629


City of Whyalla...... 5996

District Council of Grant...... 3264

District Council of Peterborough...... 6139

Casino Act 1997:

Definition of Premium Gaming Areas...... 4010, 5214, 6573

Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures)
Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2014...... 3986

Child Sex Offenders Registration Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 218 of 2014)...... 3996

Children’s Protection Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3238, 6076, 6774

Children’s Protection Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 283 of 2014)...... 6764

Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) (Modification
of State Taxing Laws) Regulations 2014:

(No. 215 of 2014)...... 3990

Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013:

Notice of Exemption...... 4287

Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme:

Policy of Insurance:...... 3086

Constitution Act 1934:

Appointments...... 3144, 6016, 6017

Revoked the Appointments...... 4230, 6629

Constitution (Second Session of Fifty-Third Parliament)Proclamation 2014..6871

Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993:

Appointments...... 4008, 6774

Controlled Substances Act 1984:

Prohibition Order...... 4009, 6360

Revocation of Prohibition Order...... 6572, 6776


Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Plants)
Regulations 2014:

(No. 236 of 2014)...... 4247



Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3223

Nominations Received...... 5920

Results of Council Election...... 6496


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3223

Nominations Received...... 5922

Proposed Declaration of a Public Road...... 4274

Erratum...... 4001

Results of Council Election...... 6496

Road Closure...... 6073


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3135

Nominations Received...... 5923

Results of Council Election...... 6497

Street and Place Naming Policy...... 4001

Charles Sturt—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3223

Appointment...... 6568

By-laws...... 4109

Community Land Classification...... 3135

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6204

Naming of Bridge...... 3135

Nominations Received...... 5923

Results of Council Election...... 6497

Road Closures...... 4351

Road Opening and Closing...... 4001


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4117

Nominations Received...... 5927

Results of Council Election...... 6510

Road Closure...... 3258

[Republished]...... 4118

Town Centre Car Parking Fund...... 5267

Holdfast Bay—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3333

Exclusion from Community Land Classification...... 6769

Nominations Received...... 5928

Results of Council Election...... 6498

Variation to Car Parking Fund Contribution Rate...... 3828


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3135

By-laws...... 4274

Development Plan Amendment...... 6240

Nominations Received...... 5931

Results of Council Election...... 6499


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4048

Exclude Vehicles from a Portion of Road...... 4349

Nominations Received...... 5932

Results of Council Election...... 6500

Road Closure...... 5267

Mount Gambier—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3223

Nominations Received...... 5933

Results of Council Election...... 6501

Murray Bridge—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3333

Amended Declaration of Rates...... 5267

Nominations Received...... 5934

Results of Council Election...... 6501

Norwood, Payneham & St Peters—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3258

Nominations Received...... 5935

Results of Council Election...... 6501


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3258

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6161, 6433

Nominations Received...... 5935

Place Naming...... 4001

Results of Council Election...... 6502

Road Closure...... 3223


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3334

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3124

Development Plan Amendment...... 6411

Nominations Received...... 5936

Results of Council Election...... 6503

Road Name Changes...... 6491, 6620

Port Adelaide Enfield—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3335

Assignment of Names for New Roads...... 3135

Nominations Received...... 5937

Resignation of Councillor...... 4117

Results of Council Election...... 6504

Port Augusta—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3828

Appointment of Public Officer...... 3828, 6620

Declaration of Public Roads...... 6073

Nominations Received...... 5938

Prohibition of Traffic on Un-made Public Road...... 3136

Results of Council Election...... 6505

Revocation of Community Land Classification...... 6887

Road Process Order (Re-Advertised)...... 6620

Street Naming...... 6568

Port Lincoln—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates—Erratum.....3224

Appointment of Authorised Officer...... 3336, 4001, 4351

Nominations Received...... 5938

Results of Council Elections...... 6505


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3224

Nominations Received...... 5939




Results of Council Election...... 6505


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3225

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6161

Development Plan Amendment...... 3828

Nominations Received...... 5940

Results of Council Election...... 6506

Tea Tree Gully—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3225

Nominations Received...... 5941

Results of Council Election...... 6507


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3225

Amendment to Car Parking Contributions Fund...... 4351

Christmas and New Year Period—
Council Meeting Dates and Office Hours...... 6411

Declaration of Rates...... 3258

Nominations Received...... 5942

Results of Council Elections...... 6507

Victor Harbor

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3829

Development Plan Amendment...... 3829

Nominations Received...... 5942

Renaming of Road...... 4280

Results of Council Elections...... 6508

Revocation of Community Land Classification...... 6102


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3829

Nominations Received...... 5943

Results of Council Election...... 6510

Road Closure...... 6073

West Torrens—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3136

Exclusion of Land from Classification as Community Land.....3258

Nominations Received...... 5944

Proposed Declaration of Public Road...... 6887

Results of Council Election...... 6508


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3226

By-laws...... 5996

Nominations Received...... 5944

Results of Council Election...... 6509

The Remote Area and Minor Residential Development Plan
Amendment—Draft for Public Consultation...... 3136


Mount Gambier Circuit Court Sittings...... 4146

Port Augusta Circuit Court Sittings...... 3688, 4150, 6156

Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Regulations 2014:

(No. 212 of 2014)...... 3823

Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Act
(Commencement) Proclamation 2014...... 3711

Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Act
(Commencement) Proclamation 2014...... 6217

Criminal Law (Sentencing) Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 261 of 2014)...... 6378

Crown Lands Management Act 2009:

Hunting on Alienated Crown Lands...... 6777

Crown Land Management (Revocation of Dedication) Proclamation 2014...6613

Development Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3238, 3284, 4057

Change to Scheduled Public Meeting...... 6076

Decision by the Development Assessment Commission...... 3953

Decision by the Presiding Member...... 3093

Decision by the Minister...... 6018, 6779

Development Plan Amendment...... 3654, 3828, 3829,
3953, 4011, 4065,
4125, 4220, 5949,
6017, 6192, 6193,
6417, 6465, 6525,
6778, 6783

Erratum...... 4015

Development Plan Conversion...... 6192

Revoked Declaration...... 4286

Development (Assessment of Significant Developments)
Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 226 of 2014)...... 4045

Development (Universities) Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 201 of 2014)...... 3218

Development (Urban Renewal) Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 243 of 2014)...... 5262

Development Regulations 2008:

Appointments...... 4057

Areas to be Revoked and Determined...... 6630

Notice by the Minister...... 6526

Director of Public Prosecutions Regulations 2014:

(No. 265 of 2014)...... 6439

District Court Act 1991:

Notice of Assignment...... 6466

District Councils:

Adelaide Hills—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3227

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3124

Nominations Received...... 5920

Proposed Road Opening...... 3259

Proposed Road Closing...... 3259

Results of Council Election...... 6510


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3259

Nominations Received...... 5921

Results of Council Election...... 6511

Road Closures...... 3830, 4001


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3260

Nominations Received...... 5921

Results of Council Election...... 6512


District Councils—continued

Barunga West

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3227

Nominations Received...... 5921

Results of Council Election...... 6512

Berri Barmera—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3228

Nominations Received...... 5922

Results of Council Election...... 6512


Adoption of Annual Business Plan...... 3228

Nominations Received...... 5923

Notice of Council Meetings...... 6620

Results of Council Election...... 6512

Clare & Gilbert Valleys—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3136

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6546

Declaration of Public Road...... 6769

Development Plan Amendment...... 4220

Nominations Received...... 5924

Results of Council Election...... 6513

Road Process Order...... 6620


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3261

Appointment...... 6568

Change of Meeting Date...... 6568

Change of Meeting Time...... 5267

Nominations Received...... 5924

Results of Council Election...... 6513

Coober Pedy—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 4002

Nominations Received...... 5925

Results of Council Election...... 6513


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3229

Erratum...... 3336

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 5983

Partial Revocation of Community Land Classification...... 4280

Principal Office Change of Address...... 6491

Nominations Received...... 5925

Results of Council Election...... 6513

Road Process Order...... 6620

Copper Coast—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3230

Amendment of Car Parking Fund...... 6887

Road Process Order...... 3136, 6621

Nominations Received...... 5925

Results of Council Election...... 6514


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3830

Nominations Received...... 5926

Results of Council Election...... 6514

Flinders Ranges—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3262

Nominations Received...... 5926

Results of Council Election...... 6514

Temporary Road Closure...... 6887

Franklin Harbour—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3831

Nominations Received...... 5926

Results of Council Election...... 6514


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3263

Nominations Received...... 5927

Road Closure...... 4221

Road Name Change...... 3137, 3336

Results of Council Election...... 6515


Appointments...... 6769

Appointment of Poundkeeper...... 6189

By-laws...... 3264

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3264

Erratum...... 3263

Nominations Received...... 5927

Resolutions Made...... 3274

Results of Council Election...... 6515

Road Process Order...... 4002

Kangaroo Island—

Appointment...... 6568

Nominations Received...... 5928

Results of Council Election...... 6515

Karoonda East Murray—

Nominations Received...... 5929

Results of Council Election...... 6515

Road Process Order...... 6411


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3336

Appointment of Authorised Officers...... 6012

Nominations Received...... 5929

Results of Council Election...... 6516

Temporary Road Closure...... 4118, 6621

Kingston District Council—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3137

Appointment of Development Assessment Panel Public Officer...3137

Naming of Public Road...... 6769

Nominations Received...... 5929

Results of Council Election...... 6516


Assignment and Changes to Road Names...... 6189

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3831

Declaration of Public Roads...... 4351, 6491

Declaration of Separate Rate...... 6460

Nominations Received...... 5930

Renaming of a Public Place...... 6491

Results of Council Election...... 6516

Road Closure...... 4002


District Councils—continued

Lower Eyre Peninsula—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4003

Nominations Received...... 5930

Results of Council Election...... 6517

Road Naming...... 4002

Erratum...... 4118

Road Process Order—

[Re-Advertised]...... 6621

Loxton Waikerie—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3337

Amended Declaration of Rates...... 4351

Nominations Received...... 5930

Results of Council Election...... 6517

Road Closure...... 6411

Road Process Order...... 6411

[Re-Advertised]...... 6621


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3274

Appointment...... 6073

Nominations Received...... 5931

Results of Council Election...... 6517

Mid Murray—

Appointment...... 6769

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3337

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 5247

Nominations Received...... 5932

Results of Council Election...... 6517

Mount Barker—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3275

Declaration of Public Road...... 4118

Nominations Received...... 5932

Results of Council Election...... 6518

Road Closure...... 5247

Road Process Order...... 4351

Mount Remarkable—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4118

Declaration of Rates...... 4280, 6240

Nominations Received...... 5933

Results of Council Election...... 6518

Naracoorte Lucindale—

Nominations Received...... 5934

Results of Council Election...... 6518

Road Closure...... 4048

Northern Areas—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3338

Appointment of Public Officer...... 6621

Exclusion of Vehicles...... 6012

Nominations Received...... 5934

Results of Council Election...... 6519

Road Process Order...... 6492


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4003

Addendum...... 5267

Nominations Received...... 5936

Results of Council Election...... 6519


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3231

By-laws...... 6139

Nominations Received...... 5936

Results of Council Election...... 6519

Port Pirie

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3276

Nominations Received...... 5938

Results of Council Election...... 6519

Road Process Order...... 6102

Renmark Paringa—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 6139

Nominations Received...... 5939

Results of Council Election...... 6520


Appointment...... 6568

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3138

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6546

Nominations Received...... 5939

Results of Council Election...... 6520

Road Closure...... 3338, 6887

Time and Place of Ordinary Meetings...... 6568

Roxby Downs—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4281

Southern Mallee—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3832

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 6769

Nominations Received...... 5940

Results of Council Election...... 6520

Temporary Road Closure...... 6621

[Republished]...... 6769

Streaky Bay—

Adoption of Annual Business Plan and Budget...... 3339

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3339

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 6769

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6114

Nominations Received...... 5941

Resignation of Councillor...... 6769

Results of Council Election...... 6520


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3231

Nominations Received...... 5941

Results of Council Election...... 6520

Tumby Bay—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4119

Assignment of Road Names...... 6189

Nominations Received...... 5942

Determination of the Status of a Member of Council...... 4003

Results of Council Election...... 6521

Results of Poll...... 6569


District Councils—continued

Wakefield Regional—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3833

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 6770

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6583

Erratum...... 6683

Nominations Received...... 5943

Results of Council Election...... 6521

Road Process Order...... 6460

Wattle Range—

Adoption of Street Numbering...... 6622

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3232

Appointment of Authorised Person...... 6140

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 6113

Nominations Received...... 5944

Results of Council Election...... 6521

Road Name Change...... 4048


Adoption of Assessment...... 3340

Nominations Received...... 5945

Results of Council Election...... 6522


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3233

Nominations Received...... 5945

Notice of Exclusion of Vehicles (with Exceptions)...... 3138

Results of Council Election...... 6522

Yorke Peninsula—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3277

Development Plan Amendment...... 5267

Nominations Received...... 5945

Results of Council Election...... 6522

Road Naming...... 6013

Dog and Cat Management Act 1995:

Appointments...... 3238

Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards)
Act 2011:

Appointments...... 6775

Revoked the Appointment...... 6774

Electoral Act 1985:

Declared Institutions...... 6360, 6466

District Polling Places...... 6360, 6466

Electricity Act 1996:

Energy Efficiency Scheme...... 6786

Minimum Specification for an Energy Audit...... 6787

Notice by the Minister...... 6786

Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme...... 6648, 6786

Electricity (General) Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 262 of 2014)...... 6380

Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal)
Regulations 2014:

(No. 216 of 2014)...... 3992

Emergency Management Act 2004:

Appointments...... 3654

Employment Agents Registration Act 1993:

Exemptions...... 3239

Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000:

Public Warning Statement...... 3146

Environment Protection Act 1993:

Approval of Additional Collection Depots...... 3663, 4064

Approval of Category B Containers...... 3101, 4059, 6077,
6422, 6846

Approval of Super Collectors...... 3240

Revocation of Approval of Category B Containers...3111, 4139, 6083, 6849

Revocation of Collection Depot Approval...... 3663, 4288

Variation to Existing Approval of Collection Depot...... 3955, 4288

Environment Protection (Movement of Controlled Waste) Notice 2014.....4321

Environment Protection (Movement of Controlled Waste) Policy 2014.....4322

Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3284, 4124

Equal Opportunity Act 1984:

Appointments...... 3654, 4286

Equal Opportunity Tribunal:

Notice of Exemption...... 3146, 4289

Essential Services Commission Act 2002:

Appointments...... 4230, 6016

Electricity Distribution Code...... 6046

Errata...... 6087

Price Determination...... 6852

Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Code...... 6852

Evidence Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 198 of 2014)...... 3129

Evidence (Identification Evidence) Amendment Act(Commencement)
Proclamation 2014...... 3127

Expiation of Offences Act 1996:

Instrument of Authorisation...... 3664

Extraordinary Gazettes...... 3089, 3141, 3281,
3343, 3835, 4051,

Fair Trading Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 252 of 2014)...... 6185

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005:

Establishment of a SACFS Brigade...... 4144, 6106, 6145

Fire Danger Season...... 6087, 6145

Firearms Variation Regulations 2014:

(No. 229 of 2014)...... 4107

Fisheries Management Act 2007:

Adoption of Management Plan...... 6146, 6428