It is the desire of Calvary SLO to glorify God by taking part in the great commission given by His Son, Jesus Christ. This set of policies is assembled in order for the church to be equipped to fulfill this commission in an orderly and God-honoring way. This church recognizes that the Spirit of God is not limited to any written policy, so His leading will over-ride any written policy.
Updated February 2009
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction To The Policies And Procedures pg. 3
1. The Purposes o f This Policy
2. Who This Policy Applies To
3. How This Policy Can Be Revised
4. The Basic Doctrinal Foundations Required Of Missionaries
5. Definitions
II. Expectations for Missionaries pg. 5
1. The Basics
2. The Process
3. Missionary Care Team
4. Finances
5. Stewardship
6. Communications
7. Priorities while on the field of service
8. Essential Logistical Considerations that must be addressed before leaving for the Field.
9. Furlough
III. Financial Support Policies pg. 8
1. Introduction
2. Whom does Calvary SLO support?
3. Long Term CHURCH FAMILY sent Missions
4. Funding Long Term Missions
5. Follow-up action
6. Annual Evaluation and Bi-Annual Review of Support Commitments
7. Beginning and Ending Monthly Support
8. Receipting
9. Short Term Missions Activities and Special Projects
10. Sending Agencies
11. Honoraria for Speakers
IV. Missionary Care Team pg. 10
1. Who is the MCT
2. Responsibilities of a Member of the MCT
V. Appendices pg. 11
1. Initial Interest Inquiry for Long Term Missions
2. Missionary Application for Prospective Missionary candidates
3. Short-Term Missions/Special Project Proposal
4. Short-Term Missions Application
5. Yearly Update of Missionaries/Ministries supported by Calvary SLO
6. Missionary Care Team Members
7. Pre-Field Arrangement
8. CALVARYSLO Statement of Faith
1. The Purpose of this Policy
The purpose of this policy is to describe the structure and purpose of the Missions ministry of Calvary Chapel of San Luis Obispo
(CALVARYSLO). It addresses the following issues:
1. It clarifies the mission's goals of CALVARYSLO, including calling, training, equipping, and supporting Christians to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations.
2. It describes the relationship of the Missions ministry to the overall ministry of CALVARYSLO.
3. It outlines the responsibilities of the missionary care team.
4. It provides guidance to prospective missionaries or ministries.
5. It provides instruction regarding the review of missionaries and ministries supported by CALVARYSLO.
2. Who This Policy Applies To
This policy applies to the senior pastor, the missions pastor, CALVARYSLO staff, missionary care teams, CALVARYSLO missionaries and CALVARYSLO congregation. They shall be governed by this mission policy wherever applicable. Exceptions to the policy can be made with the appropriate agreement of the senior pastor and leadership designated by him.
3. How This Policy Can Be Revised
This policy can be amended at any time by the senior pastor after presentation of changes to church leaders. It should be formally and thoroughly reviewed periodically by all: missionaries, missionary care team members, all CALVARYSLO staff and the senior pastor to determine if improvements are needed to properly serve CALVARYSLO and associated missionaries/ministries.
4. The Basic Doctrinal Foundations Required Of Missionaries
To determine doctrinal compatibility with CALVARYSLO, all supported missionary activity will agree with the mission and emphases of CALVARYSLO including the following:
1. An Acts 2:42 church model; continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer.
2. Reliance upon the Bible as the basis for all doctrine and practice (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Tim 4:2), coupled with a dependence upon the Person and the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8).
3. Faithfulness to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20) and the Greatest Commandment (Mt 22:37-40).
4. A reproduction of teachers (2 Tim. 2:2) and mature believers (Eph. 4:11-16).
5. Agreement with the Calvary SLO Statement of Faith included in the Appendix.
5. Definitions
In order to understand this policy document please read and understand the following terms as used in this policy:
Missions: For the purposes of this policy, missions, is defined as any outreach to fulfill the Great Commission which crosses barriers of culture, distance or language, beyond the normal sphere of influence of CALVARYSLO. CALVARYSLO recognizes that missions takes its root meaning from the biblical term “apostle” and therefore differentiates between local evangelism and those “sent out.” CALVARYSLO also recognizes that missions may include Missions facilitators, mercy and relief work and medical missions. Fulfillment of the great commission includes proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, making disciples, or gathering disciples into local congregations. For CALVARYSLO this fulfillment may involve ministry to the spiritual, physical, or social needs of people, but the ultimate goals of salvation and Christian maturity are to be paramount.
Missionary: CALVARYSLO defines a missionary as someone who is serving as a part of a cross-cultural ministry abroad or within our own country, beyond the normal sphere of influence of CALVARYSLO. A person living in a foreign country as a member of a church or community is not necessarily a missionary based solely on his/her geographical location.
Missionary Candidate: CALVARYSLO defines a missionary candidate as someone who is considering serving as a missionary, who is seeking counsel to confirm God's call, who is at some point in CALVARYSLO’s preparation for ministry (including being active in ministry at CALVARYSLO, recognizing that one must first be doing here what they intend to do in the field), and who desires to be supported by CALVARYSLO.
Church Family Sent Missionary: A church family sent missionary is defined as someone sent from CALVARYSLO who is serving in a capacity consistent with the definitions above. A church family sent missionary recognizes CALVARYSLO as their home church and remains appropriately submitted to the CALVARYSLO senior pastor.
Extended Family Sent Missionary: An extended family sent missionary is defined as a missionary whose home church is not CALVARYSLO, but who is in the family of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that has met all the qualifications to be accepted for support by CALVARYSLO.
Missionary Ministry: A missionary ministry is defined as an organization supported by CALVARYSLO which has a missions focus consistent with CALVARYSLO, but which is not an individual or family. This may include other missionary sending agencies.
Support: In the context of this document, Support means endorsement and backing which includes prayer, encouragement, communication, mutual accountability and, to the degree available, financial support. Although we desire to financially help all missionaries, some missionaries may be sent and supported without a direct financial commitment from CALVARYSLO.
Long term /short term : Long term means the missionary commitment is a minimum of two years with the intention to stay longer, or indefinitely, as the Lord leads. Short term means the missionary term commitment is one year or less.
Core Care Team / Missionary Care Team: The Core Care team consists of persons appointed by the Senior Pastor, such as the Missions Pastor, to oversee the missions ministry and provide basic support and oversight to the missionaries, including prayer, communication, encouragement, counsel and practical help, and reporting to the Senior Pastor and Church Board.
The Missionary Care Team are persons appointed by the missionaries to provide specific and detailed care and support, and are the missionaries responsibility to maintain. It is recognized that long term missionaries need a MCT, short term missionaries may find they can be adequately served by the Core Care Team.
At CALVARYSLO we do not believe “one size fits all “ for a missionary definition or the specific policies and procedures that should be applied to each. We do believe that precise, detailed policies and procedures lessen confusion and misunderstanding and help us serve the missionary better,
For convenience in applying policies and procedures, three types of missionaries are established and each has slightly different expectations;
•Long term Church Family Missionaries have the highest expectations and responsibility for accountability. All of the expectations and requirements below apply to them.
•Short term Church Family Missionaries have the same expectations as long term missionaries except the CARE Team, Furlough and Finances (short term missionaries may be endorsed and sent but not always with a specific financial support commitment from CALVARYSLO),
•Long term Extended Family Missionaries are expected to fulfill the expectations for Communication, Stewardship and Priorities. We recognize that for these missionaries their sending Church or agency likely has requirements and expectations that would supercede the other expectation topics that we apply to Church Family Missionaries
All missionaries may expect CALVARYSLO to:
•Remain in contact with them and be responsive to their communications
• Display appropriate newsletters and prayer cards at fellowship times
• Pray for their needs diligently
• Provide practical assistance and encouragement, including visits to the missionary in the field, as resources of time and money allow.
•Prayerfully consider all requests for financial assistance as needs arise.
•Prayerfully consider requests by the Missionary to speak at CALVARYSLO functions
Long term Church Family Missionaries
CALVARYSLO considers its missionaries as ambassadors for Jesus Christ and thus expects them to comply with biblical standards. In general, all missionaries sent by and supported by CALVARYSLO are considered similar to staff and thus are held to a same highs standards of being blameless and above reproach, as defined by scripture and as applicable to the culture they serve in.
2. The Process
All prospective supported missionaries will fill out an initial interest inquiry (see appendix). The senior pastor and other church leadership will review this screening tool along with additional input as appropriate to determine whether the candidate is satisfactorily prepared for his or her intended ministry. The senior pastor or a leader appointed by him, will serve as a coordinator to help the missionary candidate proceed. If the candidate is ready to proceed, a missionary application (see appendix) will be completed. This missionary application will then be reviewed together by church leadership at and the candidate. A meeting will be held including the senior pastor, or the coordinator appointed by him, and other church leaders to form a plan of preparation. This plan's recommendations will be communicated in writing to the candidate. Prior to departure, all recommendations must be adhered and a pre-field arrangement form (see appendix), completed.
3. Missionary Care Team
The missionary is responsible to prayerfully develop a team of people committed to addressing the issues of logistical support, financial support, prayer support, communication and moral support, and re-entry support (see appendix, Care Team Members). Ideally five to seven different people will fill these roles according to their gifting and relationship to the missionary. One of those must be identified as a care team leader and liaison. He or she can be the main contact in CALVARYSLO for the missionary. He/she will represent the missionary to the congregation and senior pastor as necessary. If one of the care team members is unable to continue in his or her position then this member should be replaced. If an area that the care team member coordinates is weakened over time the coordinator for that area, or overall designated coordinator should be committed to prayerfully increasing interest in the area he/she coordinates. Individuals from outside CALVARYSLO may be considered as members of the care team. CALVARYSLO views the care team as a critical link to the missionaries in the field and therefore holds these position at a very high standard. Final approval of care team members will be decided by the senior pastor.
4. Finances
Estimates for start up and ongoing costs will be provided by the candidate. CALVARYSLO reserves the right to do its own inquiry and cost estimate as appropriate. At the appropriate time the missionary candidate will submit a written request for funding from CALVARYSLO. See the process described above. As part of the plan laid out in preparation, the missionary candidate will probably include the need for the missionary to raise support with interested individuals who have a shared vision. A policy of full information and no solicitation will be suggested. Every effort should be made to help donors see that they are not only supporting the missionary but the work that the Lord is doing through the missionary. CALVARYSLO will not be in the position of telling people to support particular ministries or missionaries, but the church may educate the congregation about the work God is doing and individuals may want to participate in that work financially. Appropriate avenues to raise individual support at CALVARYSLO may include:
1. The opportunity to share if invited by the senior pastor.
2. The distribution of an (approved by the senior pastor) letter outlining the vision for ministry.
3. Personal sharing at home fellowship groups or special classes.
4. Networking with friends outside CALVARYSLO who wish to participate with the Lord in the missionaries’ ministry.
5. Stewardship
It is expected that the missionary will have the attitude that only the Lord can supply the finances and that "where God guides, He provides". Additionally as He does provide it is expected that the missionary will be a good steward of all gifts and will in no way become sloppy in the use of kingdom resources. Family sent missionaries are expected to keep accurate records of ministry finances and if appropriate, produce them for review by the CALVARYSLO senior pastor or his appointee.
CALVARYSLO will not send a missionary onto their mission field without adequate support for start-up and ongoing expenses. CALVARYSLO will not recommend purchasing plane tickets or making specific time commitments until the necessary support arrangements have been made. If while on the field a sent missionary of CALVARYSLO has a financial shortfall, CALVARYSLO may consider raising the church support to the missionary for a short time. However, if this continues for a period of three months in a six month period, CALVARYSLO may recommend or require that the sent missionary return home to raise additional support. The missionary care team may also pursue the raising of adequate support.