The Meeting commenced at 4.30pm and ended at 5.30pm


Councillor Jeff Allen – Elected Member (Chair)

Councillor Mrs Moore – Elected Member

Jon Bland – Ashdown Technology College

Eleanor Smith – Ashdown Technology College

Iain Stokes – SLM

Anthony Rogers – Leisure Services

Anne Murphy – Ashdown Technology College

Debbie Priest – Children & Young People’s SQIS

Keith Newman – Ashdown Technology College – Governor Representative

Tom Darlington – Poole Hockey Club

Lisa Gardner – Democratic Services


Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Peter Adams, Mrs Jennie Sykes (Poole Athletics Club), Caroline Stanley (Ashdown Technology College), Colvin Aldous (Governor Representative, Vice-Chair), David Greenwood (SLM) and Elizabeth Jones (Ashdown Technology College).


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th November 2009, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendment:

(Page 2, Minute 3): Grant Applications for the Astro Turf/Tennis Courts- to delete `CETA’ and insert `SITA’.


Minute 3, 11.01.10 – Perimeter Fencing

The Committee noted that a request to fund completion of the Perimeter Fencing was likely to be considered by the Children’s Services Capital Programme Board in the coming months and Councillor Mrs Moore undertook to contact Stuart Twiss (Head of Children & Young People’s Strategy, Quality & Improvement Service) for an update on when this item would be presented.


That Councillor Mrs Moore provides an update at the next CUMC meeting on when funding for completion of the Perimeter Fencing would be presented to the Children’s Services Capital Programme Board.

Minute 7, 11.01.10 – Student Activities

Eleanor Smith reported that she had completed a survey with Tutor Groups regarding what leisure activities pupils would like to be offered (e.g. during the School Holidays) with the following results:

  • 35% would like to do after-School activities and would be willing to pay £1-£3 per activity;
  • Pupils would be interested in attending activities during the Summer Holidays depending on the length of the activities/courses;
  • 95% of pupils had advised that they did not wish `Ashdown’ to be removed from the Leisure Centre name, as they wanted the connection with the School to be maintained.

The Chairman expressed thanks to Eleanor Smith for all of her work in researching this information.

Minute 7 – 11.01.10 – Leisure Centre Work Experience

Anthony Rogers confirmed that potential arrangements for offering work experience placements for pupils in the Leisure Centre was due to be considered further and an update would be presented to the next meeting of the CUMC.

Keith Newman advised that the School would be arranging work experience placements for pupils in April and would welcome an update on whether SLM could offer such placements at the earliest opportunity.

AGREED that –

(i) Anthony Rogers provide an update at the next Meeting on the possibility of SLM offering work experience placements for pupils in the Leisure Centre; and

(ii) An update regarding SLM offering work experience placements be provided to the School before the next Meeting, if possible.

Minute 8 – 11.01.10 – Potential Name Changes/Rebranding

Iain Stokes reported that the new name for the Leisure Centre had been agreed as `Everyone Active Leisure Centre: Ashdown’ and the new signage would be installed over the next week. Attention was being given to cutting back the foliage near the main road to improve the visibility of signage in that area.


Anthony Rogers provided an update with regard to the outdoor facilities on the campus and highlighted the following points:

Football Pitch inside of Athletics Track

  • The concrete inside of the Athletics Track needed to be removed to enable the new Football Pitch to be laid and progress had been hindered by the recent inclement weather;
  • The Football Goals would continue to be situated where they were at the current time as they did not cause an obstruction to the Athletics Track;
  • The Football Goals could potentially be put up and taken down by SLM outside of the Football Season and installed on a permanent basis during the Football Season;
  • Assistance with installing and removing the Football Goals could be sought from the Dorset Probation Community Pay Back Scheme, which the Council was seeking to involve in projects on the Campus, noting the safeguarding aspects.

Athletics Track

  • Leisure Services had appointed 2 new contractors to complete repairs to the facility and the cost of relining and resurfacing was approximately £12,500;
  • Poole Athletics Club had prepared a list of the minor and major repairs that needed to be completed to the facility.

Hammer Cage

  • Consideration would be given to raising the Hammer Nets to a certain height to enable Athletes to use them and prevent teenagers from climbing into them.

Storage Containers

  • The School would potentially paint its storage container the same colour as that used by Poole Athletics Club for its storage facility.

Astro Turf / Tennis Courts

  • The bids to English Hockey and SITA for improving the Astro Turf had been successful during the initial, “in-principle” stages;
  • Potential funding of £80,000 could be obtained through English Hockey and £50,000 through SITA resulting in approximately half of the required funding;
  • The Local Authority would be informed of the final outcome of the bids around March-April 2010;
  • The remaining funding could be sought through S106 Planning Obligations Funding or through Prudential Borrowing which would be spread over the lifespan of the facility;
  • There were no `Building Schools for the Future’ funds available for improvements to the Outdoor Facilities;
  • Leisure Services was monitoring the condition of the Hockey Pitch following the recent cold spell, although its overall condition had improved due to a new maintenance programme.

The Chairman thanked Anthony Rogers for the Report and for the positive work being undertaken with regard to the outdoor facilities.

AGREED that –

(i) Consideration be given to arrangements for installing and removing the Football Goals outside of the Football Season;

(ii)A Maintenance Schedule for the Athletics Track be provided to the next Meeting of the CUMC; and

(iii) An update with regard to the Outdoor Facilities be provided to the next Meeting of the CUMC.


Iain Stokes, Senior Manager, gave a verbal Leisure Centre Manager’s Report and drew attention to the following:

Quest Assessment

  • The Quest Assessment, a UK Quality Assessment for Sport & Leisure Facilities, had been completed and the Leisure Centre had achieved a result of 70% (a `commended’ rating) compared with 65% previously;
  • The highlights identified by the assessment included: (i) the hard work and commitment of SLM; (ii) good partnership working between SLM and the Council; (iii) strong financial management/ target setting; (iv) the effective use of technology; (v) high morale amongst staff members; and (vi) good customer service.
  • The areas to be built upon were: (i) improved external signage, and (ii) a review of resources for cleaning and external litter picking;
  • A summary of the Quest report would be provided to the Clerk for issue to all CUMC Members.

The Committee was pleased to note the Quest result of 70% and wished to express congratulations to Iain Stokes on behalf of Ashdown Leisure Centre on this achievement.

Gym Memberships

  • The membership level currently stood at 732 which was 86 below target;
  • The length of stay for members at Ashdown had increased to 11 months, compared with 7 months in March 2009 and the SLM average was 6 months;
  • The Leisure Centre might have been challenged by the recent high profile re-launch of the Dolphin Leisure Centre.

Soccer Challenge

  • The Leisure Centre had purchased a new inflatable facility for parties and children’s activity sessions called `Soccer Challenge’ whereby participants kicked a football through different targets.

Community Newsletter

  • SLM would be issuing a Newsletter to the local community within the next month which would also contain advertising and vouchers for the Leisure Centre.


  • SLM was renting out the small, upstairs room to a local chiropractor “Bounce Back”.

Debbie Priest suggested that consideration was given to inviting `Bounce Back’ to attend PE classes at Ashdown, to give talks on back health, exercise (etc) and it was -


(i) That Iain Stokes provides a summary of the Quest Assessment report to the Clerk to circulate to all members of the CUMC;

(ii) Iain Stokes provides a copy of the Community Newsletter to Debbie Priest (Children & Young People’s Strategy, Quality & Improvement Service) and;

(iii) Consideration be given to inviting “Bounce Back” to attend classes at the School to give talks on back health, exercise etc.


Hot Water

There was no hot water in the Leisure Centre at the present time and the School undertook to fund 50% of the cost for repairing the system or obtaining a new boiler as a joint-use arrangement.

Water Leak / Heating System

There had been a water leak over the past weekend causing 40 gallons of water to pour through the Gymnasium ceiling and consideration needed to be given to how the repair would be funded. The leak had caused the heating system to fail in various places around the building, including the Sports Hall and the system needed to be repaired as a matter of urgency, as examinations were to be held later that week.

The Committee suggested that it would be beneficial if the School and SLM used the same contractors for such works and proposed that Leisure Services, Property Services, SLM the School met to consider arrangements for appointing contractors in emergency situations.

AGREED that:

(i)The School funds 50% of the cost of repairing the hot water system in the Leisure Centre;

(ii)The School and SLM meet the following day to discuss funding repair of the heating system and associated works (e.g. resealing the Gymnasium roof);

(iii) Leisure Services, the School, SLM and Property Services meet to consider arrangements for appointing contractors during emergencies at the Leisure Centre or School.

Elizabeth Jones

The CUMC was pleased to note that Elizabeth Jones had recently commenced her phased return to work and wished her all the best in her recovery.


Sports Relief – March 2010

Eleanor Smith advised that the School was seeking to arrange some charity events for Sports Relief in March 2010 and the Committee made the following suggestions:

  • The Mobile Climbing Wall owned by the Hamworthy Outdoor Education Centre could potentially be hired at a reduced rate;
  • Rossmore Community College might be willing to hire out its Wave Boards for the event;
  • An `Everyone Active Day’ could also be held at the Leisure Centre for Sports Relief involving SLM, the School and Leisure Services.

AGREED that –

(i) An update be provided to the next Meeting;

(ii) Consideration be given to holding an `Everyone Active Day’ at the Leisure Centre for Sports Relief.


Haymoor Middle School representation

Debbie Priest enquired whether consideration could be given to amending the Ashdown CUMC Constitution to enable Haymoor Middle School to be represented as a User Representative, e.g. for the Head Teacher or their representative to attend and it was -


That further consideration be given to asking the Borough’s Cabinet to approve an amendment to the Ashdown CUMC constitution, to enable a representative of Haymoor Middle School to be appointed as a User Representative.

Haymoor Middle School / Leisure Centre Visit

Debbie Priest suggested that Iain Stokes met with the Haymoor PE Subject Leader to find out why there had been poor attendance at the Festival follow-up events held at Ashdown Leisure Centre.


Monday, 1st March 2010 at 4.30pm at Ashdown Technology College.