The statements below inquire about your personal reactions to a variety of situations. Consider each statement carefully. Then indicate whether the statement is true or false with regard to your typical behavior.
____ 1. I feel relaxed even in unfamiliar social situations.
____ 2. I try to avoid situations which force me to be sociable.
____ 3. It is easy for me to relax when I am with strangers.
____ 4. I have no particular desire to avoid people.
____ 5. I often find social occasions upsetting.
____ 6. I usually feel calm and comfortable at social occasions.
____ 7. I am usually at ease when talking to someone of the opposite sex.
____ 8. I try to avoid talking to people unless I know them well.
____ 9. If the chance comes to meet new people, I often take it.
____10. I often feel nervous or tense in casual get-togethers in which both sexes are present.
____11. I am usually nervous with people unless I know them well.
____12. I usually feel relaxed when I am with a group of people.
____13. I often want to get away from people.
____14. I usually feel uncomfortable when I am in a group of people I don’t know.
____15. I usually feel relaxed when I meet someone for the first time.
____16. Being introduced to people makes me tense and nervous.
____17. Even though a room is full of strangers, I may enter it anyway.
____18. I would avoid walking up and joining a large group of people.
____19. When my superiors want to talk with me, I talk willingly.
____20. I often feel on edge when I am with a group of people.
____21. I tend to withdraw from people.
____22. I don’t mind talking to people at parties or social gatherings.
____23. I am seldom at ease in a large group of people.
____24. I often think up excuses in order to avoid social engagements.
____25. I sometimes take the responsibility for introducing people to each other.
____26. I try to avoid formal social occasions.
____27. I usually go to whatever social engagements I have.
____28. I find it easy to relax with other people.