Español 1


1st Unit

August 6-September 14, 2012


Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.CCC3 the students compare basic elements of the target language to the English language. The students:

a.  Recognize similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems, cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.

b.  . Recognize basic sound distinctions and intonation patterns and their effect on communicating meaning

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

a.  Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy, in both oral and written forms.

f. Comprehend basic directions.

MLI.INT2 The students interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in the target language. The students:

a.  Difference among statements, questions and exclamations.

MLII.IP1 The students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

a. Express needs and preferences.

b. Express feelings and emotions.

c. Request help and clarification.

e. Give simple descriptions



·  Students memorize the pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet and Vowels.

·  Greet and say good bye to one and another. Formal and informal.

·  Ask how things are going.

·  Spanish Speaking Countries.

·  Identify a person.

·  Name some common classroom object.

·  Count from 1-100.

·  Identify the days of the week

·  Know the Spanish months and seasons.

·  Use some expression of politeness.

·  Colors

·  Food vocabulary

·  Definite and indefinite articles. (el/ la-----un /una)

·  Students will be able to express what they like and don’t like.

2nd Unit

September 17-October 17, 2012

Due to Fall Break

Un Amigo/Una Amiga

¿Cómo somos?

****** En Español unidad 1

Lesson’s GPS Standards:


MLI.INT2 the students interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in the target language. The students:

a. Differentiate among statements, questions and exclamations.

b. Recognize basic gestures, body language, and intonation that clarify a message.

MLI.P1 the students present information orally and in writing that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns. The students:

b.  Give basic information about self and others including school, family, activities, etc.

f. Comprehend basic directions.

g. Ask questions and provide responses based on suggested topics.

MLI.IP2 The students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language. The students:

B. Use formal and informal forms of address.

MLI.INT1 The students demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. The students:

C. Understand simple instructions, such as classroom procedures.

MLI.CCC1 The students use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another. The students:

D. Relate content from other subject areas to topics discussed in the language class, such as the influence of explorers and settlers on various regions of the United States.

MLI.CCC3 The students compare basic elements of the target language to the English language. The students:

A. Recognize similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems,

Cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.



Students will learn:

·  Ask what someone is like

·  Ask or tell where someone is from

·  Describe themselves or somebody else

·  Tell some differences between Hispanic and American School.

·  Singular form SER----Review

·  Singular subject pronouns

·  Adjective agreement in the singular

·  Singular definite and indefinite article

·  Negation

·  Ask what someone is like

·  Ask or tell where someone is from-

3rd Unit

October 18-November 9, 2012

La familia y la casa

Actividades en el hogar

****Avancemos level 1 unidad 5

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

f. Comprehend basic descriptions

g. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school etc.

MLI.IP2 the students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language.

MLI.INT1 the students demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. The students:

a. Identify main ideas and some details when reading and listening.

d Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in listening and reading comprehension.


Students will know:

·  Family relationship

·  Names of room in a house or apartment

·  How to express age

·  Talk about families and pets

·  Describe a house or apartment

·  Describe rooms and some furnishing

·  Vocabulary associated with their everyday home-oriented activities.

Students will learn:

·  To describe their home

·  Tell where they live

·  The verb-TENER- Review

·  Possessive adjectives


4th Unit

November 12-December, 2012

¿Hermanos o amigos?

****Avancemos level 1 Unidad 2

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.INT1 the students demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. The students:
a. Identify main ideas and some details when reading and listening.
b. Comprehend simple, culturally authentic announcements, messages, and advertisements.

MLI.P1 the students present information orally and in writing that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns. The students:
b. Give basic information about self and others including school, family, activities, etc

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

g. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.

MLII.IP1 The students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

e. Give simple descriptions


Students will learn:

·  . The name of subjects commonly taught in most secondary school.

·  Talk about going to school and some school activities.

·  Learn some difference between schools in the United States and Spanish-speaking countries.

·  Identify some school clothes and school supplies.

·  Talk about going to school, talk about some school activities.

·  Some difference between schools in the United States and Spanish-Speaking countries.

·  The contractions al and del.

·  To tell time.

·  The verbs IR, DAR and ESTAR. (Review)


Due date for notebook and binder: Friday December 7, 2012


Second semester

5th Unit

January 3-18, 2013

¿Qué hora es?

En la Escuela

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

g. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.

MLI.P1 The students present information orally and in writing that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns. The students:
b. Give basic information about self and others including school, family, activities, etc

MLIIP1 The students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

e. Give simple descriptions.

MLI.INT1 the students demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. The students:

a.  Identify main ideas and some details when reading and listening.


Students will learn:

·  Talk about the time.

·  Talk about going to school.

·  Talk about some school activities

·  Ask for information

·  Review the singular form of present tense AR verb.


6th Unit

January 22-February 19, 2013

¿Qué tiempo hace?

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.INT1 the students demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language and based on topics such as self, family, school, etc. The students:

A-. Identify main ideas and some details when reading and listening.

D-. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in listening and reading comprehension.

MLI.IP2 the students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language. The students:

c. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.

MLI.P2 the students present brief, rehearsed material in the target language, such as dialogues, skits, poetry, and songs. The students:

a. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in pronunciation and intonation when presenting rehearsed material.

b. Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material.

Standard for 2-14-13

Valentine’s Day

MLI.CCC2 the students demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between the culture(s) studied and the students’ own culture. The students:

A. Compare patterns of behavior and interaction in the students’ own culture with those of the target language.

B. Demonstrate an awareness of elements of the students’ own culture.


Students will learn:

·  How to tell the weather in Spanish.

·  Tell the weather on each season.

·  Be able to create a song with the material given.


7th Unit

February 20-March 15, 2013

Pasatiempo después de clases

****Avancemos unidad 7

El presente de los verbos en- AR. Formas plurales (Present tense of regular –AR verbs)

El presente de los verbos IR, DAR y ESTAR. Verbos que no siguen el mismo patrón de los verbos regulares. Es por esto que se le llaman verbos irregulares. (IR, ESTAR and DAR. Irregular verbs that does not conform to the regular pattern.)

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.P1 the students present information orally and in writing that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases, and patterns. The students:


B. Give basic information about self and others including school, family, activities, etc.

C. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written presentations with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics

MLI.IP1- the students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

F. Comprehend basic descriptions

G. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school etc.

MLI.CCC1- The students use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another. The students:

A.  Apply previously learned skill from other subjects.

MLI.CCC3 the students compare basic elements of the target language to the English language. The students:

A. Recognize similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems, cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.

B. Recognize basic sound distinctions and intonation patterns and their effect on communicating meaning.


Students will learn:

·  Vocabulary associated with leisure activities.

·  Plural form of AR- verbs

·  Present tense forms of the irregular verb, IR, DAR and ESTAR.

8th Unit

March 18-April 19, 2013

Los deportes de equipo

****Avancemos Unidad 6

****En Español. Unidad 3 Etapa 2

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

b. Express like, dislikes, emotions, agreement and disagreement.

MLI.IP2 the students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language. The students:

c. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.

MLICCC1 the students use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another. The students:

c. Identify examples of vocabulary, phrases, proverbs, and symbols from the target language that are used in other subjects.

MLI.CCC3 the students compare basic elements of the target language to the English language. The students:

a.  Recognize similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems, cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.


Students will learn:

·  Talk about sports in Spanish.

·  Vocabulary associate with football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis and golf.

·  Compare team sports in the U.S. and Spanish speaking countries

Students will use:

·  Common questions in Spanish and form a complete question according to the answer provided.

·  Vocabulary associated with activities after school, amusement park, zoo, museum etc.

·  Vocabulary associated with leisure activities.

·  The present tense of jugar

·  Present tense of stem-changing verbs

·  Verbs such as interesar, aburrir, gustar


9th Unit

April 22-May, 2013

De Vacaciones

Lesson’s GPS Standards:

MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students:

b. Express like, dislikes, emotions, agreement and disagreement.

MLI.IP2 the students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language. The students:

c. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.

MLICCC1 the students use information acquired in the study of the target language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another. The students:

c. Identify examples of vocabulary, phrases, proverbs, and symbols from the target language that are used in other subjects.

MLI.CCC3 the students compare basic elements of the target language to the English language. The students:

a.  Recognize similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems, cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.


Students will:

·  Talk about summer and winter weather activities

·  Discuss summer and winter resorts in Spanish-speaking countries.

Students will use:

·  Preterit tense of regular-AR-verbs

·  Preterit of –IR and SER

·  Directs object pronouns


Due date for notebook and binder: Friday May 24, 2013

Tentative units.

! Vamos de compras!


MLII.IP1 the students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students