ST. ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC PARISH- Gaithersburg, MD- Religious Education Grades K-6


Grades Prek-Grade 6

Welcome to a new year of religious education, the ministry team is eager to walk with your family in faith. With approximately 350 children and more than 100 volunteers, we are ready and eager to begin!

We will serve as storytellers, mentors, and witnesses to the glory and love of our Lord. Most importantly, we endeavor to assist your child in forming a personal, intimate, and lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, spiritual devotions & experiences, understanding, and practical example. At the heart of this mission is our desire for your child to knowJesus Christ, not merely know about Him.

The Catholic Church recognizes parents as the primary and principal educators of their children, especially in the task of faith formation which you professed on the day of your child’s Baptism. Our catechetical program assists in this endeavor by providing formal, systemic catechesisand it is our honor and privilege to do so!

Throughout the year, please bring your child to Religious Education classes and Mass each week. If you make God and Church a priority, your children will, too!

Carefully review the information below as well, as the two attached documents, as you will need this information throughout the year.


ALLERGIES: Each child will be given a name tag which is to be worn while in class. Please make sure that any current allergies are listed on the back of the name tag. For children with severe allergies where an Epi-pen has been indicated; please bring in a new Epi-pen in a clear plastic bag clearly labeled with your child’s name, grade, and names of his/her Catechists.

ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS: There are approximately 25 lessons per year as we begin this program in late September and conclude in early May. With only one hour per week set aside for instruction, it is critical that your child attend each scheduled class and arrive on time. Chronic late arrival is a dis-service to your child, the volunteers, and the others in the classroom. Attendance will be taken five minutes after class has begun. Any child arriving after that will be marked as tardy.

Let’s celebrate efforts to arrive on time and perfect attendance! Every child who attends class each week and is not tardy, from the beginning of class until Christmas break, will be recognized at the Christmas Family Event. We will also recognize perfect attendance and timeliness for the second half of the year (Jan.-April) during the Family Event at the final class. A special recognition will also take place at the final class for children having perfect attendance and timeliness for all the classes!

Grade 1: Weekly participation during the pre-sacramental year is critical. One class absence per semester (Sept.-Dec. and Jan.-April) is excused. Two or more absences per semester must be discussed with the Coordinator of Religious Education.

Grade 2: Weekly participation during the sacramental year is critical.One class absence per semester (Sept.-Dec. and Jan.-April) is excused. Two or more absences per semester must be discussed with the Coordinator of Religious Education.


You may drop off your child no more than 10 minutes prior to class as there will be no supervision prior to that time. Parent should check their child in with the Classroom Helper.

Please do not leave your child until there are two adults present.

PRAYER AND PICK-UP: Approximately ten minutes before the end of the class, the classroom doors will be opened to signal to parents to enter the classroom and join their child in closing prayers. We know from much social science research that children watch and learn from their parents what is valued and important. This is a great opportunity to take 10 minutes per week to pray with and for your child. It could be the most worthwhile ten minutes of your week  Parents are required to check their child out with the Class Room Helper.

No child should be left waiting for a parent at the end of class, we ask that you please be prompt.

Parents should inform the Class Room Helpersin writing of other adults who have permission to pick-up your child.

SAFTEY/EVACUATION PLANS: In the event of an emergency where evacuating the building is required, classes will be led outside to the far side of the lower level parking lot. In a significant event, children will be led to the back lower parking lot to be reunified with the parents. This is the overflow parking lot for masses where the St. Rose shed is located. In such an event, the Clopper Rd entrance will be closed and parents will need to enter the premises through Game Preserve Road.

Shelter in Place: In the event that it is not safe for the children to be dismissed, we will activate a Shelter in Place procedure and retain all children until it is safe to do otherwise. For a weather emergency, children in the St. Peter, St. Joseph, and Child Care room will be moved to away from the windows to an interior classroom.


Tuesday classes: St. Rose follows MCPS guidelines for cancellations and early dismissals. If schools close, close early, or cancel afternoon/evening activities, there will be no religious education classes. In addition, St. Rose may cancel class if conditions worsen throughout the day. Decisions will be made by 4:30pm, an email/flocknote will be sent and a message placed on the parish cancellation line. #301-948-7545 x307

Sacraments: The parents of children receiving First Penance and First Communion are asked to attend a meeting to receive additional information about preparation. The meeting will be offered three times in October, parents need only to attend once.

Circle of Grace Training:

Your children’s safety and well-being is very important to our parish community and the Archdiocese of Washington.

We as a Church are committed to doing all we can to make sure children are safe while in our care.

The PreK-5 Religious Ed program has taken the following steps to insure children’s safety:

  • All adult volunteers have had an FBI background check and completed child protection training
  • All volunteers wear nametags so parents and children can easily identify us
  • Children will wear nametags this year so they are easily identifiable
  • Hallway monitors are present to be sure children remain where they should be and persons uninvolved with RE are not wandering near classrooms or in the restrooms
  • A minimum of 2adult volunteers are present in each classroom
  • A visual reminder of our Circle of Grace program is posted in every classroom

The final aspect of our child safety efforts involves educating all children about safe touch. The Archdiocese has provided parishes with an excellent child safety curriculum called “Circle of Grace”. All of our Religious Ed children in grades PreK-5

We invite parents to join us with your children on these days. You are welcome to experience the lesson with your child, be a part of the dialogue, and continue the conversation at home. You are welcome to sit with your child or in the back of the room, whatever is best for your family.

Catechists: Please remember that all of our Catechists and Class Room Helpers are volunteers giving freely of their time and energy. A smile or a few words of thanks can often go a long way in lifting tired spirits.

My prayer for this year is that our St. Rose community of adult helpers, children, and families grow in knowledge, love, and service to God and one another so as to transform our world.

In Christ,

Susan Joseph

Coordinator of Religious Education PreK-5

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish