Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Imbalance Energy Offset / Date: 04/01/09

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Real Time Imbalance Energy Offset

CC 6477

Version 5.0

ÓCAISO, 2009 / Page 2 of 14
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Imbalance Energy Offset / Date: 04/01/09

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of Document 3

2. Introduction 3

2.1 Background 3

2.2 Description 4

3. Charge Code Requirements 5

3.1 Business Rules 5

3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes 6

3.3 Successor Charge Codes 7

3.4 Inputs – External Systems 7

3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations 7

3.6 CAISO Formula 9

3.7 Outputs 12

4. Charge Code Effective Dates 14

1.  Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.

2.  Introduction

2.1  Background

With the implementation of MRTU, the current radial zonal model will be replaced with Full Network Model and Locational Marginal Price (LMP) model, which will also eliminate the use of Zones for the Settlement of Energy transactions. Locational Marginal Prices will be used in principle to settle Energy transactions. Price Locations and Aggregated Price Locations are defined on collections of network nodes. A LMP will be calculated for each Price Location and each Aggregated Price Location.

The Real-Time Market (RTM) is a market for trading Energy and Ancillary Services in Real Time. The bid submission for a given Trading Hour in the RTM is allowed after the Day Ahead Market result publication for the corresponding Trading Day and up to 75 minutes before the start of that Trading Hour. The Real-Time Market processes optimize Energy and Ancillary Services Bids with an objective of satisfying Real-Time Energy needs, mitigating Congestion, allowing resources providing Regulation service to return to preferred operating point within their regulating ranges and allowing recovery of Operating Reserves utilized in Real Time operation.

The Real-Time Economic Dispatch (RTED) is responsible for dispatching Imbalance Energy and Ancillary Services at regular intervals. RTED runs automatically every 5 min, at the middle of each 5-min interval. In addition RTED can be executed manually in Manual or Contingency Dispatch modes. Instructed Imbalance Energy (IIE) resulting from RT dispatched instructions will be calculated by CAISO usually by the end of next Trading Day.

The CAISO calculates and accounts for Imbalance Energy for each Dispatch Interval and settles Imbalance Energy for each Settlement Interval for each resource within the CAISO Control Area and all System Resources Dispatched in Real-Time.

Imbalance Energy consists of following:

IIE - Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (CC 6470) and HASP Energy, Congestion, Loss Pre-Dispatched Settlement (CC 6051)

UIE - Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (CC 6475)

UFE - Real Time Unaccounted for Energy Settlement (CC 6474)

2.2  Description

Related to Section of the CAISO Tariff, in allocating the non-zero amounts of the sum of IIE, UIE, and UFE, the CAISO will first compute the Real-Time Congestion Offset (CC 6774) and allocate it to all Scheduling Coordinators based on Measured Demand, excluding demand associated with ETC/TOR/CVR Self-Schedules for which IFM and RTM Congestion Credits were provided.

CAISO will then compute the Real-Time Marginal Cost of Losses Offset and allocate it to all Scheduling Coordinators based on Measured Demand, excluding Demand associated with TOR Self-Schedules for which IFM and RTM Marginal Cost of Losses Credit for Eligible TOR Self-Schedules were provided.

To the extent that the sum of the Settlement Amounts for IIE, UIE, and UFE, less the HASP and RT Energy Congestion revenues computed within Real-Time Congestion Offset (from CC 6774) less the Real-Time Marginal Cost of Losses Offset does not equal zero, the CAISO will assess Charges or make Payments in Real Time Imbalance Energy Offset (CC 6477) for the resulting differences to all Scheduling Coordinators based on a pro rata share of their Measured Demand excluding demand quantity for the valid and balanced portion of TOR contract self-schedules in Real-Time.

For the three allocations above, Measured Demand allocation basis for MSS as specified in the Tariff shall be applied.

Neutrality is achieved in the three offset accounts for the non-zero sum of IIE, UIE, UFE and HASP and RT A/S Congestion revenues while factoring in the congestion credits and loss credits/charges.

CC6774 will provide neutrality for the congestion portion, while CC6477 will provide neutrality for the remaining balance, through a two bucket allocation approach as described above. CC6774 covers the HASP and RT A/S and Energy Congestion revenues and factoring in the congestion credits to ETC/TOR holders. CC6477 will cover the sum of IIE, UIE, and UFE less the HASP and RT Energy Congestion revenues and factoring in the loss credits and charges to TOR holders.

3.  Charge Code Requirements

3.1  Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule /
1.0 / This Charge Code shall be calculated and output on a 10-minute Settlement Interval basis.
1.1 / This charge code accomplishes the second and third neutrality adjustments out of three mentioned in Tariff section, for the nonzero sum of IIE, UIE, UFE, Real-Time A/S congestion revenues, with congestion credits and loss credits/charges factored in.
1.2 / The second neutrality adjustment, covers the loss portion of the nonzero sum mentioned above, by computing for the Real-Time Marginal Cost of Losses Offset (to be called CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAmount in this charge code) and allocating it to all Scheduling Coordinators based on Measured Demand, excluding Demand associated with TOR Self-Schedules for which IFM and RTM Marginal Cost of Losses Credit for Eligible TOR Self-Schedules were provided.
1.2.1 / The CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAmount is computed as the sum of:
(1) the system-wide net RTM Marginal Loss Assessment to TOR holders having CAISO Agreements, and (2) the Real-Time marginal loss surplus. / For each settlement interval, the CAISO Real-Time marginal loss surplus is the CAISO Day-Ahead Energy marginal loss surplus multiplied by the ratio of (CAISO Total Measured Demand minus CAISO Total Day-Ahead Demand Schedules) and CAISO Total Day-Ahead Demand Schedules. / The CAISO Real-Time marginal loss surplus can be negative when CAISO Total Measured Demand is less than the CAISO Total Day-Ahead Demand Schedules.
1.3 / The third neutrality adjustment, covers the remainder after subtracting for the congestion and loss portions of the nonzero sum mentioned above. The remainder amount to be called the CAISOTotalRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetSettlementAmount and is allocated to all Scheduling Coordinators based on Measured Demand, excluding Demand associated with the valid and balanced TOR contract Self-Schedules in Real-Time.
1.4 / The first neutrality adjustment, covers the congestion portion of the nonzero sum mentioned above, and is accomplished in another charge code. (Fact)
2.0 / For non-MSS Operators, and for MSS Operators that are not Load following MSSs and have elected gross Settlement, the Measured Demand basis is whatever is already mentioned in the above rules for the second and third neutrality adjustments.
2.1 / For an MSS that have elected Load following or net Settlement, or both, the Measured Demand allocation basis shall be:
(a)  for the second neutrality adjustment, their MSS Aggregation Net Measured Demand excluding the valid and balanced demand quantity from contract self-schedules for which IFM and/or RTM TOR loss credits were provided for the relevant Settlement Interval.
(b)  for the third neutrality adjustment, their MSS Aggregation Net Measured Demand excluding the valid and balanced demand quantity from TOR contract self-schedules in Real-Time for the relevant Settlement Interval.
These values are calculated in another charge code. (Fact)
3.0 / Measured Demand is defined for this Charge Code as a Scheduling Coordinator’s Measured Demand (for UDCs and MSS entities that have elected for gross settlement) plus net Demand (for net-settled MSS entities) which includes contractual Transmission Loss adjustments, and for RT Exports includes only the Energy types Firm, Non-Firm, Dynamic and Wheeling.
4.0 / The final settlement amount for this charge code to each Business Associate is the sum of each Business Associate’s share or allocation amount from the second and third neutrality adjustment.
4.1 / TOR holders shall not get a share of the allocation amount in the third neutrality adjustment for they are excluded from the Measured Demand allocation basis.
5.0 / The net imbalance amount calculated as (a) the sum of the final Settlement amount for Charge Code 6470, 6474, 6475, 6051, 6984 minus the (CAISOHourlyTotalHASPEnergyCongestionAmt dh )/6 and the CAISOSettlementIntervalTotalRTEnergyCongestionAmt (from CC 6774) and (b) 6477 in a given trade interval is attributed to rounding and must be output to CC 4989 Daily Rounding Adjustment Allocation.

3.2  Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name /
CC 6470 – Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (IIE)
CC 6475 – Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (UIE)
CC 6474 – Real Time Unaccounted for Energy Settlement (UFE)
CC 6051 – HASP Energy, Congestion, Loss Pre-Dispatched Settlement
ETC/TOR/CVR Quantity Pre-calculation
Measured Demand Over Control Area Pre-calculation
CC 6984 – RTM Net Marginal Loss Assessment per CAISO Agreement
CC 6774 – Real Time Congestion Offset
CC 6947 – IFM Marginal Loss Surplus Credit Allocation
RT Energy Precalculation

3.3  Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name /

3.4  Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description

3.5  Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration /
1 / SettlementIntervalIIEAmount Brthi / CC 6470 - Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (IIE), d is shown in the formulas.
2 / SettlementIntervalUIESettlementAmount BrtuT’I’M’hi / CC 6475 - Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (UIE), d is shown in the formulas.
3 / PIRRealTimeUIESettlementAccrualAmount BrtuT’I’M’hi / CC 6475 - Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (UIE), d is shown in the formulas.
4 / BA_UDC_SettlementInterval_UnaccountedforEnergy_SettlementAmount BuM’mdhi / CC 6474 - Real Time Unaccounted for Energy Settlement (UFE), attribute m is taken out in the formulas of this current document.
5 / CAISOHourlyTotalHASPEnergySettlementAmt h / CC 6051 – HASP Energy, Congestion, Loss Pre-Dispatched Settlement, d is shown in the formulas.
6 / HourlyHASPEnergyCongestionAmt Brth / CC 6051 – HASP Energy, Congestion, Loss Pre-Dispatched Settlement, d is shown in the formulas.
7 / BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORLossQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF Bmdhi / Measured Demand Over Control Area Pre-calculation
Note: This value is assumed negative in the current charge code.
Also, attribute m was dropped in the formulas.
8 / CAISOSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORLossQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF mdhi / Measured Demand Over Control Area Pre-calculation
Note: This value is assumed negative in the current charge code.
Also, attribute m was dropped in the formulas.
9 / CAISOSettlementIntervalTotalRTEnergyCongestionAmt mdhi / CC 6774 – Real Time Congestion Offset, , attribute m is taken out in the formulas of this current document..
10 / BASettlementIntervalRTMNetMarginalLossAssessmentSettlementAmount Bhi / CC 6984 – RTM Net Marginal Loss Assessment per CAISO Agreement
11 / CAISOPIRRealTimeUIESettlementAccrualAmount hi / CC 6475 - Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement (UIE), d is shown in the formulas.
12 / BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORDemandQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF Bmdhi / Measured Demand Over Control Area Pre-calculation
Note: This value is assumed negative in the current charge code.
Also, attribute m was dropped in the formulas.
13 / CAISOSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORDemandQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF mdhi / Measured Demand Over Control Area Pre-calculation
Note: This value is assumed negative in the current charge code.
Also, attribute m was dropped in the formulas.
14 / CAISOHourlyDAEnergyMLS h / CC 6947 – IFM Marginal Loss Surplus Credit Allocation
15 / SettlementIntervalDayAheadEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi / RT Energy Precalculation

3.6  CAISO Formula

3.6.1  BusinessAssociateRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetAllocationAmount Bdhi =

BASettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAllocationAmount Bdhi + BASettlementIntervalRTIEOffsetNeutralityAllocationAmount Bdhi

3.6.2  BASettlementIntervalRTIEOffsetNeutralityAllocationAmount Bdhi =

(BASettlementIntervalCAMD_RTImbalanceEnergyOffset_BQ Bdhi * RealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetPrice dhi)  Where BASettlementIntervalCAMD_RTImbalanceEnergyOffset_BQ Bdhi =

BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORDemandQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF Bdhi  Where


CAISOSettlementIntervalCAMD_RTImbalanceEnergyOffset_BQ dhi >0


RealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetPrice dhi =

(-1) * (CAISOTotalRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetSettlementAmount dhi / CAISOSettlementIntervalCAMD_RTImbalanceEnergyOffset_BQ dhi)


RealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetPrice dhi = 0

END IF  Where CAISOSettlementIntervalCAMD_RTImbalanceEnergyOffset_BQ dhi =

CAISOSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORDemandQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF dhi  And

CAISOTotalRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetSettlementAmount dhi = CAISOTotalRealTimeIIESettlementAmount dhi + CAISOTotalRealTimeUIESettlementAmount dhi +

CAISOTotalUFESettlementAmount dhi +

CAISOTotalHASPEnergySettlementAmount dhi -

CAISOSettlementIntervalTotalRTEnergyCongestionAmt hi -

CAISOSettlementIntervalHASPEnergyCongestionAmt dhi -

CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAmount dhi  Where

CAISOTotalRealTimeIIESettlementAmount dhi = SettlementIntervalIIEAmount Brtdhi  And

CAISOTotalRealTimeUIESettlementAmount dhi =

(SettlementIntervalUIESettlementAmount BrtuT’I’M’dhi ) + CAISOPIRRealTimeUIESettlementAccrualAmount dhi  And

CAISOTotalUFESettlementAmount dhi = BA_UDC_SettlementInterval_UnaccountedforEnergy_SettlementAmount BuM’dhi  And

CAISOTotalHASPEnergySettlementAmount dhi =

(1/6)* CAISOHourlyTotalHASPEnergySettlementAmt dh 

CAISOSettlementIntervalHASPEnergyCongestionAmt dhi =

(1/6)* HourlyHASPEnergyCongestionAmt Brth

3.6.3  BASettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAllocationAmount Bdhi =

(BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORLossQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF Bdhi * CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetPrice dhi)  Where CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetPrice dhi

IF CAISOSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORLossQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF dhi >0


CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetPrice dhi =

(-1) * (CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAmount dhi / CAISOSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandMinusBalancedTORLossQuantity_EX_RTM_IMBOFF dhi)


CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetPrice dhi = 0

END IF  Where CAISOSettlementIntervalRTLossOffsetAmount dhi =

{CAISOSettlementIntervalRTMNetMarginalLossAssessmentAmount dhi + [(1/6)*CAISOHourlyDAEnergyMLS h *(CAISOTotalSettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandControlAreaQty dhi – CAISOSettlementIntervalDADemandScheduleQuantity dhi ) / CAISOSettlementIntervalDADemandScheduleQuantity dhi ]}  And

CAISOSettlementIntervalRTMNetMarginalLossAssessmentAmount dhi =

BASettlementIntervalRTMNetMarginalLossAssessmentSettlementAmount Bdhi  CAISOSettlementIntervalDADemandScheduleQuantity dhi =

SettlementIntervalDayAheadEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi

WHERE t = “LOAD” or “ETIE”

3.7  Outputs

Output ID / Name / Description /
In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
1.0 / BusinessAssociateRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetAllocationAmount Bdhi / Total Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Business Associate ID (B) Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
1.1 / RealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetPrice dhi / The per unit charge price to be applied to the billable quantity for the Real Time Imbalance Energy Offset ($/MWh).
1.2 / CAISOTotalRealTimeImbalanceEnergyOffsetSettlementAmount dhi / Total Real Time Imbalance Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
2.0 / CAISOTotalRealTimeIIESettlementAmount dhi / Total Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
2.1 / CAISOTotalRealTimeUIESettlementAmount dhi / Total Real Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
2.3 / CAISOTotalUFESettlementAmount dhi / Total Unaccounted for Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
2.4 / CAISOTotalHASPEnergySettlementAmount dhi / Total HASP Energy Settlement Amount for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i).
2.5 / CAISOSettlementIntervalHASPEnergyCongestionAmt dhi / Total HASP Energy Congestion Revenue for the CAISO Control Area by Trading Day (d), Trading Hour (h) and by Settlement Interval (i). ($/MWh).