European Master of Science
in Nuclear Engineering

CIRTEN (Consorzio InterUniversitario per la Ricerca Tecnologica sull'Energia Nucleare)

Exchange Courses


The CIRTEN (Consorzio InterUniversitario per la Ricerca Tecnologica sull'Energia Nucleare) is organising Exchange Courses to be held at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, addressed to students willing to get the EMSNE Quality Label granted by the ENEN Association. Four courses are offered, for a total of 20 ECTS:

  • Nuclear Reactor Physics

Teacher: Prof. Piero RAVETTO

List of topics:

  • Neutron interactions with matter: Nuclear reactions induced by neutrons; Cross sections; Generation of nuclear data.
  • Neutronic models: Multigroup diffusion theory; Multiplying systems; criticality: multiplication eigenvalue and physical interpretation; source-driven systems; Homogeneous and reflected reactors; heterogeneity effects; Introduction to neutron transport theory.
  • Perturbation theory: Standard perturbation theory applied to eigenvalues; Generalized perturbation theory.
  • Reactor dynamics: Factorisation schemes for the solution of the neutron kinetic equations; point kinetics and quasi-static method; Feed-back phenomena.
  • Nuclide transmutation.

Load: 5 ECTS

  • Fusion Reactor Engineering

Teacher: Prof. Roberto ZANINO

List of topics:

  • Introduction to nuclear fusion: the D-T reaction, Lawson’s criterion, ignition.
  • Principles of plasma physics: single-particle orbits in electric and magnetic fields; ideal MHD model; application to the problem of plasma confinement in tokamaks.
  • Plasma fuelling and heating.
  • Plasma-wall interactions.
  • Superconducting magnet technology.
  • Blanket engineering.
  • Status and perspective of nuclear fusion as energy source: major tokamaks operating in the world and their performance; ITER and IGNITOR projects.
  • Introduction to inertial confinement.

Load: 5 ECTS

  • Radiation Protection

Teacher: Prof. Massimo Zucchetti

List of topics:

  • Radiation physics, interaction of radiation with matter.
  • Radioprotection criteria. Maximum permissible doses. National and international law. ICRP Recommendations and basic safety standards for radiation protection.
  • Biological and health effects of radiation. Short-term and long-term effects.
  • Nuclear emergencies. Reference levels. Management of radiological emergencies. Lessons learned from the analysis of real cases (Goyania, San Salvador, Chernobyl, Tokai Mura, etc.)
  • Non ionising radiations. Physical basis and interaction with matter. Short-term and long-term health effects.
  • Radiation shielding. Theory and application to radioactive source shielding.

Load: 5 ECTS

  • Computational thermofluiddynamics

Teacher: Prof. Roberto Zanino

List of topics:

  • Computational thermofluiddynamics either differential or integral equations
  • Finite difference methods
  • Finite volume methods
  • Finite element methods
  • CFD applications to nuclear reactor thermofluiddynamics

Load: 5 ECTS


The Courses will be held in parallel in the period from November 10-th to December 19-th, 2008.

Applications are encouraged and should be sent by September 3th 2008, by e-mail, fax or post to:

including the following information:

  • Name, age, nationality and address (also e-mail) of the Student
  • HomeUniversity
  • Educational background (e.g., degrees, list of successfully passed examinations)
  • Courses of interest, to be chosen in the list reported above
  • Preferences for accommodation (needs and maximum prices)

Applicants will be timely informed about acceptance in the Courses.


Support for finding a suitable and cheap lodging in Torino will be provided by Politecnico di Torino.


Within the Department of International Affairs this office manages all the activities, projects and agreements involving student exchanges, both within the SOCRATES programme (UE and associated countries) and in special projects and bilateral agreements between universities for extra-European countries.