Dear Parents

Christmas is a very special time in schools and over the next few weeks the excitement will continually rise as we all prepare for the seasonal activities– Parties and Nativity.

Although this is a busy and exhausting time of the year for everyone, there is nothing quite like Christmas in a primary school!

On behalf of all the staff, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours sincerely

Carol Fleming

Head Teacher




Christmas Assembly / NativityWednesday 20ththDecember (11am and 1.30pm)


Room 4 P5/6/7Tuesday 12thDecember (Afternoon 1.00 – 3.00 p.m.)

Room 3 P3/4Thursday 14th December (Afternoon 1.00 – 3.00 p.m.)

Room 1 P1/2 Friday 15thDecember (Afternoon 1.00 – 3.00 p.m.)

Christmas Lunch Wednesday 13th December

Christmas Jumper /Non Uniform Day Friday22ndDecember (no cost)


The Christmas Lunch will be held on Wednesday 13th December.Any pupil wishing Christmas Lunch should inform his /her teacher by Friday8thDecember. (Return tear off slip on the enclosed leaflet)


StarterLentil Soup with crusty bread

Main Courses Roast Turkey or SteakPie or

Vegetarian Roast

Dessert Strawberry and Vanilla ice cream

Please note that there will be no sandwiches on this day.


Wednesday 20thDecember 11 a.m. or 1.30pm

Please note that there are 2 performances this year. Due to growing numbers and limited hall space, I felt it necessary to have 2 performances as I don’t want to limit the number of parents,family and friends coming along. A letter will be sent home in December asking for a preference of performance and numbers attending.

(Additional parking is available at the farm access road across from the school. A huge thank you to Mr Struthers for allowing us the use of this space.)


Wednesday 20thDecember

The Parent Council will hold their Christmas Hamper Raffle at the Nativity. As always they are relying on your support and all donations will be gratefully received. R1 – Toys, R3 – Chocolate and R4 – Christmas Sparkle.

Raffle tickets will be on sale from Monday 18thDecember. 20p a ticket.

Thank you for your continued support.


Children who reach the age of 5 years between 1st March 2018and the end of February 2019 and who live in the catchment area for Bent Primary, should be registered for education on either Monday 15th, Tuesday16thor Wednesday 17thJanuary 2018 between the hours of1:30pm and 3pm at the school.If you know of any parent who has a child ready to start school, could you please pass on this information to them. Thank you!

Throughout October, Bent Primary Schoolwas bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.

I am delighted to inform you that our project has been awarded the second prize of £2000. This money will go towards the purchase of new computers for our school.


Huge congratulations to Ellie Barr who received a commended award from Aileen Campbell, MSP, for her Christmas card design. Mrs Campbell set a competition to all Clydesdale schools to design her Christmas card. Mrs Campbell popped in especially to congratulate Ellie and present her with a small gift. Well done Ellie we are very proud of you!


To date our clothing bank has earned the school £583.60!

Please support our clothing recycling scheme by placing your unwanted clothes in our clothing bin. A school collection will be available on Wednesday 20th December before each nativity performance. The parent council will collect any bags and take them to our recycling bin for you.


Congratulations to all pupilsfor participating so wholeheartedly in the

‘Children in Need’ activities organised by our Pupil Council and Mrs Coull.

As a result of everyone’s generous giving, a cheque for £100has been sent to the charity.

Thank you to the pupil council for organising the events on the day and well done everyone for raising such a wonderful amount for Children In Need.


Primary 7 havebeenbusy making framed pictures. Order forms will be sent home and these will be on sale throughout December. Primary 7 are hoping to raise money to fund the P7 end of year treat.


The next meeting of the Parent Council will be held on Tuesday 16th January 2018 at

6p.m. in the GP Room. If you would like to find out more about the work of the parent council, please come along to any meeting. You will be made most welcome.

More information about the work of our parent council can be found on the school’s website.


Everyone is invited to wear ‘Something Christmassy!’ on Friday 22ndDecember. Sparkle with some tinsel or wear your favourite Christmas jumper! (Please note it is NOT NECESSARY to buy a Christmas jumper!)

Please note that the school will close on Friday 22ndDecember at the slightly earlier time of 2.30 p.m. and willre-open on Monday 8thJanuary 2018 at the usual time of 9 a.m.

Happy Christmas Everyone, from All at Bent Primary!