St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School

Long term curriculum plan

TOPICS / Paws, Claws and Whiskers / Dinosaur Planet / Memory Box / Superheroes / The Enchanted Woodland / Rio de Vida
Literacy / Recounts, Fables, Poems and Rhymes / Poetry & Riddles Narrative writing for different purposes. / Recounts, diary writing, rhymes, mnemonics & descriptions / Descriptive sentences/ Comic strips/ Narrative / Recounts
Narratives / Poetry, myths and legends
Just so- Series of stories (Rudyard Kipling)
Tiger that came to tea (Judith Kerr)
Bear Hunt
(Michael Rosen) / Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs
(Ian Whybrow) / Familiar stories:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears/ Three Bears / Charlie’s Superhero Underpants
(Paul Bright) / Hansel & Gretel
(Traditional tale)
Peter Rabbit
(Beatrix Potter) / Vitoria Regia
Non fiction / Booklets, Lists and Instructions / Fact files/ Non chronological reports / Information books / Fact files
Labels and captions / Information books and letters
List and instructions / Information texts, instructions and postcards
Non fiction ‘Caring for..’ books
Animal non fiction / Dinosaur Encyclopaedia
Dinosaur facts / Verse: ‘ In my bag I packed…’
‘Kim’s game’ (memory game) / Non fiction ‘ local heroes’ e.g firefighters/ police / Non fiction:
Wildlife / Carnival non fiction – Brazil/ Notting Hill
Science / Animals (including humans)
Working scientifically / Plants and Animals / Animals including humans/ Parts and senses / Human parts/ Eating healthily/ Working scientifically / Plants and animals
Identifying and classifying / N/A
History / N/A / Events beyond living memory (Mary Anning) / Changes in living memory / Historical heroes/ heroines / N/A / N/A
Geography / Using and making maps
Describing physical features / Locating continents and oceans / Fieldwork in local area / N/A / Making maps / Locating countries & cities/ Comparing UK and Rio
RE / Creation/
Families & Celebrations / Prayer/ Advent / Christmas
Jesus: Teacher and Healer / Forgiveness/ Lent / Holy week/Easter / Pentecost/ Sharing Jesus’ Life/ Following Jesus’ Life
D&T / Designing labels
Designing and making animal enclosures. / Designing and Making / Making picnic food/ Celebration cards/ Making a memory box / Super foods / Building structures/ Making party food / Carnival instruments
Flag making
Art / Talking, drawing, collage, model making, painting, sculpture & animal masks. / Large & small scale modelling / Drawing and painting/ Collage/ Family portraits / Drawing/ Modelling superheroes / Working with natural materials/ Drawing and Painting / Carnival masks and headdresses/ Collages
ICT / TBC / Programming floor robot/ Stop frame animation / TBC / Downloading photos & images/ E-safety and animation / Sending an email / Digital animations
PSHE / Caring for animals / N/A / Caring for babies & toddlers/ Sharing memories/ Feeling positive / Recognising good & bad choice/ Keeping safe/ Making positive contributions / Feeling positive/ Looking after the environment / Special times/Understanding differences/ Fair and unfair
Trip Ideas / West Midlands Safari/ Zoo / Dinosaur Museum / Grandparents/ Parents visits / Real life superhero visit – fire/ police station etc. / Cannock chase ‘fairy forest’/ woodlands / Local carnival visit