Department of Health Studies

Hlthst 207 – Nutrition, Section

Fall 2008, Tuesdays 6-9 pm

Instructor: Marjorie Rich, RD, LD, CDE

Cell Phone: 861-1777 (8am-8pm)



Appointments may be arranged upon request.

Text: Whitney and Rolfes, Understanding Nutrition, Eleventh Edition 2008 Bring to class, as we refer frequently to tables and formulas.

Diet Analysis Software: Diet Analysis Plus for Windows – Version 7.0 or newer

The software is available on the Boise campus in the Student Resource Room (HSR 206) as well as at Gowen and West Campus. You will need a USB flash drive to store your information if using BSU computers.

Internet Access for Blackboard course site, weekly online quizzes, submitting assignments, and DAPlus

Calculator: You will need a calculator for assignments, in class activities and exams. Bring it to class every week. No cell phone calculators on exams.

Course Goals & Objectives

Goal: To build a base of credible nutrition information that is applicable both personally and professionally. Students will learn and test their nutrition knowledge through a variety of approaches.

By the end of this class you will:

·  Understand macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as their relationship with each other and with human health and disease.

·  Be able to identify food sources of key nutrients.

·  Evaluate your personal nutrition profile through data assessment, reflection and writing.

·  Be able to translate nutrition research into useable information for yourself, your family, and patient/clients.

·  Recognize nutrition misinformation.

·  Be able to evaluate how your past knowledge and experience, as well as your culture, affects the way you learn about and apply nutrition information.

·  Have opportunities to learn in depth about nutrition topics of interest to you.

·  Be able to demonstrate communication skills, critical thinking, and appropriate use of resources.

Teaching Approach

Learning the course content will take place through a combination of reading, on-line quizzes, lecture, discussion, classroom activities, individual projects, writing, and essay exams. Writing skills are critical to professional communication. Health care professionals will benefit from being able to write in a variety of formats and for varied audiences. You may need to translate technical information for clients, create handouts or write newsletter articles. You may share your knowledge with your peers in the format of journal articles, reports, or seek funding through grant writing. Assignments in this course have writing components that involve explaining data analysis, observations of trends, application of basic content materials, critical thinking, and proper documentation.

Student Responsibilities

·  Attendance is required for this course. There are no make-up points for participation points from missed classes. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain notes and handouts.

·  Be prepared for class. Read the text and complete the worksheets. Complete the weekly on-line quiz based on the reading. Complete the activities listed under “before next class” on the calendar.

·  Turn off cell phones during class. Ask about the classmate-enforced penalty for forgetting.

·  Check Blackboard and your BSU email weekly for announcements.

·  If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Quizzes, Activities, Assignments & Exams

Quizzes Every week, there will be a 5 point, online quiz covering information from the assigned reading. Questions will be multiple choice and fill-in. A worksheet will be provided for each section to serve as a study guide. Quizzes must be completed by midnight Monday. 70 points total.

In-class Activities Throughout the semester, in-class activities will be done. You must be present, and turn in the exercises to receive points for these activities. Some activities will include having you bring something to class – you must have it at the scheduled class to receive points (no make up points). See column 5 of the calendar. 5 points/activity, 30 points total

Assignments Assignments are designed to help you to assess your current intake, apply nutrition principles and ideas, and allow you to explore nutrition topics that are of personal interest to you. See column 3 of the schedule for due dates and (point value), See Blackboard for the Writing Assignments handout as well as examples and grading rubrics. 180 points total

Assignments Policy:

The assignments are on Blackboard. Hard copies of the assignments will not be provided.

The assignments are due at 6 p.m. on the assigned due date. I will accept either a hard copy or electronic version. Evaluation & feedback will be given in the same format as the assignment was submitted (email for electronic, written for hard copy). Hardcopies that are not stapled, or that have hand written entries will have 20% off. Electronic copies are submitted by email. Electronic assignments that are not turned in as a single file submission will be graded on the first portion of the assignment opened. Assignments may be turned in early, but will be graded with the others.

Late Assignments: 20% will be taken off the first week the assignment is late, Assignments will not be accepted later than 1 week. Late deduction is taken before grading deductions. The late penalty applies regardless of reason (including emergency, illness, and computer/internet problems).


There will be 4 unit exams during this semester, 50 points each. The final exam will have an additional 30 points of cumulative questions. 230 points total. Exam questions will come from lecture, class discussion, text, and assignments. To do well on exams it is critical to attend class and to prepare for class and exams by reading the text and completing the assignments. Exam questions include multiple choice/fill-ins and true/false questions, calculations and essay questions. Exams will be focused on application questions. Note: sample calculations and study questions are found at the end of each chapter in our text and on the book’s website.

Exam Make-up Policy: A make up exam is allowed only in the case of illness or emergency, You must contact me prior to the missed exam for illness or within 24 hours for emergency (by telephone or E-mail as listed in this syllabus). Policy for make-ups is one make-up exam/student/semester.

Grades: Grades will be posted on Blackboard. Please check periodically for errors or omissions. Grades will be calculated from the possible 510 points. Points possible are listed on the calendar, and grading rubrics are provided for assignments over 10 points.

> 93 % = A, 90 % - 93 % = A -, 87 % - 89 % = B +, 83 % - 86 % = B, 80 % - 82 % = B –,

77 % - 79 % = C +, 73 % - 76 % = C, 70 % - 72 % = C –

Extra Credit Extra credit is offered for the completion of on-line evaluations. There are no additional assignments offered for extra credit.

Student Code of Conduct:

It is my right and responsibility as an instructor to notify the Student Conduct Office of ANY suspected student misconduct, including exam cheating and plagiarism. It is YOUR responsibility to know what plagiarism means. For more information, see the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct: -

Typical plagiarism “oversights” are:

·  Copying whole sentences from a web site without restating in student’s words or without


·  Paraphrasing ideas of another author without attempting to write an "original" sentence.

The sanction for academic dishonesty in this class will be an automatic "F" for the course.

Special Accommodations: If you have a disability and need modifications please contact the Office of Disability Services (426-1583) and communicate with your instructor.

Syllabus Change Policy: Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.

The exam and assignment schedule and corresponding points may be changed due to extenuating circumstances, however, all necessary changes will be announced on Blackboard. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep informed of changes by checking Blackboard regularly.

Wk / Date / Assignments Due Exams / Content / In Class
*5 point activity /
After class, work on these for next week.
1 / 8-26-08 / On-line Goals & Expectations Eval (by 8/27) / Course Overview
Food & Culture
Writing overview / Food Diary
Getting Acquainted
Personal Food Culture / q  Complete Diary
q  Read Chapter 1, Worksheet 1
q  On-line Ch 1 Quiz (10)
q  Assignment 1: Letter to Mom
2 / 9-2-08 / Assignment 1:
Letter to Mom (10) / Guidelines & Nutrition Plans, Food Choices, Alphabet Soup
PNP / Pyramid & Diary Review
Favorite Foods
Quantitative Worksheet
Portions / q  Read Ch 2, Worksheet 2
q  Ch 2 Quiz (10)
q  Assignment 2: Computer Evaluation
9-8-08 / Last Date to Drop Class with Refund
3 / 9-9-08 / Assignment 2:Computer eval. & Quantitative paper (30) / Food Labels & nutrients
Nutrient Density
Shopping & Planning / Food Labels
Meal Planning / q  Study for exam(Ch 1,2,3)
q  Assignment 3: PNP Proposal
q  Read Chapter 3, Worksheet 3
q  Ch 3 Quiz (10) by 9/22
4 / 9-16-08 / Assignment 3:
PNP Proposal (10)
Exam 1 7:30 (50) / Eating Out / Fast Food Activity
PNP Groups / q  Ch 3 Quiz
Read Ch 4, Chronic Disease pp 624-625, Diabetes 637-641, Worksheet 4
q  Ch 4 Quiz
q  Assignment 4: Sweet!
q  Start Project Diet &Journal
q  Gather data for research project
5 / 9-23-08 / Sweet! (10) / CHO, Fiber, Lactose Intol, Diabetes, Sugar / Case Studies
Low CHO diets / q  Read Ch 5 & CVD pp 626-636, H1 p30-34, Worksheet 5
q  Ch 5 Quiz
q  Assignment 5: PNP Research Paper
6 / 9-30-08 / Research Paper (30) / Fats, CVD, HTN, DASH, Omni, Cholesterol, Phytochemicals / Peer Review*(5)
Diet Comparrison / q  Research Paper Revisions
q  Assignment 6: Computer Eval Fats
Read Ch 6 &Immunity pp 621-624,Cancer 642-646, Phytochem 469-473, Worksheet 6
q  Ch 6 Quiz
/ 10-3-08 /
Final Drop Date for this class
Wk / Date / Assignments Due Exams /


/ In Class /
After class, work on these for next week.
7 / 10-7-08 / Research Paper revisions
Assignment 6: Fats (10) /
Protein & AA
Vegetarian, Cancer, Immunity / Pro calculations
Case Studies / q  Study for Exam(Ch 4,5,6,18,H13)
Read Chapter 11 &12, Worksheet 7
q  Mid-term Survey(5x)
q  Quiz Ch 11 by 10/20
Assignment 7: Mid-term Letter to Mom
q  multivitamin for class activity
8 / 10-14-08 / Assignment 7: Letter (10)
Exam 2 7:30 (50)
Multivitamin / Introduction to Micronutrients / PNP Group Discussion
MVI experiment* (5)
Exam / q  Read Ch 10 &13, Worksheet 8
q  Quiz Ch 11 (Fat Soluble)
q  Quiz Ch 10 (Water Soluble)
9 / 10-21-08 / Fat Soluble Vitamins
Water Soluble Vitamins / Jeopardy
Matching Game / q  Quiz Ch 12&13 (Water &Minerals)
q  Review Ch 10,11,12,13
q  PNP Nutrient Paper
10 / 10-28-08 / PNP Nutrients Paper (20) / Water Soluble Vitamins
Minerals / Peer Review* (5)
Jeopardy & Matching / q  Study for Exam (Ch 10,11,12,13)
q  Nutrient Paper Revisions
11 / 11-4-08 / PNP Nutrients Revisions
Exam 3 7:30 (50) / Vit & Mineral Research
Vit & Mineral Food Sources
Vit & Mineral Diseases /
Guest Lecture
/ q  Read Ch 7 & Power Point, Worksheet 10
q  Quiz Ch 7
q  Assignment 9: PNP Qualitative Paper
12 / 11-11-08
Veterans Day / Assignment 9: Qualitative & Journals (30) / Metabolism, BMR
Factors to food intake
Environmental Factors / BMR worksheet / q  Nutrition Project Final Report
q  Read Ch 8, Worksheet 11, Quiz Ch 8
q  Find ad for diet product
q  Assignment 10: Body Image
13 / 11-18-08 / Diet Ad
Assignment 10: Body Image (10) / Body composition, Health Risks, Intuitive eating, Body Image, Prejudice / Health Risks
Body Image
Diet Ads* (5) / q  Write Abstract
q  Read Ch 9, Worksheet 12
q  Ch 9 Quiz
11-25-08 / Thanksgiving Break
14 / 12-02-08 / PNP Abstract – electronically (10) / Obesity, genetics, treatments drugs & surgery, Underweight, eating disorders / Diet Eval / q  Review PNP abstracts
List 10 questions you have for panelists
q  Quiz: Cumulative Review
15 / 12-9-08 / Questions* (5)
PNP reports for reference / Panel Discussion – Personal Nutrition Projects / Panel Discussion* (5)
Q&A / q  Study for final exam (Ch 7,8,9,14,PNP)
16 / 12-16-08 / Final Exam (80) / (50 points unit, 30 cumulative) / q  Celebrate