Minutes Draft: Prior to Committee Approval 04/21/06
Present: Jaime Estrada, Berta Harris, Dotti Cordell, Cathy Harlow, Rafael Alvarez, Lori Erreca, Bill Grimes, Lijuan Zhai, XYZ
Topic / Discussion / Decisions / Point Person / TimeframeEvaluation
New Members / We welcomed our new Student Representative Stacy Schaefer, Rafael Alvarez and XYZ from District Research. / Thanks to all for their participation and good luck to Lijaun Zhai in her new endeavors! / NA / NA
Charter approval passed thru Academic Senate / Informational item that small revision to charter is approved to better reflect institutional view, and to assure that Administrative and Student Services are covered.
Bulletin Board / Fairly good feedback for the new IAC bulletin board in the mailroom outside hallway. /
- Will change board for summer.
- Emphasize, “all are welcome”.
- Post large meeting schedule.
- Prominent display of “mission”
- Post accomplishments and DL.
- Post upcoming goals for Fall.
Goal of board is to publicize assessment initiative
Distribution of Binders at Department Chairs / Feedback from Distribution of the Assessment Handbooks at Department Chairs was quite positive, and affirming of our efforts. / Continue to try to work closely with chairs in assisting the departments in assessment efforts. / IAC Dept. Liaisons / Ongoing need to support departments and divisions
Topic / Discussion / Decisions / Point Person / Timeframe
Classified Staff: Facilitation of Participation in Assessment on campus / Discussed Classified staff input into how best to engage staff in assessment work. Agreed we must demonstrate to Classified staff that they are vital campus contributors. We must demonstrate to them that we sincerely seek their participation and involvement in all areas of campus efforts.
Agreed that our first steps with classified staff must be planned such that there is good word-of-mouth about the intent of assessment and classified staff’s important role and contribution.
Classified leadership is supportive of our work, our goals and our approach. Distributed recent Classified Newsletter report on collaboration with IAC.
It was emphasized in discussion that communication with all staff is a WASC mandate, and is certainly one of our committee values. We as a committee believe we cannot function as well as a committee if we cannot communicate with all constituents. Discussed that this communication of campus info is one of our planning tasks from accreditation. We are willing as a committee to help facilitate departmental communication, how do they want to do it? Need to help people learn email, and also facilitate alternative means of communication (back-up or secondary information source) / Important steps: Must foster trust in the process, and demonstrate sincerity in our request for Classified participation
- Meet with classified, one-on-one, explaining briefly the goals and work of the IAC, and assessment. The best way to get real input is face-to-face contact by IAC liaisons. A written survey will not get us adequate input, nor convey our intentions or sincerity as well as personal meetings.
- Necessary to template out questions that we want to ask of staff when we visit.
- How do you get campus info?
- What is your best info source?
- How do you assess program success?
- How do you prioritize?
- How/when do you get together?
- Query staff as to whether a one day retreat versus rotational lunch time workshops would best work for them. Which method would better allow your participation?
- Must publicize via email or department directors that someone from IAC will be coming to offices and areas to talk to staff. This will serve to prepare staff that we are coming, and hopefully will not catch them unawares.
Dotti to announce to Dept. heads at SSC that IAC will be surveying Classified Staff this summer / Summer 06 goal for IAC: survey classified staff, conduct needs assessment as to what will be needed to engage them in the process
Topic / Discussion / Decisions / Point Person / Timeframe
Hay Study results / Classified Newsletter that reported that City was overstaffed by 9, and then with adjustment factors applied, there was still a reported overstaffing in Classified employees. / Follow-up to include checking with the President on more details of the Hay study. / IAC / Prior to semester conclusion, obtain more information on the study.
SDCCD on-line assessment report / Deferred
Departmental Contacts / International Programs: Dotti and Berta met with Marion
Berta following up with:
- History
- Engineering and Technology
- Communications
IAC Master Plan / Discussion of priorities / Agreed that master Plan should include:
- Request for district assessment support
- List of IAC accomplishments
- Funds for a PAR machine on campus
- Convocation lunch money for spring and fall
- Funds to assist with process of survey of classified staff this summer
- Release time through summer as this is a busy prep time for co-chairs and committee
May 19th working meeting
Meet 6/2? /
- Berta will present progress in Child Development
- Nancy Crispen would be willing to present an update for Physical Sciences
Topic / Discussion / Decisions / Point Person / Timeframe
Update for President / IAC co-chairs to update President on committee activities. / Will include accomplishments, ideas for Fall Flex, survey/needs assessment of classified staff. / Berta Dotti / May 5 at 0900
Fall FLEX 2006 / Discussed options for Fall FLEX utilizing City College talent! / Proposal:
- No guest or outside speaker required.
- Focus on Student Learning at Convocation
- During the time people file in- show the humorous list of how to “Do Assessment”
- Our goal is to have 4-5 campus faculty speak at Convocation and build upon shared strength experiences to enhance assessment work in each department. Last year included Norena Badway and a kick off. Now we have faculty from CITY who can showcase their work, share nuggets of wisdom, do’s/don’t and pitfalls.
- Orchestrate up front and pull out common threads from 4 depts.: concerns and barriers. Must be strategically planned prior to the event. Have each of four groups focus on key points to drive home via a preparatory organizational handout.
- Tentatively we need 4 groups—15 minutes each but can select from many:
- Cathy Harlow and Bill from Philosophy
- Dotti could present on SHS to share a Student Services example
- Digital Music Technology
- Salley Deaton on Middle college/accounting/business SLO’s in process in her dept
- Nancy Crispen: Physical Sciences
- Minou: Biology
Topic / Discussion / Decisions / Point Person / Timeframe
FLEX 2006 / Discussed very tentative draft of how the day might look at Convocation:
- 1 hour for the 4 groups to present at convocation
- 10 minutes for Q&A
- 10:50-1100 Time to walk to classes for break out groups
- 11-1150 Work
- 12-1 LUNCH
In the consideration phase: Partnering a dept. with an another department to work on assessment
Discussed pros/cons:
Cons: Did not want to structure anything that could be perceived as interdepartmental competition.
Pro: one dept. can discuss their approach and ideas and work while the second list listens and takes notes, and objectively shares thoughts. Then the two depts.. FLIP their respective roles. / No firm decisions on convocation.
Will check with President on his ideas, time that may be allotted, etc.
Will bring to committee on May 5th. / Dotti Berta / Fall FLEX is a continuation of our work in campus wide learning and achievements in assessment.
Student Project and Research Symposium / Wednesday April 26th in Gorton Quad. / Please come to support our accomplished students as they make learning visible at City.--poster displays, PowerPoint presentations, ceramics, martial arts, painting—it will all be there! IAC proudly worked in the Symposium Planning Committee to bring the 2nd Annual event to showcase student learning and excellence! / Planning Committee in conjunction with IAC / April 26th and yearly! A celebration of student learning and excellence!
Next meeting 5/5 in D121A