Here you will find a list of our preferred dealers. These are our dealers who, in the best interest of their customers and their own respective businesses, have not only established a quality reputation and a customer oriented business, but have gone one step further to prove that. That step being, that they have applied for and been granted a Texas Private Security Bureau license as an ElectronicAccess Controls Company.
This was not a mere application process. It was also a certification process that involved a good number of requirements.
In order to make application, theymust be at least 18 years of age;
They were also subject to criminal background history check by the F.B.I.with fingerprint submission where the findings must be as follows:
First,they must not have been convicted in any jurisdiction of a Class A misdemeanor or equivalent offense or a greater offense and they must not have been convicted in any jurisdiction of a Class B misdemeanor or equivalent offense that was less than five years old at the time of application, unless a full pardon has been granted for reasons relating to a wrongful conviction;
Next,theymust not have been found by a court to be incompetent by reason of a mental defect or disease and not have been restored to competency,theymust not be suffering from habitual drunkenness or from narcotics addiction or dependence and they must not have been discharged from the United States armed services under other than honorable conditions.
They also have to submit proof, yearly,ofa contractor liabilityinsurance policy (on Board approved form) that contains minimum limits of:
a. $100,000 for each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage;
b. $50,000 for each occurrence for personal injury; and
c. a total aggregate amount of $200,000 for all occurrences.
In additon to these requirements, they must also licensecertain field serviceand installation employees who must meet a similiar criteria for criminal background history.
After meeting these requirements the applicants were subject to an Electronic Access Controls qualification test, where if they passed, they were able to submit application to the Texas StatePrivate Security Bureau for reveiw. This is a annually renewed license where the initial criteria are reinforced and proof of insurance is maintained on file with the State of Texas. They are also subject to review by the State based on violations ofany of the above mentioned requirements, as well as any deceptive business practices that may be reported to the State.
So as you can see, the GTS Preferred Dealers, listed below are undoubtedly, the best of the best!