May 17, 2011

Present: Brown, Bryan, Chappy, Dishaw, Garrison, Jones, Kaltcheva, Kercher, Kostman, Lattery, Loewenstein, Maguire, Meyerson, Mrotek, Robson, Simmons, Wacholtz, Westphal

Excused: Bahcall, Saginak

Absent: Beyer, Neal, Pontynen, Redington, Roth

Administrative Representative: Lane Earns

Academic Staff Representative: Jean Inda

Oshkosh Student Association Representative: Colin Anderle

Guests: Mike Cowling, Mike Eierman, Stephen Bentivenga, David Siemers, Carleen Vande Zande

Minutes in Brief:

At the May 17, 2011 meeting of the Faculty Senate, Representatives gave the following reports: SAS (Inda) and U-plan and Faculty Reps (Robson). Academic Advising Director Elizabeth Whalley gave the Spring 2011 Early Alert Final Report. The senate endorsed the basic framework for Liberal Education Reform. The senate approved four APC program action items and the Program Reviews for Biology/Microbiology Graduate and Undergraduate, MSE Curriculum & Instruction Graduate, MSE Reading Education and MS Educational Leadership. The Bylaws for Art, Journalism, Graduate Studies, and Accounting were approved. The senate confirmed the following COC appointments: Distinguished Teaching (Neal), Gender Equity Council (Gonzalez-Muntaner), Intercollegiate Athletic (Saginak), LBGTQ (Harper), APC (Kostman), Administrative Evaluation (Petronicolos), Assessment (George), Budget (Lilly, McCann), Committee on Committees (Hong), and Compensation (Brown). Senators discussed but did not endorse the Collective Bargaining Principles presented by Senator Meyerson. David Siemers and Senator Mrotek presented the "Faculty Club" survey results and the senators discussed them. President Robson announced that Lee McCann had been appointed Faculty Ombudsperson and that Kay Neal had won the Sniffen Award. She welcomed the incoming senators who were present.

President Robson called to order at 3:11 p.m.

I. State of the University

A.  Reports

1. SAS (Inda) – Representative Inda reported that their last meeting was held at the Pollock House where they welcomed new senators and gave thanks to those whose terms were ending. The Chancellor came and gave a university and budget update, and elections of officers were held.

2. OSA – (Anderle) – absent

3. UPlan – (Robson) – Budget update – Public Authority status for Madison still appears not to have legislative support. The Joint Finance meets this week on several of the educational budget items. She also noted Senator Hopper, on the Joint Finance education sub-committee, continues stand opposed to the Madison split and supports more flexibilities for the UW System campuses.

4. Faculty Reps – (Robson) – Madison’s University Council and some of the faculty reps discussed the badger partnership informally. Compromises were discussed, which have sense been proposed to the Governor. System is facing a 25% budget cut and is working with the Board of Regents and the campuses on how to deal with them. There was discussion on the effect of the new badger partnership on Chapters 36. There should not be much of an effect since the badger partnership will require a Chapter 37 for Madison. At the June Board of Regents meeting the Education Committee will review transfer policies, include the 32 hour rule. The new Mission Statement for the 2-year campuses to allow for the creation of the BAAS (Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences) will have its 2nd reading.

B.  Early Alert – Liz Whalley - Spring Early Alert Final Report showed nearly identical results to those reported for Fall 2010. Faculty survey results and feedback will be looked at this summer. This fall (2011) all students will get an early alert message indicating whether their performance was okay, not okay, or not reported.

II. Minutes of May 3, 2011

MOTION: Moved approval by Wacholtz/Kostman. Approved.

III. Old Business

A. LERT – The LERT materials providing the framework for general education reform discussed at the last meeting was presented for approval.

MOTION: Moved approval of LERT’s framework for General Education by Jones//Dishaw. Approved.

FS1011-46 The Faculty Senate approved the LERT General Education Framework.

IV. New Business


Program Action Routing Sheets (Form C)

1.  COLS Geography Major: Geographic Information Science Emphasis – Revise core credits from 27 to 29 and elective credit from 18 to 15. Total number of credits change from 48 to 47.

2.  COLS MS Psychology, Cognitive & Affective Emphasis; add 793 Advanced Research Methods and 720 Theoretical Conceptualizations in Psychology as required courses.

3.  CON Traditional BSN – make NUR 340 Health Practices w/Diverse Populations a required pre-admission course for program.

4.  COLS - Journalism – Change the requirements for each emphasis within the major.

MOTION: Moved approval of APC items 1-4 by Mrotek/Kostman. Approved.

FS1011-47 The Faculty Senate approved the following APC items: COLS – Geography Major – Geographic Information Science Emphasis – Revise core credits from 27-29 credits from 18-15, total number of credits change from 48 to 47; COLS – MS Psychology- Cognitive & Affective Emphasis – add 793 Advanced Research Methods an 720 Theoretical Conceptualization as required courses; CON- Traditional BSN – make NUR 340 Health Practices with Diverse Populations a required pre-admission course for program; COLS Journalism – Change the requirements for each emphasis within the major.

B.  Program Reviews –

1. Biology/Microbiology Graduate Program

2. Biology/Microbiology

3. MSE Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Program

4. MSE Reading Education

5. MS Educational Leadership

MOTION: Moved approval of program reviews for Biology/Microbiology Graduate Program, Biology/Microbiology, MSE Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Program, MSE Readying Education, & MS Educational Leadership by Kostman/Jones. Approved.

FS1011-48 The Faculty Senate approved the following program reviews: Biology/Microbiology Graduate Program, Biology/Microbiology, MSE Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Program, MSE Readying Education, & MS Educational Leadership.

C.  Bylaws

1. Art

2. Journalism

3. Graduate Studies

4. Accounting

MOTION: Moved approval of the bylaws for the following areas/departments: Art, Journalism, Graduate Studies, & Accounting by Dishaw/Kostman. Approved.

FS1011-49 The Faculty Senate approved the the bylaws for the following areas/departments: Art, Journalism, Graduate Studies, & Accounting.

D.  COC Committee Appointments

MOTION: Moved approval of the Committee on Committee appointments by Loewestein/Kostman. Approved.

FS1011-50 The Faculty Senate approved the Committee on Committee appointments-

All-University Committees:

Distinguished Teaching Award (Edward Penson Committee) - Kay Neal

Gender Equity Council - Elena Gonzalez-Muntaner

Intercollegiate Athletic Committee – Alan Saginak

LBGTQ – Amney Harper

Student Conduct Panel – Larry Herzberg, Al Lareau & Eric Krohn

Faculty Senate Committees:

APC (Academic Planning Council) - Todd Kostman

Administrative Evaluation Committee – Loucas Petronicolos

Assessment – Thomas George

Budget Committee – Bryan Lilly & Lee McCann

Committee on Committee – Phan Hong

Compensation Committee – Lori Brown

E.  Collective Bargaining Principles

Senate may revisit them next Fall.

V. Discussion Items –

A. Faculty Club Survey Results – David Siemers & Senator Mrotek shared survey results showing support for the creation of some type of faculty club. Details for the “club” will need to be worked out.

VI. Items from Members –

A.  Lee McCann has been selected to the Ombudsperson position beginning fall 2011.

B.  Kay Neal has been awarded the Barbara Sniffen Service Award.

C.  Senator Wacholtz thanked President Robson for a job well done.

D.  President Robson thanked everyone for their support. She especially thanked the outgoing senators and welcomed the incoming senators that were present.

The meeting adjourned at 3:51 p.m.

Jim Simmons April Dutscheck

President Elect Recorder