Tuesday 12th June 2012

Councillors W. Furnival, R. Lawrence, C. Wright, P. Gillingham, T Harvey and A. Summers and District Councillor P. Skinner. 3 members of the public were present.

Councillor Peter Halse, Chairman of E.D.D.C was also present.

1. Apologies for absence: Councillor J. Colson, County Councillor P. Diviani, and the Police.

2. Police Report: The Police sent their apologies and reported that there had been no crimes since the last meeting on 27th March 2012.

3. Items from County/District Councillors: Councillor Skinner gave a brief update from EDDC saying that there has been a lot of input into the ‘Local Plan’ and there is now a further 6 week consultation period. The Chairman asked about the recent planning applications submitted. Cllr Skinner said that he had visited the site at Greenacres and agreed with parish council regarding the entrance down Wynford Lane. He had had no correspondence regarding the site at Crosshills Farm for the 8 dwellings. The Chairman thanked Cllr Skinner for his comments and attending the meeting.

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Halse to meeting and invited him to speak. Cllr Halse who is Chairman of EDDC is responsible for 59 parishes and as part of his involvement is visiting each parish to meet parishioners and councilors and to answer any questions or queries. He answered questions relating to the proposed move from Sidmouth to Honiton, the proposed new development in Honiton and the new neighbourhood plan. The Chairman thanked Cllr Halse for attending the meeting and for the answers he gave to the questions asked.

4. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of Interest.

5. The minutes of the meeting on27th March 2012 and Tuesday 15th May 2012 (A.G.M)were signed as a true and correct copy.

6. Matters arising: The Jubilee Mugs were presented to the children of the parish which were purchased by the Parish Council. The jubilee committee also bought a number of mugs and there are some left over if anyone is interesting in buying one. The Clerk had contacted DCC regarding the signposts which are missing in Weston Lane on the turning to Shoelay Lane. DCC replied by saying that they no longer replace signposts on minor roads, but the sign on the main road by Shoelay lane would be mended as an emergency.

7. Parishioners Questions: Steve Jackson reported that he had a number of problems accessing the website but Vector 7 have now sorted this problem. There would be a number of photos from the jubilee which will be uploaded in due course.

8.Highways: The main issue is the flooding at Tracey Ham and Brian Marshall has written a letter regarding an accident which was caused by flood water. Highways have been contacted numerous times but the Clerk will continue to push for some work to be done.

9.Affordable housing: Letters had been sent to a number of landowners in the village concerning sites for affordable housing. Following on from that the council have been approached by two companies regarding housing in the village. It was agreed by the council to have a meeting with them to discuss what the parish council would like to see as far as any development was concerned.

10. 11/2514/COU – Mr. A. Summers, Wessington Farm, Awliscombe – Part Change of Use of farm buildings to Livery Stables. – Permission granted.

12/0809/FUL – Mr. D. Wall, Awliscombe House, Awliscombe – Proposed additional stabling, flood lighting and retrospective consent sought for landscaping and engineering works to accommodate a drive, paddock, hardstanding and extension of sand school at Green Acres, Awliscombe.

12/0927/FUL – Mr. J, Evans, 1, Summerlands, Awliscombe – Conservatory extension. – Council fully support – Permission granted.

12/0939/MOUT – Land adjacent to Crosshill Farm, Weston – Erection of 6 no two/three bedroom houses and 2 no four bedroom houses – all matters reserved.

12/1090/FUL – Mr. M. Fordham, Crosshills Farm, Weston – Construction of two storey extension and alterations.

11.Finance: Balance as at 31/03/12£3787.64

Receipts for April£ 1500.00

Bankings up until 30/04/12£ 310.00

£ 4977.64

Cheques not presented£ 58.00

Cheques issued on 15/05/12

Dimond & Co – Times printing£ 220.00

Proposer: C. WrightSeconder: A. Summers

Aviva – Insurance£ 409.85

Proposer: P. GillinghamSeconder: R. Lawrence

D.A.L.C. – Subscription£ 106.96

Proposer: P. GillinghamSeconder: C. Wright

Cheques issued on 24/04/12

Impact China – Commemorative Mugs for Jubilee£ 290.89

Proposer: P. GillinghamSeconder: R. Lawrence

Cheques issues at this meeting:

Awliscombe Parish Hall - Room Hire£ 41.00

Proposer: A. SummersSeconder: P. Gillingham

Mrs S. Maynard – Clerk’s Salary£ 204.50

Proposer: R. LawrenceSeconder: P. Gillingham

Dimond & Co – Times printing£ 150.00

Proposer: A. SummersSeconder: C. Wright

Balance as at 31/05/12£3998.90

Cheques not presented (carried forward to next month£ 106.96

A copy of this reconciliation was passed to the Council for their records.

12.Correspondence: A letter had been received from David Gillingham asking to become the parish Tree Warden. Alan Leaver is currently the tree warden and has asked that David take on from him. This was agreed by the council and a letter will be sent to him to confirm this.

13. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 24th July 2012.

Any other Business: Following the discussion with Cllr Halse regarding the neighbourhood plan the council suggested looking at and updateing the existing Parish Plan and this would be an agenda item for the next meeting.

As there was no further business the meeting was declared closed.

Signed: …………………………………………………. Dated: ……………………………