Second Grade Weekly Newsletter February 5-9, 2018

My Name is Gabriela

Spelling Words Vocabulary

happy lucky 1.wonder- to think about something you are not sure of

pretty only 2.taught- to have helped someone learn something

baby sunny 3. accepted-to have agreed with something

very penny 4.fluttering– waving or moving rapidly

puppy city 5. express-to show or describe something

funny tiny 6.prize- an award

carry many 7. pretend–not real

8. grand- big or expensive

*test on Friday

Story of the Week – “My Name is Gabriela” Read every night and daily in class

Reading Skills: Understanding Characters; Analyze/Evaluate

analyze- to look at or study something carefully

evaluate- to form an opinion about something

trait- ways of speaking and acting that show what someone is like

*Authors tell what characters do and say and how they solve problems.

*Readers can use information to determine characters’ traits.

*The words and actions of a character tells what kind of person he or she is.

infer- to figure out something that the author does not say

*Readers can use facts about people from their own lives to infer, or figure out, the traits of

story characters.

Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes –y and –ful

Base word-a word to which prefixes and/or suffixes are added

Ex.- base word of unwholesome is whole.

Suffix-an ending that, when attached to the end of a base word, changes the meaning

of the word.

*-y and –ful are suffixes that attach to the end of a base word, changing the meaning

of the word by forming a new word.

* -y and –ful both mean “full of

Ex. – delightful, playful

sunny, spicy

Words with long eSound fory ; ex.-Spelling Words

*test on Friday

Grammar: The Verb Be

Using am, is, And are

*The verb be takes different forms.

*Is, are, and am are different forms of the verb be. They tell about something that is happening now.

* Make sure the form of be agrees with the subject.

*The verb be takes different forms.

*Was and were tell about something that happened in the past.

*Make sure the form be agrees with the subject.

*test on Friday

Math: Chapter 6:3-Digit Addition

Quick Pictures to Represent 3-Digit Addition - 321 + 413 =


7 Hundreds 3 tens 4 ones

Standard Algorithm 11 1 1 1

399517 654

+ 537 + 385 + 127

936 902 7 8 1

Learn multiplication facts 0s, 1s, 2, and 5s.

*test on Friday

Social Studies: Harriet Tubman

1. Harriet Tubman was born on a plantation in Maryland.

2. Harriet's real name was Araminta.

3. Harriet had strange sleeping spells because she was hit in the head by a heavy metal weight.

4. Edward Brodas was Harriet's master.

5. The Underground Railroad was a secret system of roads and houses that led slaves north to freedom.

6. The North Star helped her travel to freedom.

7. Harriet's job on the Underground Railroad was a conductor.

8. Harriet led over 300 slaves to freedom.

9. Harriet was called "Moses" because she led her people out of slavery.

10. Harriet died in 1913..

*test on Friday

Science: Magnets-Attract or Repel Test - Friday

1. All magnets have two poles.

2. These poles are called the North pole (N) and the South pole (S).

3. If the poles that are alike (North to North or South to South) are put together, they repel or push away.

4. If the poles that are different (North or South or South to North) are put together, they attract or stick


5. Some magnets, for example ring magnets, do not have the (N) or the (S) marked on them.

6. They do have two poles that are either located on the top or bottom of the magnet.

7. The poles can be determined by placing the magnets together.

8. If the poles stay together, then the poles are opposite.

9. If the poles push away from each other, the poles are alike.

10. The closer an object is to the magnet, the stronger the field.