General Volunteer & Intern Application

Please visit for a listing of current volunteer and internship opportunities.

First Name: / Click here to enter text. / Last Name: / Click here to enter text. /
Phone: / Click here to enter text. / Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Address: / Click here to enter text. / City/State/Zip / Click here to enter text. /
Emergency Contact: / Click here to enter text. / Phone: / Click here to enter text. / Relation: / Click here to enter text. /
Are you at least 18 years old? / ☐Yes / ☐ No / Birthdate (optional): / Click here to enter text. /
Have you received services at CLUES? / ☐Yes ☐No / Have you ever volunteered at CLUES? / ☐Yes ☐No
OPTIONAL REPORTING INFORMATION (used for grant purposes)
Ethnicity or Race(list all that apply): / Click here to enter text. /
Age Group: / ☐14-17 / ☐18-24 / ☐25-34 / ☐35-44 / ☐45-54 / ☐55-64 / ☐65-74 / ☐75 +
Employer: / Click here to enter text. / Gender: / Click here to enter text. /
On what days and times would you like to volunteer?
☐Monday / ☐Tuesday / ☐Wednesday / ☐Thursday / ☐Friday / ☐Weekends
☐Mornings (9:00am-12:00pm) / ☐Afternoons (12:00pm-5:00pm) / ☐Evenings (5:00pm-9:00pm)
How many hours per week would you like to volunteer and for how long? (e.g. 3 hours per week for 6 months)
☐hrs/week for months / ☐Other: Click here to enter text. / ☐Not sure
Atwhich location(s) would you like to volunteer/intern?(please mark all that apply)
☐ CLUES Minneapolis
720 East Lake Street
Mpls, MN 55407 / ☐ CLUES St. Paul
797 East 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106 / ☐ CLUES Aging Well Services
882 South Robert St
West St. Paul, MN 55118
Are you applying to a specific volunteer position?(Please write position name below; visit for a listingof current volunteer and internship opportunities)
☐Click here to enter text. (name of position) / ☐I’m open to any position / ☐I’m not sure
Some volunteer/intern positions may have background check requirements. CLUES reserves the right to conduct background checks.
Let us help! Tell us why you want to volunteer at CLUES:
Click here to enter text. /
Is there a particular focus area you would like to work with?
☐Health and Family
Wellbeing / ☐ Educational
Achievement / ☐ Economic
Vitality / ☐Cultural and
Civic Engagement / ☐ Events / ☐ Not sure
Languages: Please describe languages spoken and written, including level of fluency:
Click here to enter text. /
Education: Please mark highest level degree completed:
☐High school/GED / ☐Some College / ☐Associates / ☐Bachelors / ☐ Masters / ☐Doctoral
Schools: / Click here to enter text. / Degrees: / Click here to enter text. /
Are you a service learning student? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please list class: / Click here to enter text. /
Are you currently enrolled in school? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please list school and program: / Click here to enter text. /
Work Experience:
Current Occupation(s) and Employer(s):Click here to enter text.
Volunteer/Intern Experience:
Past and Current Volunteer/ Internship Position(s):Click here to enter text.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Click here to enter text. /
Please send completed applications to Caitlin Brickman, Human Resources and Volunteer Coordinator, .Questions? Please call (651) 379-4220
By submitting this application you certify that the answers given and the statements made are complete and true to the best of your knowledge. You understand that any false information, omission or misrepresentations of facts called for in this application may result in rejection of your application or discharge at any time.
Your Name: / Click here to enter text. / Today’s Date: / Click here to enter a date. /