Collaborative Programmes Comparison 2016/17 / Guidance 5(iv)

Guidance 5(iv)Collaborative ProgrammesComparison 2016/17

This table shows the University’s5main standard collaborative programme types and their defining elements. Hybrid arrangements may be negotiated.

Updated 20/10/162016/17


Collaborative Programmes Comparison 2016/17 / Guidance 5(iv)
Programme elements / Collaborative Research / Joint / Validated / Franchised / Validated/Funded
Description summary / An MU programme & qualification, jointly designed & delivered by MU and a partner, Taught components assessed by MU & partner; research components assessed by MU. Quality assured by MU. / An MU programme & qualification, jointly designed, delivered & assessed by MU and a partner, & quality assured by MU. If specified in the MoC, MU receives funding. / A programme developed, delivered and assessed by a partner; awarded by and quality assured by MU. Partner receives the funding if available. / An MU programme & qualification, designed, assessed and quality assured by MU but delivered at and by a partner. Partner receives the funding if available.. / A programme developed, delivered and assessed by a partner, awarded by and quality assured by MU. MU receives the funding on behalf of the partner institution where it is still available..
Programme design / Joint / Joint / Partner / MU / Partner
Teaching / Joint – where taught / Joint / Partner / Partner / Partner
MU student membership / Yes - full / Yes - full / No / Yes – full / Yes - full
Validation / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Quality assurance
responsibility / MU / MU (& sometimes with another HEI) / MU / MU / MU
Public funding route (for UK programmes only) / Not applicable / MU or as specified in the MoC / Partner / Partner / MU or as specified in the MoC
UK programmes only:
- student number allocation
- HEFCE returns (HESA/HESES) responsibility – if any / Not applicable / via MU
MU / via Partner
Partner / via MU or partner
MU or Partner / via MU
UK programmes only:
Receives HEFCEcore/full or cofunding – if any (UK programmes only) / Not applicable / MU / Partner (from alternative funding source and/or HEFCE) / Partner (from alternative funding source and/or HEFCE) / MU
Invoices for and collects tuition fees / Normally Partner if students do not attend an MU campus / Normally MU / Partner / Normally partner / Partner
Financial arrangements: / Registration fee and annual fee as set by Research & Knowledge Transfer Office / Transfer of funds to/from partner / Fee payable to the University as outlined in the MoC’s / Fee payable to the University as outlined in the MoC’s / Transfer of funds to partner
Admissions regulations / MU / MU / MU and/ or Partner / MU / MU
Visa sponsor
(for international students who require a Tier 4 student visa) / MU: where all study takes place on MU UK campus;
Partner : where study is partly or wholly on partner’s study site / MU: where all study takes place on MU UK campus;
Partner : where study is partly or wholly on partner’s study site / MU: where all study takes place on MU UK campus;
Partner : where study is partly or wholly on partner’s study site / MU: where all study takes place on MU UK campus;
Partner : where study is partly or wholly on partner’s study site / MU: where all study takes place on MU UK campus;
Partner : where study is partly or wholly on partner’s study site
Applications receipt / MU / MU / Partner / Partner / Partner
Student selection / MU and Partner / MU and Partner / Partner / MU and Partner / Partner
Enrolled with / MU and Partner / MU and partner / Partner / MU and Partner / Partner (+ MU partially)
Registration for qualification / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Academic and other regulations / Research component: MU’s research degree regulations;
Taught component: MU’s or MU- approved partner’s / MU / MU (unless exceptionally agreed by MU Academic Registrar)
+ MU for appeals / MU / MU (unless exceptionally agreed by MU Academic Registrar)
+ MU for appeals
Academic misconduct / Research component: MU;
Taught component: MU or Partner (if delegated) / MU / MU (unless exceptionally agreed by MU Academic Registrar) / MU / MU (unless exceptionally agreed by MU Academic Registrar)
Complaints / Research component: MU;
Taught component: MU or Partner (if delegated) / MU once partner’s procedures exhausted / MU once partner’s procedures exhausted / MU once partner’s procedures exhausted / MU once partner’s procedures exhausted
Students with disabilitiesi.e. responsibility for compliance with relevant legislation.
(On DE programmes either in UK or overseas, this responsibility is incumbent on the Partner) / Joint / Joint / Partner (overseas partners are expected to comply with local legislation and spirit of UK DDA) / Partner (overseas partners are expected to comply with local legislation and spirit of UK DDA) / Partner
Diploma supplement
provision / MU / MU / Partner template approved, verified by MU / MU / Partner template approved, verified by MU
Certificate provision[3] / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Exams set by
Coursework set by
Exams marked by
Coursework marked by
Exams Moderated by
Coursework moderated by
Reviewed by external examiner / Taught component: MU or partner (if delegated) / MU[4]
MU regulations / Partner
Partner regulations (if approved by MU Academic Registrar) / MU
MU regulations / Partner
Partner regulations (if approved by MU Academic Registrar)
Assessment board / Taught component: MU 1st Tier boards;
Research component: MU 2nd Tier boards (Research Degrees Committee) / MU 1st and 2nd tier boards / Partner / MU 1st and 2nd tier boards / Partner
Collaborative Research Only: Progression from Masters to Doctorate; Approval of Transfers and Annual Review of Research Component / School Research Committees / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable
Attendance and provision of chair
ULT – University Link Tutor
ILT - Partner Link Tutor / Research component: approval of viva examiner & Chair: MU;
Taught component: as Joint / 1st tier: ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + involvement of ILT.
Progression board:
ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + involvement of ILT.
2nd tier: ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + ILT must attend (may be by video or teleconferencing).
Chair: MU / 1st tier: ILT (or nominee) must attend + involvement of ULT.
Progression board: ILT must attend (ULT must be involved).
Finalist: ULT (or academic nominee)
+ ILT (or nominee) must attend.
Chair: MU – Appropriate DeputyDean or nominee (may include senior staff of the University or Institution (after 3 years)). / 1st tier: ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + involvement of ILT.
Progression board:
ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + involvement of ILT.
2nd tier: ULT (or academic nominee) must attend + ILT must attend ( may be by video or teleconferencing)
Chair: MU / 1st tier: ILT (or nominee) must attend + involvement of ULT.
Progression board: ILT must attend (ULT must be involved).
Finalist: ULT (or academic nominee)
+ ILT (or nominee) must attend.
Chair: MU – Appropriate DeputyDean or nominee (may include senior staff of the University or Institution (after 3 years)).
Module results on MISIS / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / No
Assessment/progression decisions on MISIS? / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Quality enhancement
qualification ownership / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Programme day-to-day operation / MU and Partner / MU and Partner / Partner / Partner / Partner
Programme devised by whom (i.e. intellectual capital)?
Modules required tobe in MU format? / MU and Partner
Yes / MU and Partner
Yes / Partner
No / MU
Yes / Partner
Tuition / MU and partner – to varying extents / MU and partner – to varying extents / Partner (100%) / Partner (normally 100%) / Partner (100%)
APAC[5] approval required / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Validation and review / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Minor Amendments to programmes / Approved by MU at School level / Approved by MU at School level / Approved by MU at School level / Approved by MU at School level / Approved by MU at School level
External examiner appointment
External examiner reports and
Responses / MU
Via MU / MU
Via MU / MU
Via MU / MU
Via MU / MU
Via MU
Collaborative Research Only: Development & Supervision / MU / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable
Programme Monitoring / Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) / Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) / Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) / Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) / Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
Student feedback forms / Equivalent process / MU requirements / Equivalent process / MU requirements / Equivalent process
Board of Studies’ convenor / Normally Partner / MU or Partner / Partner / Partner / Partner
Promotional and publicity material / Approved by MU / Approved by MU / Approved by MU / Approved by MU / Approved by MU
Programme handbook - template provided by MU / MU / MU / MU / MU / MU
Publication of programme specifications (for all years covered by diploma supplements) / MU / MU / Partner must ensure public availability / MU / Partner must ensure public availability
Facilities and resources, & student entitlements
Library provision responsibility / MU and partner / MU and partner / Partner (+ MU if specifically negotiated) / Partner (and MU as negotiated) / Partner
Automatic access to MU Library support (except where the publisher has specifically refused access) and IT support[6] / Yes – with full borrowing & reference rights. / Yes – with full borrowing & reference rights. / No access (unless exceptionally negotiated) / Yes – with full borrowing & reference rights. / No access (unless exceptionally negotiated)
Receive MU ID cards / Yes / Yes / No – but partners’ ID cards may use approved wording to indicate MU collaboration / UK Yes
Overseas No (unless by local arrangement) / No – but partners’ ID cards may use approved wording to indicate MU collaboration
Receives MU e-mail account / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / No
Student welfare provision responsibility / MU and partner / MU and partner / Partner / Partner / Partner
Automatic access to MU student support services e.g MU Money and Welfare Advice, Childcare, Careers Advisory Service and MU Counselling / Yes / Online Materials
Physical Access
UK Yes
Overseas No / No / No (unless negotiated) / No
Access to MU Disability and Dyslexia Support Service / Yes / UK Yes Overseas No / No / UK Yes
Overseas No / Advice only
Access to Assessment service for Disabled Students Allowance Study Needs (charges apply) / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Access to dyslexia diagnostic assessment service / Yes (provided students meet the normal criteria for Access to Learning Fund) / Yes (provided students meet the normal criteria for Access to Learning Fund) / No / No / Yes (provided students meet the normal criteria for Access to Learning Fund)
Automatic access to MU Learning Enhancement Team (LET)[7] / Yes / Yes / No (unless exceptionally negotiated at additional cost) / No / No
MDXSU member / Full member (with voting rights & discounts) if attending an MU London campus.
Otherwise no. / Full member (with voting rights & discounts) if attending an MU London campus.
Otherwise no. / No / Full member (with voting rights & discounts) if attending an MU London campus.
Otherwise no. / No
Attend MU graduation ceremony[8] / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Join alumni association / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Student access
My Learning?[9] / Yes – individual student account / Yes – individual student account / No / Yes – individual student account / No
Partner staff access to MyLearning / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
Access to MU Sports / Yes – UK only / Yes – UK only / Yes – UK only / Yes – UK only / Yes – UK only
Student access to MU accommodation / Yes – subject to fulfilment of all criteria and availability (UK only) / Yes – subject to fulfilment of all criteria and availability (UK only) / No / Yes – subject to fulfilment of all criteria and availability (UK only) / Yes – subject to fulfilment of all criteria and availability (UK only)
Student finance (UK only)
Receives student financial support monies from Student Loan Company / Not applicable / MU (if programme is publicly-funded by HEFCE via MU and included on SLC HEI database by MU) / Partner (only if programme is BIS designated and included on SLC HEI database by partner) / Partner (only if programme is BIS designated and included on SLC HEI database by partner) / Partner (if programme is publicly-funded by HEFCE, BIS-designated and included on SLC HEI database partner)
Eligible to apply to MU Access to Learning Fund? / Yes provided they meet the normal criteria / Yes provided they meet the normal criteria / No / No / Yes,provided they meet the normal criteria
National Scholarship Programme - students apply to and are paid by whom / Not applicable / MU / Partner / Partner / Partner
Eligible to apply for additional fee support scheme (part-time continuing students only)[10] / Yes and provided they meet the normal criteria / Yes and provided they meet the normal criteria / No / No / Yes provided they meet the normal criteria
Visits required by MU staff (normally the link tutor) / The University Link Tutor will visit your institution during the year, either in person or virtually, usually the visit is aligned to the Boards of Study (or equivalent) / The University Link Tutor will visit your institution during the year, either in person or virtually, usually the visit is aligned to the Boards of Study (or equivalent) / The University Link Tutor will visit your institution during the year, either in person or virtually, usually the visit is aligned to the Boards of Study (or equivalent) plus assessment boards as detailed above. / The University Link Tutor will visit your institution during the year, either in person or virtually, usually the visit is aligned to the Boards of Study (or equivalent) / The University Link Tutor will visit your institution during the year, either in person or virtually, usually the visit is aligned to the Boards of Study (or equivalent) plus assessment boards as detailed above.
Staffing appointments / Partner with oversight from MU / Partner with oversight from MU / Partner with oversight from MU / Partner with oversight from MU / Partner with oversight from MU
Staff development / Taught component: Partner with Support from MU;
Research component: normally MU / Partner with Support from MU / Partner with Support from MU / Partner with Support from MU / Partner with Support from MU

Updated 20/10/162016/17


[3] Dual Awards: where a Dual Award has been authorised (ie the granting of separate awards by both MU and a partner for a single programme of study), any DS issued to students will refer to the existence of the other award.

2Exams may be set by Mu and or Partner

[5] Academic Provision Approval Committee

[6] Comprises Libraries, Computing & Audio-Visual Resources. Students must present their student ID card to gain Library entry.Access to e-resources only where permitted by terms of licence

[7] LET includes Academic Writing & Language (AWL) and Maths, Stats & Numeracy Support (MSNS)

[8] Whilst entitled to attend MU Graduation Ceremonies, a number of validated and franchised programmes have their own institutional graduation ceremonies at which the University is represented.

[9] MyLearning is a student portal providing access to learning materials via myUniHub. Includes Turnitin

[10] Student financial support received by MU from HEFCE. Students to apply to partner; MU to transfer funds as appropriate.