Scottish Book Trust 2017

In association with BBC Scotland Radio Drama

Radio Drama Industry Lab


Deadline: Wednesday 22nd February 2017 (midday)

Lab dates:20th, 21st, 27th & 28th March & 4th April 2017

Venue:BBC Scotland, 40 Pacific Quay, GlasgowG511DA

Thank you for your interest in ourRadioDrama Writers Lab 2017.For all enquiries, please email application can be made available in other formats on request. If you need assistance with making your application or have other access needs, please contact us.

Submission guidelines:

  • All text should be written in font Arial 12.
  • Your application should only include the information requested. Additional material will not be considered.
  • Send your application form as a single attachment to no later than midday on Wednesday 22nd February 2017with ‘RadioDrama Industry Lab 2017’ as the subject line.
  • Application forms should be in file format .doc, .docx or .rtf. We cannot accept files ending in .pages, .odt or .pdf.
  • Scottish Book Trust use application processes to make sure all submissions are judged fairly. Applications that do not meet the guidelines or exceed specified word limits will not be considered.
  • Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Applicants without access to e-mail can send hard copies of their applications to:

RadioDrama Industry Lab 2017, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR


First name/s
Second name
Other name (e.g. pen name)
We need this to let you know the outcome of your application.
How did you find out about the Lab? Please choose one. / Word of mouth
Social media
Scottish Book Trust website
Other website (please specify)
Scottish Book Trust eUpdate
Other (please specify)
Would you like to receive our monthly Writing e-Update including details of future writing opportunities?
(Scottish Book Trust will not give your details to anyone else.) / Yes/No/Already signed up
Please tell us about your publication history (e.g.plays, novels, collections, anthologies and literary magazines) and experience working as a professional writer. Please list no more than 10 examples in total. Please prioritise your most relevant and most recent items.
The Lab
Why are you applying to participate in the Lab? What do you hope to get out of the Lab? (Word limit: 200 words.)


Ready to submit?

Deadline for applications:Wednesday 22 February 2017 (midday).

By submitting this application, you confirm that:

  • You have read our eligibility criteria and you are eligible to apply for this opportunity;
  • You understand that if you receive a place on the lab and are found to be ineligible, you will be asked to withdraw.
  • Scottish Book Trust are not liable for any transport or accommodation costs paid out if you are asked to withdraw.