June 16, 2013 – 9:30 A.M.


Prelude: Dot Faasse, organist

Psalm 121 ~ A Song of Ascents


*God’s Greeting and Introduction of Service



“How Blest are They Who, Fearing God” ~ Grey Hymnal #1 (to the tune of GH #501)

“How Majestic is Your Name” ~ Blue Hymnal #121


Song: “Oh, Lord, Hear My Prayer” ~ verse 1 (see insert)

Silent Prayer

Song: “Oh, Lord, Hear My Prayer” ~ verse 2


*Song: “God Be Merciful to Me” ~ Grey Hymnal #255:1~3

Scripture: Psalm 2 (pp. 844)

Message: “Answering God” ~ Pastor Chris Pedersen


*Reading and Song: “Better is One Day” ~ Psalm 84

The Lord’s Supper

Milestone Moment: Celebrating God’s Providence ~ Dan Storms

NEW AWARENESS of GOD ~ Psalm 136

Prayer of Thanksgiving: “His Love Endures Forever” (responsive reading - see insert)

Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Building Fund

Offertory Prayer

*GOING FORTH in PRAISE ~ Psalm 150 (in unison)

*God’s Blessing

*Doxology: “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”


*You are invited to stand.


In reverence and respect to God,

Kindly turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during the worship service. Thank you.


Welcome to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. We are glad you are here with us this morning. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church. Please fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.


June 16 ~ 9:30 A.M.: Today is Father’s Day, and we give praise and thanks to God for our fathers, grandfathers, and all godly men who have been examples to us and have influenced our lives for the better. This morning, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches here at Cedar Hill CRC.

June 23 ~ 9:30 A.M.: Pastor Chris will give a message on Proverbs 1:1~9, “Fear is just the beginning.”

6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches at Covenant CRC.


This Week – June 16, 2013

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Building Fund, PM: Campus Crusade

GREETERS: Welcome Team #3

USHERS: AM: Bill Bushman, Sally Haven, Henry Van Heemst

PM: Walter Shurminsky, Robert Dykstra, John Borduin, Sr.

NURSERY: Infant: Marge Faber, Jan Englishmen

Toddler: Nancy & Rebecca Martin

CH. CHURCH: Sara Heerema/Mary Beth & Allie Steiginga

JR. CHURCH: Kathryn Post/Jenna Dyksen

Next Week – June 23, 2013

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Scholarship Fund

GREETERS: Welcome Team #4

USHERS: Harold Post, Ted Faber, Bill Heerema

NURSERY: Infant: Bev Peters, Jenna Dyksen

Toddler: Jeanne Veenstra, Allison Douma

CH. CHURCH: Alyssa Shurminsky/Caitlin Shurminsky, Joey Post

JR. CHURCH: The Carey Family



The office will be closed on Tuesday, June 18. Regular office hours for the remainder of the week.


Handouts: There are further exercises with the Psalms available at the Welcome Center. One is a reading plan for reading through the Psalms each day during the month. The second is a Psalm writing activity. If you would like further helps, or resources with engaging the Psalms, talk with Pastor Chris.

Sign up for a date with Pastor Chris & Kim! They would like to get to know you—and for you to get to know them. Monday mornings and Tuesday evenings are available. Call the office to schedule your time.


Tithing envelopes: Tithing envelopes for the new fiscal year are available for pick up in the nursery hallway.

Financial Update of June 1:

Income - $403,500

Expenses - $392,326

Budget - $429,750

Please consider your contributions as we end the budget year this month.



The Council invites the congregation to a congregational meeting on Tuesday, June 18th, at 7:30 PM, to discuss the proposed 2013-2014 budget and the restructuring of the church’s debt. Please review the material in your mailboxes. At this meeting, the following new council members for the 2013-2016 term will be affirmed. We are thankful that the following men have agreed to serve.


Steve Bruining

Henry Rozema

Keith Post

Pete Spalt


Harrison Bruining

Rob Dykstra

Paul Laauwe

Bob Minnaard


Potluck Picnic Schedule: Pastor Chris and Kim, along with the Council, are organizing potluck picnics by household groups. The schedule will be as follows:

June 23 ~ HH 3&4

July 14 ~ HH 5&6

July 21 ~ HH 7&8

July 28 ~ HH 9&10



Join us for a meaningful time of prayer this Wednesday at 6:15 AM in the Youth Room. Bring your own coffee.


If you would like to gift the Faber family with a hot, home-cooked meal as Ellen recovers from surgery, that would be much appreciated. Visit www.TakeThemAMeal.com. Last name: Faber, password: ellenfaber.


Looking for an easy way to support Eastern Christian Schools? Collecting Campbell’s UPC’s and “Boxtops for Education” helps obtain school equipment for Eastern Christian Schools. Put them in the labeled box in the Deacons’ Room. Not sure what to save? The box has a list of products


YouthQuest wishes everyone a wonderful and safe summer! See you in the fall.

LINC: (High School):

West Virginia Mission Trip: For those going on the West Virginia Mission trip, if you haven’t submitted your forms or payments, turn them in as soon as possible. Thanks.


‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge…You, O God, are strong…You, O Lord, are loving.” Psalm 62:8, 11-12

June 16, 2013


Congratulations to Dan Storms, who received Highest Honors for his degree of Doctor of Medicine at his Commencement Ceremony on Friday, June 14. Today will be his last day of worship with us for a while as he will be leaving on Monday, June 17, to begin his 3-year Internal Medicine Residency at Dartmouth~Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. His email address is . God bless you, Dan!


Pray for healing and renewed strength for Marie Meenan, who continues physical therapy at the Christian Health Care Center.

Pray for Marie Steiginga, who is currently under observation at the Nursing Unit of the Holland Christian Home.

Pray for Edith Sybesma, who is currently at the Nursing Unit of the Holland Christian Home following her recent hospitalization.

Pray for Jim and Grace Van Wieren, as Jim is now a resident at the Heritage Manor Nursing Home at the Christian Health Care Center.

Pray for our expecting moms and their families: Keith & Mandi Post (7/31/13), Pablo & Laura Laauwe (10/15/13); pray for good health for these women and their babies.


Kassie Borduin Ellen Faber Gert Troast

Helen Van Heemst Judy Van Heemst


Edward Van Spronsen Huberta Smith

Grace Van Wieren David De Koek

Edie Fylstra Kathleen Jacobs

Burden God with what burdens you.

Pray for Mission Outreach


Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions

Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for Open Door Fellowship of East Harlem, New York, and Pastor Johnny Acevedo. And pray for City Grace Church of New York City and Pastor Ben Spalink.

Campus Ministry: Rev. Ken VanderWall has had a campus ministry at William Paterson University for 45 years. It takes much dedication and commitment for such a long time. He has become more and more effective and enthusiastic with young people and is in the prime of his ministry. He doesn’t want to quit although he is past retirement age. Pray that God will bring much fruit to this wonderful service.

World Missions: Christian Reformed World Missions began 125 years ago with a missionary serving among the Sioux nation in South Dakota. Today, CRWM, has more than 200 missionaries serving in over 40 countries, and through partnerships, our work extends to more than 50 countries. Thank you for your faithful partnership throughout the years. Join us in celebrating God’s continuing work among the nations. Visit www.crwm.org/125 for more info.

World Renew: This Father’s Day, please remember people like Ahmed, a hard-working father whose life changed when his family fled the violence in Syria. They and many Syrian families like them are now living in make-shift shelters. Please consider helping the thousands of Syrian fathers who have lost everything due to conflict. Visit worldrenew.new/syriaconflict or mail your check marked “Syria Conflict” to World Renew, 2850 Kalamazoo SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560.

PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated each Friday afternoon with the latest on our congregational needs. You can also to check our denominational prayer requests: 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray.

Council News

June 2013

The Council met for its monthly meeting on June 3, 2013. All members were present. At this meeting the following actions were taken:

·  The Council received a letter from Tanette Botbyl, requesting that the Council review and update the Bereavement committee. This was forwarded to the deacons for further study. The Council also received a letter of thanks for allowing the Women’s Bible Study Fellowship to use our facilities for another year.

·  The final slate of nominees for elder and deacon was approved. We must now assimilate these new Council members to the tasks they will be assigned.

·  Roger Van Valkenburgh gave a final report on our offerings. We project that we will come in about 26k below budget for the year, which ends June 30. Fortunately, expenses were down this year, as well, so all commitments could be made.

·  The Council approved a new budget for 2013-2014 in the amount of $470,585.00. All financial matters will be reviewed at the Congregational meeting.

·  Household picnics will begin on June 9 in an effort to promote and expand fellowship at Cedar Hill.

·  Plans are being formulated to renovate the Youth Room.

·  Pastor Chris gave a report on his activities for the month of May, a copy of which is attached to the Council minutes.

·  Mutual censure was practiced in preparation for the Lord’s Supper, which will take place on June 16, 2013.

Ron Steiginga, Clerk

Happy Birthday

July 1 July 14 July 23

Kevin Zink Ruth Bryant Steven Ruit

Jonathan Spalink

July 3 July 15

Laura Carey Sandy Martin July 24

Eric Chickey Sean Post Hannah Post

Christopher Warnet Rachel Post

July 4 July 16 July 25

Jay C. Faber Brenda Strasser Philip Hubscmitt

Neil Bushoven Rebecca Martin

Peter Botbyl Jr. Margaret Heerema

Samantha Martin July 17

Jeff Tanis July 27

July 5 Mark Anema Lori Brock

Rick Botbyl Samantha Bruining

July 18

July 8 Grace Kuipers July 29

Bev Ten Kate Jeff Dyksen

Jennifer Dunham Hailey Anema

Ruth Brown July 19

George Roberts Doug Steyling, Jr. July 31

Chantilly Borduin Julia Bakker

July 10

Bill Heerema July 21

Jim Vermeulen Peter Spalt



Read PSALM 32:1-6 and MATTHEW 11:28-30

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28

As I started up my car in the dark hours of early morning, I noticed a seatbelt light on the dashboard. I checked my door, opening and pulling it shut again. I tugged on my seatbelt to test it. But the sensor light still beamed. Then, in slow realization, I reached over and lifted my purse a few inches above the passenger seat. The light clicked off.

Apparently, a cell phone, three rolls of quarters, a hardcover book, and my lunch stuffed in my very large purse had equaled the weight of a small passenger, thus setting off the sensor!

While I can easily empty out a handbag, other weights are not so easy to shed. Those burdens of life involve a heaviness of spirit.

Whether the burden that weighs us down is one of guilt such as the one that consumed David’s thoughts (Ps. 32:1-6), the fear Peter experienced (Matt. 26:20-35), or the doubt

Thomas carried (John 20:24-29), Jesus has invited us to bring them all to Him: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).

We are not built to bear burdens alone. When we cast them on the One who wants to bear our burdens (Ps. 68:19; I Peter 5:7), He replaces them with forgiveness, healing, and restoration. No burden is too heavy for Him. Cindy Hess Kasper

Lord, thank You for lovingly carrying our burdens.

In times of trouble, help us to leave those burdens

in Your strong hands and to find our rest in You.

In Jesus name, amen.

Burden God with what burdens you.

Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary

Days are filled with sorrow and care,

Hearts are lonely and drear;

Burdens are lifted at Calvary –

Jesus is very near.


Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary;

Burdens are lifted at Calvary – Jesus is very near.

Cast your care on Jesus today,

Leave your worry and fear;

Burdens are lifted at Calvary –

Jesus is very near.

Troubled soul, the savior can see

Every heart-ache and tear;

Burdens are lifted at Calvary –

Jesus is very near.

This week at Cedar Hill Church

June 16 ~ June 22, 2013


9:30 AM ~ Worship Service (Sanctuary)

12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall)

6:00 PM ~ Joint Worship (at Cedar Hill CRC)


7:00 PM ~ EC Pre-K Graduation Ceremony (Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall)

7:30 PM ~ Executive Team Meeting (Deacon Room)

8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Basement)