Khabarovsk, Russia

Light without borders!

VI International Lighting Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Societies of the Pacific Basin Region

April 23 – 25, 2009

LUX PACIFICA is the organization established in the late 1980s which unites the Illuminating engineering societies of the Pacific Basin Region. The member lighting societies are: Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia & New Zealand, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, China Illuminating Engineering Society, Indian Society of Lighting Engineers, The Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia, The Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa and The Illuminating Engineering Society of Thailand. The Chairman of LUX PACIFICA is Dr. Warren Julian, IESANZ.

The first LUX PACIFICA conference was held in Shanghai (China) in 1989. That was very successful; with Thailand offering to host the second LUX PACIFICA was in 1993. Then followed, Nagoya (Japan) in 1997, New Delhi (India) in 2002 (rather than 2001) and The Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand hosted this important regional conference in 2005.

LUX PACIFICA 2009 will be organized by the Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia. It is an open conference and we invite different countries to participate in it.

The national Russian lighting conference will be held in conjunction with LUX PACIFICA in April 22-24, 2009.


Khabarovsk is one of the largest cities of Russian Far East. It is an administrative, industrial, cultural and scientific center of Khabarovsk Krai. It is located some 30km from the Chinese border. It is the second largest city in the Russian Far East, after Vladivostok. The city total square is 37,2 thousand hectares. The population is about 620 thousand people.

In 2008 Khabarovsk will celebrate its 150-year anniversary.

The weather in April in this region is changeable but mostly good in this time of a year.

Khabarovsk is served by Khabarovsk Novy Airport with international flights to China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Central Asia.

Subjects of the Conference

-  Fundamental of lighting and daylighting

-  Vision and Colour

-  Energy Efficiency

-  Outdoor and Indoor Lighting

-  Light and Health

-  Light and Architecture, Lighting Design

-  Lighting Fixtures

-  Sources of Light and Control Systems

-  LEDs and their application

-  Irradiation Systems

-  Light Measurements

-  Standards of Lighting

-  Optical devices, sensors and displays

-  Radiometric or optical properties of materials

Registration is open at since March 1, 2008.


Prospective contributors are invited to submit abstracts. The short abstract should be submitted as Word doc file in English with a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 1000 words and has the following information of the author: name, last name, address, the name of the organization, e-mail.

Contributions can be submitted by e-mail: . The dead line for abstracts submission is September 1, 2008. Authors will be informed on the decision of the Board of LUX PACIFICA by November 1, 2008.


First name, Surname

(Affiliation, Country)


The title of your paper should indicate the subject as clearly and briefly as possible. Give author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) after the title. Write the name of the first author and the short paper title on all of your pages in the header.

You give a clear outline of the contents in your paper and stating principal results and conclusions. It is advised to write more than 500 and less than 1000 words.

You should include appropriate keywords, less than six, for your paper. These will be used for database purposes in a future.

The name and E-mail number of the representative author should be given at the end of the abstract for correspondence with the organizing committee.


Name of the representative author: E-mail

Instruction for paper form presentation:

Full paper should be submitted to LUX PACIFICA committee of Russian Federation according to the following guidance:

-  Editor programmed is Word 2000 or new version after it;

-  Paper size A4;

-  Number of pages is not more than 4 pages;

-  Language is English,

-  Single space;

-  Letter size is approx 10 point, Style is Times New Roman;

-  Type in Double column (See the template in and;

-  Contact details of author are put at the end of Full Paper;

-  Write the name of the first author and the short paper title on all of your pages in the header and the page numbering in the footer.

-  If you have any questions regarding the submission of abstract and full paper, please contact to .

The dead line for full paper submission is January 31, 2009.

Presentation Types

-  Plenary Session presentation

-  Presentation

-  Poster

Conference Languages

-  English

-  Russian (simultaneous translation)

Social Program

The conference participants and guests will be suggested an interesting social program.


The conference organizer has reserved a number of rooms in the "Intourist" Hotel (2, Amurskiy Boulevard, 680000, Khabarovsk, Russia) for the participants at the following rates:

-  Single room – 3200 rubles

-  Double room – 3500 rubles

-  Luxury room – 4300-5300 rubles

Please note that the room rates include VAT and breakfast.

Registration fees

Participants are kindly requested to register individually on the web-site of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia at

Category / Before
September 1, 2008 / On/After
September 1, 2008
Full conference registration
The registration fee covers program items, welcome and farewell receptions, city tour, conference kit, coffee breaks and working lunches / 13000 rubles / 15000 rubles
Conference registration only
The registration fee covers program items, conference kit, coffee breaks and working lunches / 9000 rubles / 11000 rubles
Accompanying person registration
The fee covers welcome and farewell receptions, city tour, museum excursions / 4000 rubles / 5000 rubles

After the registration you will receive the invoice to make relevant payment before September 1, 2008. Payments will be accepted in Russian rubles or US dollars at the rate on the maturity date.

Dear Colleagues,

The organizing committee of LUX PACIFICA 2009 has a pleasure of inviting you to the 6th LUX PACIFICA Conference in Khabarovsk. The Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia is proud to host this important conference and hope your stay in Khabarovsk will be professionally useful and impress you.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Khabarovsk in 2009.

The Conference is organized by the Illuminating Engineering Society of Russia

106, Prospect Mira,

129626, Moscow, Russia

Tel.: 007495687 63 11, 007495682 27 28

Fax: 007495687 62 90