TRUSTEES PRESENT: Ms. Deborah Forbes, Mrs. Gitta Hashizume, Mr. Terry Riley, Mr. Greg Bender, Dr. L.J. (Roy) Wilson

OFFICIALS PRESENT:Dr. Linda Rossler, Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Grant Henderson, Associate Superintendent – Human Resources

Mr. Jerry Labossiere, Secretary-Treasurer

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:Mr. Andy Christie, Manager of Facilities

Mr. David George, Principal, CrestwoodSchool

Mrs. Tracy Hensel, Principal, WebsterNiblockSchool

Mrs. Vicki Glass, Pre-School Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs. Deb Lloyd, FNMI Director

Mr. Rick Massini, Director of Programs and Instruction

CHAIR:Mrs. Gitta Hashizume



The Agenda was amended to include the following items:

1) Letter to the Minister re: Skills Centre be added as III.1.

2) Invitation to an Art Exhibit reception at the Medicine Hat Interpretive Centre be added as III.6.

3) ASBA Zone Representative be added as VII.4.

63. Dr. Wilson THAT the agenda be approved as amended.



Presentation and adoption of the Minutes of the Regular Boardmeeting held on Tuesday, December 11, 2007and Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, December 11, 2007.

64. Ms. Forbes THAT the Minutes of the Regular Board and Committee of the Whole meetings held on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 be adopted.


1.Copy of Letter dated December 21, 2007, from Mrs. Gitta Hashizume to the Minister of Education re: Medicine Hat Regional Skills Centre

  1. Copy of letter dated November 27, 2007, from Edmonton Catholic Schools to Board Chair re: AERR
  1. Copy of letter dated December 18, 2007, from Mrs. Gitta Hashizume to President of ASBA re: Budget and Strategic Plan
  1. Copy of letter dated December 18, 2007, from Mrs. Gitta Hashizume to Minister of Education re: Unfunded Pension Liability
  1. Copy of letter dated December 18, 2007, from Mrs. Gitta Hashizume to Minister of Education re: Increased Funding to Private Schools
  1. Art Exhibition Reception Invitation

Mrs. Hashizume informed the Board of an invitation she received inviting the Board to attend a reception for an art exhibit at the Medicine Hat Interpretive Centre on January 15, 2008. The art exhibition is entitled “ThreeSchools; One Theme” and will be open for the month of January.


  1. Medicine HatHigh School Drama Production

During the month of December, Mr. Chris Stockton, drama teacher, and students of Medicine HatHigh School, presented the production, “Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet”. The quality of the production, the set, and the performance was outstanding. The performance was well done and the audience was kept thoroughly entertained. Dr. Rossler congratulated Mr. Stockton and students on a job well done!

  1. CrescentHeightsHigh School Drama Production

During the month of November, Ms. Jennifer Davies, drama teacher, and students of CrescentHeightsHigh School, presented the production, “The Mouse That Roared”. The comedy was very entertaining and the students did a wonderful job in their roles. In a production of this nature, the students wear multiple hats as both performers and producers, by assisting in the assembly of the set as well as playing a part in the play. Dr. Rossler offered congratulations to Ms. Davies and students on a job well done!

  1. Christmas Programs at Schools

Each year we receive the schedule of Christmas Programs for the various schools in Medicine HatSchool District 76. Students, teachers and administrators put many hours into the planning, preparation and production of the Christmas Programs. We want to recognize these endearing efforts and results. Thanks to all our staff for the Christmas Programs.

Dr. Rossler expressed appreciation to all the schools for the seasonal concerts and celebrations held during December.


  1. Citizenship Group Report

David George, Principal, and members of the committee updated the Board on the progress of the Citizenship Group that was established at Cypress.

The committee met the week of September 24, 2007 to review data, and to initiate plans to address the questions and/or concerns raised by the Accountability Pillar Results in the area of Citizenship.

Mr. George said the committee found that each school runs a multitude of programs, activities and events which promote good citizenship. The consensus was that it is not the lack of activities occurring that is the problem but rather the lack ofpublicity about the activities.

Mr. George shared with the Board a list of recommendations to strengthen the district and individual school ratings in the area of citizenship.

The Board thanked Mr. George and his committee for their work and commitment to this project.

Mr. George, Mrs. Hensel and Mrs. Glass left the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

  1. FNMI Presentation

Deborah Lloyd has been appointed to the ATA corps of instructors who teach teachers to deliver aboriginal content in their classes and how to relate to aboriginal kids. She organizes History in the Hills which is an annual four-day celebration of First Nations culture and history which takes place in Elkwater in June.

Mrs. Lloyd updated the Board through a power point on recent happenings in the FNMI Program as well as what is being planned for the future.

Mrs. Lloyd highlighted a number of programs and activities she is involved in within the school district and community which included:

-Walking with Kokum, a program designed for Grade 11 students.

-A culturally enhanced tutoring program for students in Grades 4 to 6 which is homework based, including cultural activities, native crafts, storytelling and computer skills.

-Vantage reading/bonding the senses tutoring program: targeting students who are two or more grade levels below the standard based on existing IPP’s.

-Dream Catcher Conference.

-“HALT” Medicine Wheel Food Program in partnership with the Medicine Hat Food Bank. HALT is an acronym for:





- Peace tree at city hall (along with the ESL class at Medicine HatHigh School).

-History in the Hills – provides an education link to native,Metis and Inuit culture.

-Mrs. Lloyd is currently working with school administrators to get Aboriginal studies 10, 20, 30 into CrescentHeights and Medicine HatHigh Schools.

- 14 FNMI students attended a Canadian Armed Forces presentation.

- There has been an increasein the number of FNMI grade 12 students and graduates. Because of this Mrs. Lloyd is receiving an increased number of requests for scholarship and post secondary application assistance.

-“Racism: Stop It” campaign at Medicine HatHigh School in the spring of 2008.

- PD Fall 2008 - Mrs. Lloyd would like to invite Dr. Brokenleg to host a PD session.

Dr. Rossler thanked Mrs. Lloyd for all her work not only with the FNMI programs but also throughout the school district and community.

Mrs. Lloyd left the meeting at 8:13 p.m.


  1. Policy 209: Education Foundation

Policy 209: Education Foundation was brought forward to the Board of Trustees at its December 11, 2007 meeting and it was suggested that Dr. Rossler and Mr. Labossiere review the entire policy and make recommendations to the Board at its next regular meeting.

A copy of Policy 209 with the changes as recommended by Dr. Rossler and Mr. Labossiere was presented to the Board.

It was recommended that the Board approve the suggested changes to Policy 209: Education Foundation and that Procedures 209 P 001 and Exhibit 209 E 001 be deleted from the Policy Handbook.

The Board requested that this item be forwarded to the next Coordinating Committee Meeting.

65. Mr. RileyTHAT Policy 209 be sent to the next Coordinating Committee Meeting.


  1. Annual Education Results Report

The Annual Education Results Report was presented to the Board at its December 11, 2007 Regular Meeting. The Board made various suggestions as to what they would like to see in the final report. At that meeting the Board approved the report, in principle, and requested that a final draft be brought back to the next Regular Board meeting in January, 2008.

The final copy of the Annual Education Results Report was received by the Board.

It was recommended thatthe Board approve the Annual Education Results Report and that it be submitted to Alberta Education.

Mr. Massini presented the final draft of the Annual Education Results Reports to the Board highlighting changes made from the previous presentation.

Dr. Rossler thanked Mr. Massini for his many hours of work compiling the data contained in the Results Report.

66. Ms. ForbesTHAT the Board approve the Annual Education Results Report and that it be submitted to Alberta Education.


  1. School Year Calendars

The draft 2008–2009, 2009–2010, and 2010-2011 school year calendars were circulated at the School Administrators’ Meetings in October, 2007and November, 2007. Administrators were asked to circulate the draft school year calendars to their staff and their School Council for input. The Coordinating Committee reviewed the school year calendars in December, 2007.

Additionally, the draft school year calendars were circulated to Prairie Rose School Division and Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education in October, 2007 and a follow-up meeting was held in December, 2007. The 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 school year calendars will be presented later in the spring upon further input.

It is recommended that the Board approve the 2008–2009 school year calendar.

Dr. Henderson reviewed the 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school calendars with the Board.

67. Mr. BenderTHAT the Board approve the 2008-2009 school year calendar.


  1. ASBA Zone Representative

Due to the naming of Mr. Bender to the position of Vice-Chair of the ASBA Zone 6 Executive the Board now has to elect a new Board Representative. Mr. Riley is currently the alternate Board Representative.

68. Dr. WilsonTHAT Mr. Riley be named the Board Representative to the Alberta School Board Association Zone 6.




  1. Diploma and Achievement Test Results

Mr. Rick Massini, Director of Programs and Instruction, presented the report on the analysis of the District’s Multi-Year Diploma Exam results as well as the District’s Multi-Year Achievement Test results.

Mr. Massini noted that the district has recently undertaken a couple of collaborative inquiriesthrough the Cypress Committee to investigate district issues. Other jurisdictions in Zone 6 indicated that this same process was monumental in their district development initiatives. Collaborative inquiry is part of the process that Michael Fullan terms “Turnaround Leadership”. The district’s endorsement of Turnaround Leadership strategies and the new direction that Professional Development has undergone in the district are beginning to change the ethos of the district. Given time, commitment and support, these factors should produce positive results in the district’s Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams and Accountability Pillar results.

It was noted that perhaps having grade 7 and 8 students in AlexanderJunior High School and then transfer to Medicine HatHigh School for grade 9 may also have an impact on the Achievement Test results of those students.

2.Alberta-B.C. Teachers Labour Mobility Agreement

Information from Keray Henke, Deputy Minister at Alberta Education,was provided to the Board for their information on the Mobility Agreement that has been signed between Alberta and British Columbia.

3.ASBA Insurance Board Appointments

The ASBA is looking for trustees who might be interested in becoming members of several insurance board appointments. Jerry Labossierebriefed the Board on the various openings.

Mr. Labossiere asked any Board members or Senior Administrators to let him know if they are interested in one of the appointments.


It is recommended that the Board move to Committee of the Whole to discuss certain confidential matters.

69. Ms. ForbesTHAT the Board move to Committee of the Whole to discuss certain confidential matters.


The Board moved to Committee of the Whole at 9:15 p.m.

Mr. Christie and Mr. Massini left the meeting at 9:15 p.m.


70.Dr. WilsonTHAT the Board reconvened to the Open Board meeting at 10:17 p.m.



71. Mrs. HashizumeTHAT the Board approve the grid adjustment of Range 30 and 28 of Non-Organized as of January 1, 2007.

Recorded vote requested.

4 in favour (Bender, Forbes, Hashizume, Wilson) 1 opposed (Riley)


72. Dr. WilsonTHAT the Board receive the letter from the Superintendent.



73. Mr. Riley THAT the meeting adjourn.


The meeting adjourned at 10:21.