Heaton Medical Centre News Letter December 2011
Official Opening
Dr Stephen Liversedge OBE of Bolton NHS officially opened the surgery extension on 30th September 2011.
Dr Liversedge and local GPs led the way with The Big Bolton Health Check. It was so successful that it is being copied across the country. The surgery opening also marks the start of a new campaign to offer health checks looking for diabetes, kidney disease and high cholesterol for everyone from the age of 40, and checks for chest disease in smokers and ex smokers over 35.
The new “Book an M.O.T.” scheme is simple. Patients complete a form that’s available on our website, or at the surgery, hand it in to reception or post in the suggestion/questionnaire box at the surgery entrance. All the required tests to suit the individual patient will be organised by the nurse and health advice given on the results. An “M.O.T.” certificate and date of next test will be issued.
Surgery Website
Visit our website www.boltongp.co.uk it offers information videos, travel advice, On-line appointments and prescription requests. If you wish use the website to book appointments or request repeat prescriptions you will need to ring the surgery or speak to the receptionist at the desk, you will be asked couple of key questions that only you would be able to answer for security reasons or you can ask for your password at the next surgery appointment.
The surgery has developed a triage service for patients who want to speak to a doctor on the phone for urgent problems or if an urgent appointment is required. We have tried to listen to what people need and continue to adapt, and grow. In the early part of the year this had a great impact on how we managed flu symptoms; we were able to treat patients at home without bringing infected patients into contact with the surgery staff or other patients. Triage has had an impact on attendances to A&E for: back pain, facial problems, Unwell children, Ear problems etc.
Influenza Vaccine
The flu campaign started slowly, however we have had a good response from patients “at risk” and have now reached the end of our allocated stock. We have vaccinated over 1800 patients in September, October and November 2011, some of our patients have commented on the speed of the “flu clinics” thanking us for not having to wait around in the surgery for their vaccination. We have had two or three nurses working together on big sessions vaccinating around 125 patients in 1 ½ hours.
We have a growing population of babies; our data shows us that on average there are 8 births per month.
Midwife Ante natal appointments
In May this year we lost our ante natal clinic, midwife service was removed from the surgery setting and placed in Sure Start. We are pleased to report the service is coming back to Heaton Medical Centre. From January 2012 the Midwife will run an Ante natal clinic on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoon at the surgery.
Dr Saggar is on Maternity leave; her replacement during her confinement is Dr Saeedah Anwar. Dr Anwar will be with us until May 2012. In August 2011 our new Registrars came to us, Dr Clare Peddie (full time) and Dr Tara Breslin (part time). Dr Peddie will be placed with us until July 2012; Dr Breslin is on a longer placement and will be with us until July 2013. Dr Oliver Tavabie Joined us in August 2011 he is a foundation doctor he will move to his next placement in December and will be replaced by Dr Lona Jawaheer, who will be on placement with us until the end of March 2012.
Patient Participation Group
The Patient Participation Core Group held its first meeting on Wednesday 23rd November the minutes of the meeting are posted on the surgery website. We need more people to be on the core group, we need a representation of 12, from different age groups, and we need more 17-24 years old, 45-54 years olds.
Patient Survey
We will be asking patients to complete a questionnaire about how we provide our services to you and how well we provide it. We expect this to be before the end of March 2012 the information you provide will help us and Bolton Health Consortia look at service provision in Bolton. The report we receive back from the analysed results will be published on our website and in the surgery. This will be discussed with the Core Group and the wider patient participation group. If you would like to get involved let us know by completing the form on line or if you do not have an email address just fill in a form at the surgery and we will still try to include you.
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