A significant part of AFJROTC is wearing the uniform. Before your son/daughter becomes a cadet in the AFJROTC program, there are certain policies that you should know. Before a uniform is issued, you, as parents/guardians, are asked to read, sign, and return this consent form to the AFJROTC instructor.

Cadets are issued an Air Force uniform as soon as possible. There is no charge for the uniform. The uniform must be maintained in a clean condition and worn proudly.

All cadets are required to wear the uniform at least once each week, usually Thursdays. Wear of the uniform is extremely important. Failure to wear the uniform properly, including personal grooming standards, on the designated uniform day or during other required and appropriate occasions will result in a zero for the uniform grade. After the third zero grade for failure to comply with the uniform requirement, a cadet will receive a quarterly grade of 50 (F), or actual grade, whichever is lower, regardless of previous academic average. If the cadet fails to comply with the uniform requirement during subsequent quarters, the quarterly grade will be a zero (F). Any waiver to uniform wear must be coordinated with the SASI/ASI, in advance. Written documentation may be requested. Showing disrespect to any Air Force uniform will result in an immediate failure grade as well.

Federal law imposes certain restrictions on wearing a military uniform. Cadets will be given instructions on when, where, and how to wear the AFJROTC uniform. Unauthorized use of the uniform may result in disenrollment from the program.

Cadets are expected to maintain high grooming standards, keep the uniform clean and pressed, hair maintained within standards, and obey rules on ear and face piercing. AFJROTC is not for everyone! We have strict dress and appearance standards that must be maintained to pass the course. We also expect all cadets to respect everyone in or out of the classroom. All teachers know that if a cadet is being disruptive in their classroom, the cadet receives a “0” in JROTC class for that day…citizenship goes beyond the JROTC door…we must live it.

All uniform items must be returned dry-cleaned. If returned in a soiled condition, cadets will be charged a fee to have the uniform cleaned. Grade cards are withheld until this bill is paid.

Cadets need frequent reminding about their responsibility for uniform wear and care. Your encouragement will be very important to the success of your child in the AFJROTC program. We appreciate your help as we try to instill self-discipline and responsibility in each cadet.


I understand the uniform issued to ______is the property of the United States Air Force. I agree to keep the uniform clean and in good condition, and will pay for any item that is lost, stolen or damaged beyond normal wear and tear. I understand the uniform policy and will encourage my son/daughter to wear the uniform properly.

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______DATE ______




To ______and Parent/Guardian:

KY-961's Wellness Program is designed to work with your child to help them improve their physical fitness. All physical activity sessions will be supervised and monitored by at least one of our instructors. These sessions include walking, running, calisthenics, and games involving moderate physical activity. The AFJROTC instructors have been trained in administering CPR if needed.

______has permission to participate in the KY-961's Wellness Program. YES – NO (circle one)

By granting permission, we understand there are risks associated with any physical activity. It is our responsibility to inform the JROTC instructors of anything that should keep my child from participating in the Wellness Program. If declining to participate in the program, serious consideration should be given to dropping this class and pursuing another elective. The PT participation grade is 20% of the cadet's overall grade and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to pass this class without participating in the wellness program.

As a Cadet in JROTC, I know that it is my responsibility to monitor my individual physical performance during any activity and to inform the AFJROTC instructor of any problem.

In the event of a medical problem, we understand that any medical care that may be required is our personal financial responsibility.

It is mandatory to complete this screening form prior to participating in our Wellness Program. Return this completed questionnaire to your SASI or ASI, and advise them if you responded “yes” to any of the questions below.

1. Has there been any significant change to your health in the past 6 months? YES - NO

2. Are you currently on a medical profile exempting you from PT activities? YES - NO

3. Has a physician ever indicated you have heart disease, heart or breathing troubles? YES - NO

a.  Do you suffer from pains in your chest, especially with physical activity? YES - NO

b.  Do you feel faint or have dizzy spells during or after physical activity? YES -NO

c.  Do you have shortness of breath related to asthma or any other condition YES - NO

that exercise could aggravate?

4. Have you experienced a significant weight change in the past 6 months? YES - NO

a. If “Yes”, indicate the estimated amount gained or lost: ___ lbs.

5. Have you ever been diagnosed or displayed symptoms of heat stress? YES – NO

6. Do you have any other medical issues that may cause a safety concern during YES - NO

physical exercise?

a. If “Yes,” please list:______


(Printed Name of Cadet) (Signature of Cadet) (Date)


(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian) (Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)

The Privacy Act of 1974 applies. The sole purpose of this form is to gather information to be used for screening a candidate for PT participation as an AFJROTC cadet. This form is for internal use only. Disclosure is voluntary; failure to disclose will result in the inability to participate in PT activities.


It is my choice to be a cadet in AFJROTC. I understand this course is designed to promote citizenship. I agree to live a higher standard of conduct and behavior and my grade in this course will reflect the conduct and behavior I demonstrate. I understand that if I fail to comply with classroom rules, I may be dismissed from the course with an “F” and spend the remainder of the course in class receiving no credit. I will always do my best. In doing so, I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the cadet honor code, which states;

“I will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do.”

I will strive to be a productive citizen of this community for I know that in future years I may become one of America’s leaders, striving to uphold the constitution and the American way of life.

I will set an academic goal to maintain at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA. (Cadet Airmen)

I will keep myself in good physical condition, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.

I will wear the uniform properly and proudly.

I will treat others with respect at all times, in all places. I understand that if I am disrespectful to another student or teacher, my AFJROTC grade/promotion will reflect my decisions.

I will not use inappropriate language.

I will be a positive influence to others.


As a leader in the AFJROTC program, I understand and accept the fact that my duties and responsibilities are significantly more demanding. I understand that my leadership is always being evaluated by those junior and senior in rank.

I will be graded on my leadership, in and out of uniform, in and out of class.

I will never need a haircut and my uniform will always be ready for inspection.

I will be respectful to others and set a good example in all my classes.

I will not be sent to ALC or ASP.

I will honor my obligations at all times, my word is my honor.

I pledge to bring credit and honor to the cadet corps.

I will encourage all cadets to do their best academically and in the corps.

I will strive to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

I accept these duties and responsibilities without reservation. If I fail to uphold my pledge, I may be relieved of my position and/or rank.

I accept the challenge of creating a plan for my future and will be prepared to meet my goals before I graduate high school.


Overall: Enlisted cadets may be promoted once every 9 weeks and a maximum of four times per school year. In addition, a promotion may be thru the Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP) promotion issued solely at the discretion of the SASI and the ASI. A STEP promotion is defined as a merit promotion based on perceived future leadership potential as demonstrated by the cadet during the normal school day, both in and out of the AFJROTC classroom. Promotions, other than STEP promotions, will be awarded on a point-based system. SASI and/or ASI may withhold promotions, regardless of accrued points, if situation warrants.

28 points accrued = promotion to next higher rank

AFJROTC grade: B or above = 5 pts

Overall grades (based on 9week reports): A/B = 8 pts

A/B/C = 5 pts

Uniform wear: 95% or above = 8 pts

85% - 94% = 5 pts

Drill Team, Color Guard, Orienteering Team member = 3 pts (1st Qtr only)

Events (parades, competitions, community service, etc) = 3 points per event

*Classroom Behavior Positive = 10 pts

Negative = Instructor-assigned up -2 pts per event. It is possible to accrue a negative balance in this area.

*classroom behavior defined as any organized AFJROTC event and/or anytime a cadet is in uniform. Examples include, but not limited: Team practices, field trips/competitions/events, community service events under the AFJROTC name, etc.

ALC, ASP, Suspension from school = Deletion of all accrued points for the 9 week period, unless waived by the SASI and ASI. In addition, assignment to ASP, or suspension from school, will usually result in a reduction in rank.

NOTE: The minimum rank to be considered for Summer Leadership School (SLS) is E-4 (SrA). Be aware that SLS is only one requirement to become an officer. Completing SLS does not guarantee a promotion.


Overall: Cadets may be promoted once per semester and a maximum of three times per school year, which would include one additional promotion may be a merit-based promotion issued solely at the discretion of the SASI and the ASI. This promotion is based on perceived future leadership potential as demonstrated by the cadet during the normal school day, both in and out of the AFJROTC classroom. Senior enlisted ranks are E-7 thru E-9. Company grade officers are O-1 thru O-3. Field grade officers are O-4 and above.

Promotion Requirements

Future leadership potential as judged by SASI and ASI. Examples include: time management, accepting responsibility for actions, military customs/courtesies, integrity, loyalty, service, completion of assigned tasks, excellence, participation, etc.

AFJROTC grade: A

Overall grades (semester): Sr Enlisted/Field Grade Officer = >2.99GPA

Company Grade Officer = >2.49GPA

All = no single grades of D or F in any class

Uniform wear: >89% avg w/ no individual grades of zero

Company Grade Officer must have completed Summer Leadership School (SLS)

Field Grade Officer = SLS completion x 2, or greater.

Active Participation in AFJROTC outside events/activities.

Classroom Behavior

*classroom behavior defined as any organized AFJROTC event and/or anytime a cadet is in uniform. Examples include, but not limited: Team practices, field trips/competitions/events, community service events under the AFJROTC name, etc.

ALC, ASP, etc. = Assignment of any disciplinary action within the school prohibits promotion during the semester in which assigned, unless waived by the SASI and ASI. In addition, assignment to ASP, or suspension from school, will result in a reduction in rank and individual will be relieved from any assigned command positions.

Warren County Public Schools Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission Slip

By signing below, you are stating you are the legal guardian of the student and are giving your permission for______to participate in AFJROTC field trips/activities during the 2012-2013 school year, and travel by bus transportation, or other school transportation, which will be furnished by the Warren County Board of Education unless otherwise stated.

As this student's legal guardian, you must answer YES OR NO to the following questions (Please circle your answer):

Does your child have:

Epilepsy / Seizures? YES NO

An Allergic Condition requiring the use of an Epi-Pen? YES NO

Asthma that requires the use of an Inhaler? YES NO

Diabetes or Glucagon for treatment of hypoglycemia? YES NO

If you answered "YES" to any of the above questions, please provide a detailed explanation of your child's
medical treatment:

Please list any other Medical Conditions:

Required Medications to be dispensed on field trip: