Course Syllabus
UNIV 1110/1108 (Learning Support)
Instructor: John Riggott
Office: 249 Milledge Hall
Office Phone: 706-247-3900
Office Hours: To be announced next week.
Supplementary Materials:
Access to myfoundationslab and webassign.
Purpose of this Course:
Prepare students for MATH 1113 (Precalculus) or Math 1101
(Mathematical Modeling)
Course Description:
During this course, students will participate in a review of algebra, problem-solving techniques, graphing functions, some probability and statistical topics, and calculator techniques for solving problems. Depending on how many of you are preparing for Math 1113 or Math 1101 the topics may vary.
Topical Outline:
The following outline is given with the understanding that the topics may change depending on the pacing of the course.
1. Fundamental Concepts of Functions: what is a function, finding function values, finding domain and range, operations on functions, and inverse functions.
2. Functions and Graphs: Properties of Functions and Their Graphs transformations of Functions,
3. Linear and Quadratic Functions: graphing, finding intercepts, finding slope and vertex, solving application problems
4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: Properties, Graphing, Exponential Growth and Decay, solving equations involving exponentials or logarithms.
5. Probability and statistics: some introduction to basic counting principles and statistical topics.
Grading Policy: 90-100 = A, 85-89=B+, 80-84=B, 75-79=C+, 70-74=C, 65-69=D+, 60-64=D, 0-59=F.
Grade Components:
Your grade will consist of:
Tests – We will have 3 tests during the semester. Tests will be given during class time and will account for 30% of your grade.
Myfoundationslab – You will be required to complete several modules from the myfoundationslab portion of the course. Each module has a test at the end you will have four attempts to complete each test with at least a 70% accuracy level. Completion of these modules will account for 30% of your final course grade. You will need to purchase a code book from the bookstore to gain access to this part of the course. Once everyone has an access code we will get everyone logged into MyFoundationslab and show you how this portion of the course work. The course code for the myfoundationslab is XL2K-I1K0-2020-0D02
Webassign- Homework will be assigned and graded through web assign. You will have multiple chances to answer each question and should not hesitate to work on your homework in the free math labs in milledge hall and the MLC. It is imperative to your learning that you keep up with assignments and ask questions when you need clarification. Completion of the online assignments and class participation will account for 30% of your final grade.
To access the homework you will need to create an account with web assign and pay for the online homework feature. Go to click on the have a class key link and enter the code uga 1229 4880 in the boxes then click submit. Click on yes this is my class and then follow the directions to create your web assign account if you do not already have one. Once you have created your account you should log in daily to see if any announcements or assignments have been added.
Final Exam – the final exam will be comprehensive and will account for 10% of your final grade.
Exiting UNIV 1110/1108 (Learning Support): In order to exit this course and be able to sign up for your first core mathematics course you must receive a grade of 70 or higher. Otherwise you will have to repeat this course in the spring.
Attendance Policy: I expect daily and punctual attendance. Note these specific policies:
a) Students with perfect attendance will have 1 point added to their final course average.
b) Students who accumulate more than the equivalent of four unexcused absences will have .5 point deducted from their course grade for each absence past four. For instance, a student with five absences will lose one-half point.
c) Students who fall asleep, put their heads on their desks, or otherwise appear to be sleeping will be counted absent.
d) Examples of excused absences include documented illnesses (proof of a physician’s appointment), a death in the immediate family (documented proof in the form of an obituary notice or other acceptable notice), and official University-sponsored functions. Examples of unexcused absences include oversleeping, missing a ride to class, registering for classes, seeing an advisor or other professor, attending events for other classes, and undocumented alien abduction.
e) Students who accumulate more than the equivalent of seven unexcused absences will receive a WF for the course. If you are late, it is your responsibility to remind me at the end of class that you arrived; otherwise, you will be counted absent. Each late arrival counts as .33 absence, so three late arrivals equal one absence.
University of Georgia Honesty Policy:
All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” Students are responsible for informing themselves about those standards before performing any academic work.
The Honesty Policy is described in detail online in the publication A Culture of Honesty at
**This course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced by the instructor to the class may be necessary.