Order to install electronically signed invoices/credit notes with CoSeINV

EGGER offers its customers and suppliers the possibility to provide qualified electronically signed invoices and credit notes using the CoSeINV module of the CoSeDAT online portal. The use of the module is free for customers who are in business relations with EGGER. The attached terms of use apply to the CoSeINV module of the CoSeDAT online portal.

1. Data of the orderer

CoSePar No.:
Company name:
Postal code:

Contact persons to inform/process new documents

Contact Person 1 Contact Person 2 Contact Person 3

Form of address:

2. CoSeINV – Electronically signed invoices/credit notes and signature validation

□  EGGER is commissioned to provide all invoices/credit notes to the orderer as a PDF file with a qualified electronic signature. The invoices/credit notes are signed by CommonSense IT-Consulting GmbH by order of EGGER.

□  CommonSense IT-Consulting GmbH is commissioned to validate electronic signatures on behalf of the orderer and to archive them together with the validation logs. It is commissioned by accepting the attached terms of use of CommonSense IT-Consulting GmbH regulating the validation of signatures of invoices/credit notes of EGGER.

□  CommonSense IT-Consulting GmbH is commissioned to additionally send the signed invoices/credit notes to the orderer by e-mail.


Place, date Signature, stamp of the orderer

EGGER terms of use for the CoSeINV module of the CoSeDAT online portal

1. Subject and validity of the terms of use

The present terms of use apply to the CoSeDAT online portal. Deviating general standard terms and conditions of the orderer do not apply even if EGGER does not expressly object to them.
Using the Portal requires Internet access. Internet access is not subject of these terms of use. Regarding the Internet access, the terms of use which have been agreed between the orderer and the respective Internet access provider apply.
„EGGER“ refers to Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG and all associated companies of the Egger Holzwerkstoffe Group. Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG is the central service provider for IT services in the Egger Holzwerkstoffe Group and thus authorised to conclude this contract and to handle all services connected with this contract.

2. Extent and content of the CoSeINV module of the CoSeDAT online portal

After having been commissioned, the orderer gets access to the CoSeINV module of the CoSeDAT online portal with the functionalities described in the attached specifications.
The orderer gets electronic invoices/credit notes with a qualified electronic signature as a PDF file subsequent to having been commissioned. The electronically signed invoice/credit note replaces the original hard copy version, corresponds to the requirements of the value-added tax law and is considered as a document. The orderer does not get any hard copy invoices/credit notes.

3. Delivery of invoices/credit notes with electronic signature

The invoice/credit note with electronic signature is considered as delivered once it has been provided to the orderer through the CoSeDAT online portal. The customer is informed by e-mail as soon as a new invoice/credit note is available.

4. Limitation of liability

EGGER is liable for damages arising out of the use of the online portal which are neither caused intentionally nor by gross negligent behaviour, limited to foreseeable damages typical for this contract; the liability is limited to EUR 5,000 and twice the amount for the total of all damages within one calendar year. This limitation of liability does not apply to damages arising out of death, injury to body and health, for damages from acceptance of a guarantee, for guilefully unmentioned defects as well as for a liability according to the product liability act.

5. Term and cancellation

This order can be cancelled in writing at any time.

6. Applicable law

Austrian law applies excluding the international reference provisions and the CISG (Uniform Sales Law).

Terms of use of the Common Sense IT-Consulting GmbH to validate the signatures of invoices/credit notes of EGGER and their archiving

1. Common Sense IT-Consulting GmbH services

Starting with the commissioning date of the order, the Common Sense IT-Consulting GmbH will validate the signatures for all invoices/credit notes of EGGER to the orderer which are electronically signed by the Common Sense IT-Consulting GmbH and afterwards archive them unalterably together with the validation logs. This service is free for customers and suppliers of EGGER.
If Common Sense IT-Consulting GmbH is not commissioned with the validation, the provided validation logs may not be used as a proof for the validation required by the local tax office for the value-added tax.

2. Limitation of liability

Common Sense IT-Consulting GbmH is liable for damages which are neither caused intentionally nor by gross negligent behaviour, limited to foreseeable damages typical for this contract; the liability is limited to EUR 5,000 and twice the amount for the total of all damages within one calendar year. This limitation of liability does not apply to damages arising out of death, injury to body and health, for damages from acceptance of a guarantee, for guilefully unmentioned defects as well as for a liability according to the product liability act.

3. Term and cancellation

This order can be cancelled in writing at any time. The electronic invoices/credit notes and the respective validation logs are subsequently provided to the orderer on a data carrier which is not re-writable.

4. Applicable law

Austrian law applies excluding the international reference provisions and the CISG (Uniform Sales Law).

Rev Date 10/05/17 / Form FOP68 / Revision 1 / Page 3 of 3