Course Description and Expectations

College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Integrated 2

Teacher: Mr. Mark Agamaite

Office: 222



Classroom: 19 (basement by Theater and Vocal)


The research-based principles that guide the course are:

• Students should engage in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea.

• Guided by a knowledgeable teacher, students should interact in groups to foster mathematical discourse.

• Practice with concepts and procedures should be spaced over time; that is, mastery comes over time.

There is more information on my website and links to helpful sites.

Scope and Sequence: Dates are approximate and are subject to change.

1: Exploring Algebraic and Geometric RelationshipsAug 21 – Sept 13

2: Justification and SimilaritySept 14 – Oct 5

3: Probability and TrigonometryOct 6 – 25

4: Factoring and More trigonometryOct 30 – Nov 17

5: Quadratic FunctionsNov 27 – Jan 10

6: More Right TrianglesJan 11 – 31

7: Proof and Conditional ProbabilityFeb 1 – 23

8: Polygons and CirclesFeb 26 – March 13

9: Modeling with FunctionsMarch 14 – April 17

10: Circles and MoreApril 18 – May 2

11: SolidsMay 3 – 15

12. Counting and ClosureMay 16 - 31


  1. Good attitude
  2. Good work ethic
  3. Pencil or writing utensil – homework will not be accepted in crayon, marker, colored pencil or pen other than black or blue
  4. Note book – for notes, helps keep organized
  5. Loose-Leaf paper for homework
  6. Graph paper
  7. Ruler
  8. Protractor
  9. Compass
  10. Calculator – preferably TI-84 series

Honors vs Non Honors: district policy

An honors grade is weighted on the 5 point scale and a non-honors class is on the traditional 4 pt scale.

If you choose to be in Honors the extra work includes but is not limited to the following (this is per DSA honors policy):

  1. Include at least one project per semester – based on a unit we did not cover in class, or addition process on a project
  2. Intensive reading and writing in content area – based on a unit we did not cover in class
  3. A significant amount or rigorous homework, beyond that of a regular class

You will be given a form to indicate if you want to stay in honors or opt out of honors. This happens each semester and each semester has a specific deadline it needs to be turned in by.

Curriculum Standards: For information regarding curriculum standards,

Breakdown of grades:

You grade will be calculated on a semester grading system. It will still be broken into process and product parts.

Process 25% – working towards understanding, homework, inclass work

Product 65%– demonstrating understanding, tests, quizzes, some homework

Final Exam 10% - district final exam for the semester

Homework, Tests and Quizzes:

My motto is:TRYTRYTRY

Never leave anything blank and at least try to do the problem. It is hard to help with a problem when it is not even attempted, I don’t know where to begin to help you and what you might already know without seeing some work. If you haveany questions find time to come in and get some extra help, before school or after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  1. Homework:
  2. At least 2 assignments a week assigned on block days and due the next block day, my goal is that you will have no homework on Friday stripe days and we will use this time to do some of the larger group problems
  3. Graded and handed back the next class
  4. Entered into IC before handed back
  5. All assignments should have work, answer and labels
  6. Should be neat and organized, easy to follow and grade
  7. If I put a ?that means I am not sure what you did in your work and to come see me to explain.
  8. If you are having trouble with the homework and need extra help talk to me prior to class, email meso we can set up one of my tutoring times and give you an extension or come in that morning, do not expect an extension if you ask at the beginning of class
  9. I discuss homework before I collect it, but do not give the answer are show all the work, I try to get students started on the problem and let them finish it, I also try to have this student driven
  10. I discuss homework after I hand it back to go more in depth with common mistakes I noticed and to answer questions more in depth
  11. Any assignment can be corrected up to an 80%, but you need to come in and see me, these corrections need to be done by the time we take the test
  12. In order to do corrections assignment needs to be handed in on time and completed
  13. Late Work:
  14. There is a bin in the back of the room to put all late work
  15. Make sure you put the date on the assignment when you hand it in
  16. Put reason it is late – where you out sick, trip with your major
  17. If no reason is written on the assignment is will be considered late and you will lose 50%
  18. After 1 week you will receive no credit for the assignment
  19. I grade all the late, missing and absent work last, I get all current assignments done first, usually get late work graded over the weekends
  20. If you are unexcused from class I do consider the homework late
  21. If you have passed the 5 days of unexcused absences I do consider the homework late
  22. Test and Quizzes
  23. Quizzes
  24. I try to give at least 1 quiz a unit sometimes 2 depending on how I can break up the unit
  25. Quizzes you can do corrections just like homework, but you only have 1 week from when they are handed back
  26. If you are gone when the class takes a quiz you have 1 week to make up quiz or you will lose 10%
  27. I look even more closely at your work, giving multiple points to the process
  28. Discussed when handed back
  29. Tests
  30. I per unit and I have tentative dates listed above
  31. I look more closely at the work
  32. Multiple choice I expect to see work
  34. If you are absent the day of a test you have 1 week to take the test, after that you lose 10%
  35. I try to put reviews on line for tests
  36. Test should not be a surprise, I will give you a breakdown of what is on it before you take the teat
  37. Test are broken up into about 80% similar to what you have seen (this is usually the multiple choice) and 20% where you have to apply what you have learned (short answer)
  38. Discussed when handed back, this is the time to check for my mistakes and explain things you did on a test to possibly get some points back, I will never take more points off the test
  39. Test are mainly district made so they will not be sent home and students cannot keep them, if you want to look over them of go through them more in depth come and see me.
  40. Absences in regards to Homework Tests and Quizzes: (this is based on the school policy)
  41. You do have 48 hours, per excused day absent, to get missing work and turn it in, please make sure you are called in absent within 24 hours I do check this, the 48 hours start the day you come back to school not when you are in my class again
  42. If you know your are going to be absent talk to me to get work ahead of time, math builds and sometimes when you are a day behind it takes longer to catch up
  43. I always emphasize to turn things early if you can instead of after so you can stay on top of the work
  44. If you are absent email me, check the website or infinite campus to see what you missed
  45. Make sure you write absent on the top of the assignment when handing it in and the date you handed it in
  46. If you are leaving for a school trip and will be in school for some of the day you should hand in the assignment before you leave, this helps to keep you on track and not have to do a lot of catch up work when you return
  47. If I am not in my room you can always put the assignments in my mailbox in the front office or the basket by my door
  48. I do check on absences from my class and will email if a student misses, especially testing days
  1. If you are caught copying assignments or cheating on tests and or quizzes, these are discipline issues that will be addressed on an individual bases, usually result in reduction by 50% for first offense and receiving a zero there after.
  2. DO NOT put things under my door, they are not always there the next day
  3. Every Two weeks I put in a grade for GWCW, Group work, Classwork, this is a grade you get when working in groups in class and when you have individual time to work and present, this is very important this year because of the curriculum we are now using and the group roles you are playing, this is 3 points a day
  4. NO Extra Credit – this is a district policy

Instead of extra credit I believe it is important that students understand what is being taught and need to demonstrate that so I do give the opportunity for students to improve their grade on homework and quizzes

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  1. Be to class on time –you should be in your seat ready to go
  2. Be prepared for class – have material out, assignment on desk, working on warm-up
  3. Be on Task – do what you are supposed to be doing, group work means just that work with your group
  4. No food or drink in class, except water
  5. No Grooming Supplies during class (make-up, lotion, perfume, brushes, etc.)
  6. No toys in class, spinners, figit cubes these will be take away for the remainder of class, if it continue to happen they will be taken away longer and emails sent home.
  7. Cell Phones and other electronic devices should be off and put away, except calculators

Please do not call your child during class, if it is an emergency call the main office

First time a phone is out I will give a warning, each time after that it will be taken until the end of day and I will write it up in the conference tab, every time a phones rings is takes time away from the students for me to deal with it

Some students want to take pictures of the notes or examples in class, just make sure to ask first, same goes with putting assignment into their phone, just ask

When there is a phone issue I do email parents about the situation

Calculators should only be out and used when needed, if a student is playing games on their calculator during class I will give a warning the first time and after that I will delete all programs from their calculator and email home

  1. Treat others and self with respect
  2. Appropriate attire is expected, there is a DSA dress code in your handbook, please follow this. If there is an issue I will talk to you about this, this includes having your pants pulled up.
  3. Respect the property in the classroom, others need to use the things I have at the tables, this is in reference to the box of supplies at each set of desk


Anything that is distracting or disruptive to others in class, making the classroom an unsafe environment for others and self, this includes being tardy to class.

Being tardy to class you interrupt the class when you walk in late, you miss part of the warm-up which is review of material from past lessons and miss time given for tests and quizzes, if you are late I do not give you extensions on tests and quizzes

1st offense - talk with student, this will be during lunch that day or immediately after the incident and I try to contact parents

2nd offense - talk with student, contact parents, write up in IC and email Mr. Loera

3rd offense – written up in IC, parents will be called and contact Mr. Loera

Website and Infinite Campus:

  1. Website
  2. Has notes and lists of homework assignments – powerpoints and usually word documents
  3. General descriptions of my classes
  4. Units taught
  5. Tentative testing dates
  6. Links to helpful sites
  7. Reviews
  8. Curriculum help for parents and students
  9. Infinite campus
  10. I try to have at least two weeks planned out, sometimes up through the test
  11. Dates subject to change, usually later not earlier
  12. Assignments I have the description written out what page and problems to do
  13. Updated every time an assignment is collected

I update infinite campus assignments more regularly than the website.


With the implementation of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, you can now view your student’s progress on line. It is my goal to have grades entered and updated every week. This is the best way to see what assignments are do and when tests and quizzes are. I also try to have the assignments planned out for the unit and entered into IC. This way you know what is being assigned and when it is due. I do enter the assignment in the description part of IC. The dates are subject to change, but usually later and not earlier. I try to adjust things in IC as quickly as possible. If you have any questions let me know.

Please keep in mind when view Infinite Campus

When looking at Infinite Campus make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page this gives you the percentages breakdown.

A blank means a grade has not been entered and does not affect their grade

A zero means the assignment was not submitted by the student

An A means they were absent and does not affect their grade, but may change after the 48 hours

M means it is missing, student didn’t turn it in, no name on it, this does affect the grade and counts as a 0, the M will change to a 0 after a week

X means they are exempt from the assignment; it will not affect their grade, excused absences

Academic Honesty Pledge:

I pledge that I will neither give nor receive aid on any quiz, test, or project unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I understand that dishonoring this pledge will result half credit for the first offense and no credit for the any assignment thereafter and possible additional consequences per school and district policy.

Student Name (Printed)

Student Signature Date

Student Syllabus Signature:

I have read the syllabus and understand the policy information for Integrated 2.

Student Name (Printed)

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Syllabus Signature:

I have read the syllabus and understand the policy information for Integrated 2.

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate