Suzanne Lynn Dovi
June, 1999Ph.D., Politics, Princeton University
Dissertation: Beyond Privilege: Evaluating the Legitimacy of Advocates
Advisors: Amy Gutmann (Chair), Jennifer Hochschild, George Kateb, and Gerry Mara
June, 1992M.A., Political Science, Georgetown University
June, 1990M. Litt., Political Science, Trinity College, University of Dublin
Thesis:A Question of Eros: A Critique of the Straussian and Bloomian
Interpretation of Plato’s Republic
June, 1988B.A.cum laude. Dartmouth College,High Honors in government major
University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
Departments of Political Science and Philosophy Fall ‘09-present
Associate Professor
University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
Departments of Political Science and Philosophy Spring ‘99-Spring ‘09
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught (among others): Introduction to Political Ideas, American Political Thought, Feminist Political Theory, Modern Political Thought, Liberalism and Its Critics, Problems in Contemporary Political Theory, Democracy and Inequality, Faces of Injustice, Should the US export Democracy? (online) and Democratic Theory (graduate)
The Good Representative.Blackwell Publishing (2008).
Published Refereed Journal Articles
“In Praise of Exclusion,” Journal of Politics. 71 (September 2009): 1172-1186.
“Theorizing the Representation of Women?” Gender and Politics. 3, no. 3 (September 2007).
“Sophie’s Choice: Letting Chance Decide.” Philosophy and Literature 30, no. 1 (April 2006): 174-189.
“Guilt and the Problem of Dirty Hands.” Constellations 12, no. 1 (March 2005): 128–46.
“Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman, Black, or Latino Do?” American Political Science Review 96 (December 2002): 745–54.
“Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy.” Polity 34, no. 1 (Fall 2001): 3–33.
“Response to Jeff Isaac.” Polity 34, no. 1 (Fall 2001): 37-41.
“Evil Enemies: Stigmatizing Our Opponents or Legitimizing Our Wars?” Peace Research (May 2001): 101-112.
“Mill, Nietzsche, and the Identity of Postmodern Liberalism,” (co-authored with Gerald Mara.). Journal of Politics57, no. 1 (February 1995): 1-23.
Chapters in scholarly books
“Measuring Representation” In Political Representation: New Insights into Old Questions. Palgrave Publishers. Forthcoming.
“Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman, Black, or Latino Do?” In Women, Gender, and Politics: A Reader. Eds. Mona Lena Krook and Sarah Childs. Oxford University Press, reprint.
"Mill, Nietzsche, and the Identity of Postmodern Liberalism," (co-authored with Gerald Mara), J.S. Mill's Social & Political Thought: Critical Assessments. Ed. G. W. Smith. Routledge Press, reprint.
Review of Anne Phillips’ Multiculturalism without Culture.In Politics & Gender (2009), 5:443-446
Review of Andrew Rehfeld’s The Concept of Constituency: Political Representation, Democratic Legitimacy, and Institutional Design. In Perspectives on Politics. (2006) 4.
Review of Nadia Urbinati’s Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative Government. In American Political Science Review. (2003).
Review of Lorraine Bayard de Volo’s Mothers of Heroes and Martyrs In New Perspectives on Political Science. (2003).
Review of Danis Tanovic’s No Man’s Land. In Contemporary Justice Review. (2003)
Review of Gail Tulloch’s Mill and Sexual Equality. In Women and Politics. (Summer 1993).
Electronic Publication, Peer-Reviewed
Entry on Political Representation. The On-Line Stanford Encyclopedia. (Updated 2012).
Work in Progress
Democracy and Exclusion(book manuscript)
“Exclusion: The Missing Piece of INGO Accountability”
“Measuring the Representation of Women”
“Political Despair and Sources of Hope”
“In Praise of Formal Exclusion?”
Selected Conference Participation
InvitedKeynote Speaker
“The Price of Justice,” presented as Keynote Speaker at “Equal in Dignity: Human Rights and the Passage of Generations,” the annual Trudeau Foundation Conference on Public Policy held November 18-20, 2010 in Winnipeg, Canada.
“Making the World Safe for Democracy,” presented as Keynote Speaker at “Diversity within Unity” a conference held at Lady Margaret’s Hall, Oxford, England, Summer, 2000.
Selected Invited Conference Participation
“Against Nepotism” to be presented tothe conference “Ethics of Lobbying” at Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics November 22, 2013in Washington, DC.
“Measuring the Representation of Women” presentedat theEuropean Conference on Gender and Politics held March 2013 in Barcelona, Spain.
“Exclusion: the Missing Piece of Accountability” presented to the Exclusion Workshop at Northeastern UniversitySeptember 28-30, 2012.
“Roundtable on Felon Disenfranchisement” at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in New Orleans. August 28-September 2, 2012. Cancelled due to hurricane.
"Measuring Representation: Rethinking the role of Exclusion" presented at“Rethinking Representation” a conference at the University of Bern, Switzerland, Nov 1, 2009.
“In Praise of Formal Exclusion” presented at “Criminal Justice Roundtable” a conference at the University of Chicago, Spring 2009.
“Making Democracy Work for Women” presented at “Political Women and American Democracy,” a conference held at Notre Dame University, Spring 2006.
“Rethinking Descriptive Representation” presented at the Workshop on Transformation of Democratic Representation at The Center for Democracy and the Third Sector at Georgetown University, Washington, DC, Summer 2004.
“Rethinking Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Any Black, Latino, or Muslim Do?” presented at “New Perspectives on the Study of Race and Political Representation,” a conference at the Center for the Study of African American Politics, University of Rochester, Rochester New York, Spring, 2003.
“Rethinking Preferable Descriptive Representatives” presented at the Centre for Advancement of Women in Politics seminar, “Women in Parliament: Reflections on Representation,” in Belfast, Ireland, Spring 2003.
“Hypocritical or Just Inconsistent? US treatment of War Criminals,” presented to the Human Rights Center at the University of Nebraska, Fall 2002.
Honors, Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
2013-14 Honors Distinguished Fellow, Honors College, University of Arizona
Visiting Fellowship, Australian National University (Summer 2008)
Finalist for the Pi Sigma Alpha Award for best paper at the Midwest (Spring 2002)
Outstanding SBS Teaching Award for Upper Division Classes (Spring 2001)
Member of American Political Science Association, Foundations of Political Theory section of APSA, Women and Politics section of APSA, American Society for Political Legal Philosophy, the Scientific Council of the Multi-Ethnic/Religious Centre at the Faculty of Law, University of Bihac, The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Humane Borders.
SBS Faculty Advisory Committee, SBSRI Committee
AZ Assurance Mentor, SRI Mentor
SGPP Honor’s Student Faculty Liaison/Advisor
Project Editor, Social Philosophy and Policy
ReviewerforAmerican Political Science Review, American Political Science Quarterly, Journal of Political Philosophy, Journal of Philosophy, Perspectives on Politics,University of Toronto Press, Research Flaunders Organization (FWO),and Gender and Politics
Advisor for Mock Trial