2016 TLS Gathering: November 10-12, 2016, St. Paul’s UnitedMethodistChurch, Houston, TX

Conference theme: “Diverse Journeys on a Common Path”

Document #2: Presenter Information Form

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2016

Permission Statement: By submitting this form you are agreeing to give The Labyrinth Society permission to post the abstract PDF of this presentation, as well as a PDF of any PowerPoint slides made available, on the TLS members-only forum. You also confirm authorship of the submitted material and release TLS from any copyright infringement should someone choose to copy and claim the information submitted as their own. Note: In the event of multiple presenters for one session, the individual designated as‘leadpresenter’ submits document #1 (the presentation proposal form) and this document, giving permission on behalf of all group members.


  1. Answer the questions about your presentation (below).
  2. Once you have answered the questions below, save this document as a Word Document (.doc) or (.docx)and name it as follows:
  3. your first initial_last name_2016info (example: J_Doe_2016info.doc)
  4. Send this form to the TLS Documents Support Volunteer at: with “TLS Gathering Presentation Proposal” as the subject.
  5. PLEASE NOTE: Notify if your email address changes after proposal submission. Please check email regularly. Proposal acceptance and additional necessary communication takes place April- through the Gathering start date.

To facilitate the review process, please supply the following information on this sheet only:

  1. Title of Presentation:
  2. 40-60 word description: Please copy, cut and paste the answer from number 3c, page 4 in Document #1(the presentation proposal form). Please note: Word limits are strictly observed.
  3. 250 Word Description (abstract): Please copy, cut and paste the answer from number 3b, page 3 in Document #1. Please note: Word limits are strictly observed.
  4. Participant Learning Outcomes/Session Objectives:Please copy, cut and paste the answer to number 4a, page 4 in Document #1.
  5. Relationship to Gathering theme and goals:Please copy, cut and paste the answer to number 4b, page 4 in Document #1.
  6. Name of the leadpresenter:Please Note:In the event of multiple presenters for one session, the lead presenter is the individual who completes document #1 [the presentation proposal form] and is the primary contact with whom the Gathering committee will communicate.
  7. For all presenters supply: Name, address, phone number(s), and email address.
  8. Brief biography (no more than 100 words) for each presenter, including qualifications to present this topic. This will be subject to editing as needed for publication.Please note: Word limits are strictly observed. In order to maintain consistency, only the first 100 words will be used. Please REFRAIN from using any formatting other than Times New Roman 12 point black font (no bullets, indentations, fancy/colored fonts).