4thGradeFlorida History
Joe Lang Kershaw and his Pursuit of Justice
Essential Question
How did Joe Lang Kershaw seek justice for Blacks in Florida?
Joe Lang Kershaw and his Pursuit of Justice
Florida literacy Standards Alignment:
LAFS.4.RI.1.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
LAFS.4.RL.1.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
NGSSS -Social Science Standards Alignment:
LAFS.4.RI.1.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
SS.4.A.9.1 Utilize timelines to sequence key events in Florida history.
SS.4.A.6.1 Describe the economic development of Florida's major industries. (e.g. railroad, tourism and Florida made products)
Topic: Joe Lang Kershaw and his Pursuit of Justice
Essential Question
How did Joe Lang Kershaw seek justice for Blacks in Florida?
Learning Goals
Students will understand why it is important to stand for justice and support those in government (and outside of government) who work to establish justice.
While learning about the life story of Joe Lang Kershaw and his accomplishments the students will complete a character graphic organizer of Joe Lang Kershaw.
Background information
Discuss with the students that along with popular national heroes, there are many local heroes that have stood for justice that we should learn about.
· Joe Lang Kershaw biography, images of Joe Lang Kershaw,
· Character - Problem/Solution Graphic Organizer:
Activity Sequence
Introduction (3 minutes)
1. Ask the students about popular leaders or public officials that they may have heard or know about. Write down their names on the board. (1 minute)
2. Introduce Joe Lang Kershaw to the students and how he went from humble beginnings to eventually becoming a state legislator. (1 minutes)
3. Display images of Joe Lang Kershaw and have the students describe what they see. (1 minute)
Activity (5 minutes)
1. Read the biography of Joe Lang Kershaw. (2 minutes)
2. Complete the character graphic organizer with the students based on information from the passage. (3 minutes)
Closure (2 minutes)
1. Based on what we have read and learned, how did Joe Lang Kershaw go from humble beginnings to becoming a state legislator?
2. What significant accomplishment did he make while in office?
3. What lets you know that he was bold?
Optional Extension
1. Have the students research other local or state public officials and have them make poster board projects based on their findings.
The Black Archives
Joe Lang Kershaw and his Pursuit of Justice
Born on June 27th, 1911, Joe Lang Kershaw, the first African American elected to the Florida Legislature since Reconstruction, was born in Live Oak on this date. He graduated from Florida A&M during the 1930s in history and social studies and later received a Master’s degree in administration from the same institution. While at Florida A&M, Kershaw worked as a janitor inside the Florida Legislature, and after decades of working as a teacher in Dade County, he was elected to the State House of Representatives in 1968. During his 14 years in the Legislature, Kershaw served as chairman of the Elections Committee, working to increase public participation in the elections process statewide, and also introduced legislation that would lead to the formation of the Florida Human Rights Commission. Kershaw was known by his colleagues as “Cane Pole,” because he fought to exclude cane pole fishing, which was predominantly practiced by poor African Americans throughout Florida, from the statewide fishing license tax, which he succeeded in doing in 1976.
Source: www.famu.edu
Source: www.floridamemory.com
Florida legislative representatives Joe Lang Kershaw and Dick Price face-off
Source: www.floridamemory.com
Character - Problem/Solution Graphic Organizer: