Name ______Date ______Pd. ____

Short Story Vocabulary List #2 (Vocabulary Words 11-20)

Honors English 8


1.  Read each sentence carefully.

2.  Highlight at least 3 context clues that help you guess the meaning of the underlined word.

3.  Using the context clues provided in the sentences below, guess which word goes with each definition in the table below. Write each word next to the proper definition. Spell the word correctly.

4.  Decide if each word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb and record your answer on the right-hand side of the table. Think about how the word is used in the sentence. What is its function?

Each vocabulary word is underlined and bolded:

1.  My grandmother’s sagacity has helped me overcome many problems that I couldn’t solve on my own.

2.  I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to speak so rudely to the principal.

3.  Even though the defendant’s testimony was compelling, the evidence against him could not obscure his guilt.

4.  A lack of trust can lead to a deterioration of a relationship.

5.  Many singers write introspective songs that reflect both good and bad times in their lives.

6.  Students who do not comply with the Cougar Code will have to suffer the consequences.

7.  The massive earthquake shifted the building askew on its foundation.

8.  We decided not to commence with the dinner party until all the guests had arrived.

9.  People seem to be naturally drawn to Tara because of her congenial personality.

10.  Even though he had plenty of money, the rapacious old man refused to share his wealth with anyone.

Vocabulary Word
My Guess / Definition / Part of Speech-My Guess
to hide
crooked; out of line
shameless daring and boldness
intelligence; good judgment
worsening; decline
to begin
looking inward; observing one’s own thoughts and feelings
to follow a command or request
pleasant; agreeable

Answer Key

Vocabulary Word
My Guess / Definition / Part of Speech-My Guess
obscure / to hide / verb
askew / crooked; out of line / adjective
audacity / shameless daring and boldness / noun
sagacity / intelligence; good judgment / noun
deterioration / worsening; decline / noun
rapacious / greedy / adjective
commence / to begin / verb
introspective / looking inward; observing one’s own thoughts and feelings / adjective
comply / to follow a command or request / verb
congenial / pleasant; agreeable / adjective

Flashcard Format Example – Be Sure to Number Your Cards

Front of Card

Word: ascend POS: verb


Back of Card

Definition: to move, climb, or go upward; to rise or slant to a higher point. / Sentence: With so much daylight left, the climbers decided to continue to ascend all the way to the peak of the mountain.
Synonym/Example: soar / Antonym/Non-Example: descend