K. Marquez
First Grade Spanish Lesson Plans
Week: January 4, 2010
These are the lessons for Week One in a three week unit on animals and the parts of the body for Kindergarten.This week we will use TPR and the song “Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies” to learn vocabulary for parts of the body. Next week we will move on to learning animal vocabulary. Students will also learn to read four body words in Spanish. This unit will culminate in the reading of the book De la Cabeza a los Pies by Eric Carle which will utilize all animal and body vocabulary.
Body Unit Vocabulary
Daily Engagement Activities
Cabeza, Brazos, Piernas, Pies Song
TPR for Cabeza, Cuello, Hombros, Brazos, Manos
Day 2
Cabeza, Brazos, Piernas, Pies Song
TPR for Cabeza, Cuello, Hombros, Brazos, Manos
Word Cards for Cabeza, Brazos, Manos, and Pies
Classwork Assessment
First Grade Procedures
Class begins in a circle on the floor. I greet the class by saying "Buenas tardes, Boas!" and the class greets me back. I ask someone to translate "Buenas tardes" for the class. Students then sing the Buenas Tardes Song.
We then review the rules: Your fingers are on your lips. You are sitting up tall and proud. You are trying your very best. You are following my directions the first time given. If the entire class is following the rules, you have a "happy face" on the board. If not, you have a "sad face" on the board. At the end of class if you still have a happy face on the board, the class will get a piece of the Compliment Chain. Remind students that when the Compliment Chain grows and grows and grows long enough to cross the finish line, the class will get a Small Sized Prize.
Note: Throughout the class I will ask, “Hmmm….what kind of a face should the class be getting right now?” If they are following the rules, then I will say “A happy face!”. If not, they get a sad face. At the end of class I announce whether they are getting a piece of the Compliment Chain and then pick a helper to go select the color of the chain to be added.
We then sing the Days of the Week Song (Dr. Jean En Espanol Track number 4). I will then ask “What day is this? En que dia estamos?” and have a volunteer say the day in Spanish. If necessary I ask comparison quesitons: “Estamos en miercoles o en jueves?”
I will then have the students sing the Meses Del Año Song (Dr. Jean en Espanol track number 6) and then ask “En que mes estamos?” and have the class answer with the name of the month. If necessary I ask comparison questions: “Estamos en noviembre o en diciembre?”
If time allows I will play Macarena Math (Dr. Jean en Espanol Track 19 (English) and Track 20 (Spanish) and have the kids sing and count on their fingers, or I will play the Opuestos Songs in English and Spanish (Track 11 in English, Track 12 in Spanish) and have the class perform the actions that go with the words (ie: stand and sit, hot and cold, etc.)
I then introduce the Word of the Day using Sr. Hipopotamo: write the word of the day (in this case feliz) on a 3x5 card (or for Day One, I bring in a picture of someone smiling) and place it in the hippo's mouth. Call on a helper exhibiting Super Star behavior to take the Word of the Day out of the hippo's mouth. If you are using a picture, say the word for the class and have the class repeat what you say or for Day 3 of the unit or later, ask who can remember how to say this word and call on a volunteer. If you have a word written out, have the class spell the word of the day and then pronounce it for the class or ask who can read this word and call on a volunteer.
Intro to New Material
Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies Song: students silently point to each body part as it is mentioned in the song. Sing the song twice and DO NOT have students sing along, just listen to how the words are pronounced. Next sing the song a third and fourth time and this time have students sing along with you as you point to the appropriate body part as they are mentioned in the song.
TPR for Cuello and Manos: call out vocabulary words and point to the corresponding body part. Have students silently point to each body part as it is mentioned
Vocabulary Cards: have students spell each word and make the sound of the first letter of each word. Have them sound out the word and ask for volunteers to read the word and translate it.
TPR for Cabeza, Cuello, Hombros, Brazos, Manos: call out vocabulary words and point to the corresponding body part. Have students silently point to each body part as it is mentioned
TPR for Cabeza, Cuello, Hombros, Brazos, Manos: Call out vocabulary words and point to the corresponding body part. Have students silently mirror twice, listening to the vocabulary words. Then repeat a third and fourth time, this time with the students repeating the words as you say them.
Day 2: Classwork Assessment. Have students close their eyes and perform the appropriate TPR action as you call out the vocabulary words for this week. V= student is able to identify all five body part words M= student is able to identify at least 3 body part words A= student identifies two body part words N= student identifies no body part words or refuses to participate in the activity.
Sonrisas CD track 3
Vocabulary cards for Cabeza, Cuello, Hombros, Brazos, Manos
Modifications,Adaptations, Accommodations
Will advise.