Name: ______/ Seventh Grade Social Studies
Date: ______/ LaBrache/Rice
Section: ______/ 10/23/18
The History of the Ancient Israelites:

A Sequencing Frame


Use the information from the chart below and create a sequencing frame. The items in the “EVENTS” column will be the events on the frame; you must put those in the correct order. Then, match the correct DETAILS with the corresponding event and put them on the frame.

Romans put down a rebellion in Judah / Moses led Exodus / many Jews were killed or enslaved / Jews return to Judah
David becomes king
Cyrus the Great conquers the Neo-Babylonians / united 12 tribes into 1 nation / Jews flee Judah – known as Diaspora / father of monotheism
Hebrews leave Canaan (famine) become Egyptian slaves / wandered the desert for 40 years / Israel in the north - conquered by the New Assyrians / established Jerusalem (capital city)
Solomon becomes king / Judah in the south – conquered by the Neo-Babylonians / Jerusalem become a holy city / defeated Goliath & Philistines
Saul become the first king of Israel
Abraham makes a covenant with God / formed army & created a central gov’t w/courts & officials / battled the Philistines but could not defeat them / moves to the “Promised Land” - Canaan
The kingdom of Israel splits into two parts
Jews return to the “Promised Land” / war with Philistines who have taken the land / laws to live by, part of the covenant / Solomon built the Great Temple (1st temple for God)
The Exodus (Hebrews leave Egypt)
God gives Moses the 10 Commandments / covenant = promise / Romans burn the 2nd temple / ends Babylonian captivity

This is the answer key. The items on the left are the events and the boxes that go across the row are the details that correspond to that event. So, the “Age of Expansion” event has no details that go with it, because all the boxes to the right are empty.

Minoans establish civilization on an island in the Mediterranean / Lived on Crete / Their main city-state was Knossos / Lead by King Minos
Minoan civilization flourished / developed a system writing / had exceptional art and established the first known plumbing system / traded with the Phoenicians, Egyptians & the people of Mesopotamia
Mycenaeans became the dominate power in Greece / Conquered the Minoans / located on the Peloponnesus in the city-state of Mycenae
Mycenaeans are taken over by outside invaders / They were weakened by internal conflict (competition over resources) / Taken over by the Dorians, a nomadic war-like people
Dark Age begin / Writing and trade stop / Oral tradition develops and people live in isolated villages / 1100 BCE - 800 BCE
Dark Age ends / writing and trade resume / borrowed the Phoenician alphabet / Isolated villages grow into cities
Age of Expansion begins