Welcome to 7th grade Social Studies

Texas History

Social Studies is one of the four core subjects required by the State of Texas. Social Studies is a broad discipline that includes history, geography, sociology, government, current events, and economics. The sub-category of History is also broad with different academic years focusing on various time periods and locales, including the studies of World History and U.S. History.

History is not only the study of people, places, and things. It also includes skills to be used throughout life. In 7th Grade Social Studies, we will focus on Texas History, but we will also provide the skills necessary to read and interpret maps and graphs, engage and decipher current events from multiple sources, and analyze how events of the past can, and often do, reoccur in the present and future.

Students will be challenged to think critically at higher levels, so that they acquire a knowledge base that not only enhances their unique Texas surroundings and their own world perspective, but also provides a skillset useful for their future.

Please review this document with a parent or guardian and keep at home for reference. On the back page, a signature from both the student and a parent/guardian is requested by the teacher.

Class Expectations:

The following guidelines have been established to create a safe environment conducive to learning and success in this class:

  1. Be respectful
  2. Stay on task
  3. Be on time
  4. Be prepared


Please provide the following materials for class:

  1. 1 composition book (to stay in the classroom)
  2. Map pencils
  3. Pencils
  4. Glue sticks (no liquid glue)


Formative Assessments (daily work): Formative Assessments include daily class work, quizzes, journal entries, and homework. This is worth10% of the nine weeks grade.

Summative Assessments (tests): Summative Assessments include Unit Tests, Nine Weeks Tests, Projects, and Maintenance/Upkeep of the Interactive Notebook. This is worth 90% of the nine weeks grade.

Unit Tests can be retaken within one week of the original test date. Nine Weeks Tests may NOT be retaken.

The traditional grading scale is used for both Formative and Summative grades. 90% is an A, 80% is a B, 70% is a C, etc. Any grade below 70% is considered failing.

Tutorials: Tutorials are available to any student needing help throughout the year. If grades start falling, students are required to come to tutorials, as arranged by the student and the teacher.

“WOW” (Who Owes Work): Students do not have a choice—they must do their work. If work is missing, late, or incomplete and is not the quality necessary to be successful, students will redo the assignment before school, lunch bunch, after school, or even in… drum roll please… Saturday School.


Please refer to the student handbook.

BYOD (“Bring Your Own Device”):

We will have designated days to use electronic devices. The students will know ahead of time which days they can/cannot use their devices. On days that we are not using our devices, there will be a designated location in the room for each student to place their electronic device. This will help eliminate the misuse of electronic devices during valuable learning time. If a device is misused, it will be taken up and a $15.00 fine will be applied to retrieve it (from the MJH Front Office. See Student Handbook.)

Textbooks: We received new textbooks this year. The students will NOT bring them home. However, they may use them at school. EVERY student is expected to take care of their issued textbook. Any damage to our new books will result in major disciplinary action (I.e. writing or drawing in or on the book, tearing pages, gluing the pages, etc.)

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I will make every effort possible to keep in contact with you in regards to your child’s progress this school year. If at any time there are questions or concerns, please call (903)-880-1670. My preferred method of communication by e-mail at .

Thank you,

Lauren Odom

7th grade Texas History Teacher

Mabank Junior High School

**Please keep the top pages for your records and return this page back to school.

I have read the expectations for 7th grade Texas History. I understand them and will abide by these rules throughout the entire school year.

Student Printed Name ______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Daytime telephone number ______

Email address ______