MeetYou – Social Networking on Android


This paper aims to present a system that illustrates thesocial nature of a human being – the need to be always in touchwith family and friends – taking into account facilities availableon Android platform. The role of this application is to create asocial network in which the users are being alerted when theirfriends are around. This gives them the possibility to set up ameeting or to avoid one. The users have the possibility to check insome locations and allow their friends to follow their activity.Taking into account the security of the users, we included in thefacilities of the application an option which allows close friends orfamily to check the user’s location based on a keyword textmessage. For this purpose, available Android location andmessages services are used for finding an approximate location ofa mobile phone running this program and then sharing itthrough MeetYou or via SMS. Information is being displayedusing default components provided by Android platform and alsomore complex elements including heterogeneous lists CWAC,Google Maps and augmented reality using Mixare Library.


In recent years, we can observe that people need to be intouch with their friends and family just by looking at theenthusiasm with which they use applications and socialnetworking websites. This means that with the development ofmobile devices also this branch has been expanded, the socialprograms being ported to the smartphones platform where theyhave been combined with other innovative technologies such asaugmented reality.


None of them managed to connect people anywhere and anytime as mobile phone does.

No Tracking System.


MeetYou application connects its users by sharing a user’sposition with his friends, colleagues or other family members. A user has the option to be notified when acontact is near him and helps the others to find out his locationeven when the application is not open by sending a messagecontaining a shared secret string.


The novelty of our approach is related to the fact that a usercan be alerted, accordingly to his group preferences, when hisfriends are in his vicinity. On one hand, it combines featuresfound in other applications like “check in” from Foursquare orGoogle Latitude, request location via SMS from Tehula, andon the other hand, it adds new options like viewing all friends’location using augmented reality and drawing the shortest roadto the selected friend using Google Maps service.



System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.

Floppy Drive: 1.44 Mb.

Monitor: 15 VGA Colour.

Mouse: Logitech.

Ram: 512 Mb.



Operating system : Windows XP.

Coding Language: Java 1.7

Tool Kit:Android 2.3



Alexandra-Mihaela Siriteanu, Adrian Iftene, “MeetYou – Social Networking on Android”, IEEE CONFERENCE 2013.