Conus saecularis Melvill, 1898

Picture Link: Syntype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. an Phil. Soc. xlii, no. 4, p. 10, pl. I, f. 23
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Persian Gulf
Type Data: Syntype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 29 x 12 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Bathyconus Species:-saecularis
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-W. Thailand, and N. E. Malaysia; Ryukyu Is., Philippines, Solomon Is., and Papua New Guinea.
Habitat:-Found at depths of 80-400 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Small to medium sized, light to moderately light. Last whorl narrowly conical to conical, sometimes approaching pyriform; right side nearly straight in outline, occasionally slightly concave at base; left side usually concave in outline, sometimes straight to slightly convex below shoulder. Siphonal canal often deflected to the dorsal side. Shoulder sharply angulate to carinate, with a deep exhalent notch. Spire of moderate height to high, usually stepped; outline concave. Larval shell of 3-3.5 whorls, maximum diameter 0.8-0.9 mm. First 5-8 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps slightly concave, with radial threads crossing 0-1 increasing to 3-6 spiral grooves. Entire last whorl with weak axially striate spiral grooves separating distinct ribs at base, narrow ribbons below shoulder and wider ribbons inbetween.
Ground colour white, usually suffused with grey. Last whorl with spiral rows of yellowish brown to dark brown dots, spots and bars fusing into 2-4 spiral bands, below shoulder, at base and on both sides of centre; the central bands are most consistently present. Some shells have pronounced spiral rows of brown dots and dashes from base to shoulder; some rows with distinct white articulations. Shoulder usually with a row of widely spaced reddish brown dots. Largely white shells with sparse ornamentation on last whorl intergrade with heavily maculated shells. Larval whorls usually beige to light brown. Postnuclear sutural ramps with yellowish brown to dark brown radial markings, sometimes producing regularly spaced dark dots at outer margin. Aperture translucent or white.
Shell Morphometry
L 23-40 mm
RW 0.03-0.08 g/mm
(L 23-36 mm)
RD 0.45-0.59
PMD 0.86-0.96
RSH 0.14-0.28
Discussion:-C. saecularis is most similar to the larger C. comatosa (to 50 mm), and small individuals of the two species from Philippines are difficult to distinguish. C. comatosa has a rather pyriform last whorl with a mostly more convex outline adapically; the position of the maximum diameter is generally located closer to the base (PMD 0.78-0.88), and the left side is concave only basally. Its last whorl pattern has usually 4 spiral colour bands, its ground colour is white rather than shaded with grey, and its larval shell is broader (1.1 mm) and white rather than beige to light brown.
C. saecularis may be similar to C. insculptus in shell morphometry but can be distinguished by the outline of its last whorl that is straight rather than convex at the right side and concave rather than sigmoid at the left side; the last whorl is rather uniformly coloured in C. insculptus, while it has spiral rows of dots, spots and bars fusing into 2-4 spiral bands in C. saecularis.


Conus sagarinoi Fenzan, 2005

Picture Link: Holotype in ANSP Bill Fenzan

Published in: La Conchiglia xxxvi, no. 311, p. 15
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Aliguay Island, Phillipines
Type Data: Holotype in ANSP deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 26 x 13 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus terryni Tenorio & Poppe, 2004
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name sagarinoi


Conus sagei Korn, W. & G. Raybaudi Massilia, 1993

Picture Link: Holotype in SMNS Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: La Conchiglia xxv, no. 268, p. 37, f. 5a-5c, pl. 1, f. 7-8
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Gulf of Aden off Northern Somalia.
Type Data: Holotype in SMNS deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 8.7 x 4.6 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lilliconus Species:-sagei
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Somalia
Habitat:-No Data
Description:-Shell very small, turbinate and light. Last whorl usually broadly conical; outline slightly convex adapically, straight right side and slightly concave left side below. Shoulder angulate, smooth to unndulate. Subshoulder costae absent. Spire high slightly stepped; outline straight to slightly concave. Protoconch of 2 whorls. Specimens of about 9mm with 6 teleoconch whorls Spiral whorls smooth becoming concave with 1-2 waek grooves. Last whorl with spiral ribs on basal third; Early spire whorls brown becoming white with brown flecks on outer margin. Last whorl white with two broad orange brown bands. Midbody area somtimes with white band ornamented with reddish dashes. Some specimens with lines of white brown dashes around whorl.
Discussion:-C. sagei is separated from other small cones by its broad, flat to concave spire tops


Conus saharicus Petuch & Berschauer 2016

Picture Link: Holotype in LACM David Berschauer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Festivus, Vol. 48, Issue 2, p. 93-99, fig. 2
Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Dahkla (formerly Villa Cisneros), western side of Dahkla Bay, Western Sahara (formerly Spanish Sahara), western coast of Sahara Desert, northwestern Africa
Type Data: Holotype in LACM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 27.4 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lautoconus Species:-saharicus
Geographic Range:- W. Sahara
Habitat:- Quiet, sheltered intertidal areas in Dahkla Bay, under large slabs of sandstone along the shoreline
Description:-Source Original Description
Shell of average size for genus, stocky, inflated, bulbous, only slightly glossy, with matte finish; shoulder broad, rounded, only slightly angled; spire low, broadly pyramidal; body whorl smooth and silky, with 20-24 very fine, low, closely-packed spiral threads around anterior end; body whorl base color dark sky blue or deep bluish-green, overlaid with numerous large, dark brown amorphous flammules, generally evenly-spaced and arranged in zebra-like pattern; brown flammules often composed of 3 sections, being broader and wider along edge of the shoulder, around midbody, and around anterior end, creating effect of 3 broken spiral bands of flammules; spire whorls base color dark sky blue, heavily marked with thick, evenly-spaced dark brown crescent-shaped flammules, producing distinctive checkered appearance; aperture proportionally wide and flaring, colored deep purple-brown on interior; inner edge of lip colored pale yellow white; purple-brown interior marked with single narrow white band just anterior of mid-body line; periostracum thin, pale yellow, transparent.


Conus sahlbergi da Motta & Harland, 1986

Picture Link: Holotype in AMNH Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac., no. 6, p. 19, f. 8-11
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Bimini, Bahamas; 3-10 m
Type Data: Holotype in AMNH deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 15. 5x 8.7 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Purpuriconus Species:-sahlbergi
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Bahamas
Habitat:-Found at depths of 3 -12 m
Description:-Source original description
Shell small with depressed conic spire and roseate protoconch; whorls tops smooth except for last two being concave with arcuate striae. Sutures are shallow channels. Body whorl is smooth and glossy with an angulate sharply keeled shoulder; sides are flat then tapering with 6 basal sulci. Colour is polymorphic ranging form plain orange or yellow to white, purple and greenish tan and spire tinted in same colour. There is pale middle spiral band of interconnected blotches; the spire of white specimens is somewhat mottled brown. Aperture coloured internally same as body whorl.


Conus salletae Cossignani, 2014

Picture Link: Holotype in MMM Cupra Marittima
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Malacologia 82, p. 25 - 26
Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Espingueira, Boa Vista, Cape Verde
Type Data: Holotype in MMM, Cupra Marittima
Type Size: 15,5 x 9,3 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Africonus Species:-salletae
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Only known from the type locality
Habitat:- The specimens studied were found to be 0.5 to 2 meters deep, on rocks
Description:-Source: Original description Malacologia
Shell pyriform small ( 14 to 24 mm ) spire low profile with barely concave shape; protoconch almost flat, sutures slightly cut; aperture wider than species of the same genus and that starts from the shoulder without step evident, with internal staining blue-violet with darker medial band. 8 grooves spirally run anteriorly around whorl. The coloring of the shell is plain mostly brown to dark brown (lighter in young specimens ) with a lighter median band.



Conus salreiensis Rolán, 1980

Picture Link: Holotype in MNCM Manolo Tenorio
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio & Emilio Rolán

Published in: Boll. Malacol. xvi, no. 3-4, p. 84, . pl. 2, f. 1, pl. 3, f. 3 & 6
Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Sal-Rei, Boavista Is., Cape Verde Is.; 1-2 m
Type Data: Holotype in MNCM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 20.1 x 11.9 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Africonus Species:-salreiensis
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Boavista, Cape Verde Islands
Habitat:-It is found on the rocks in depth of one or two meters being almost always covered with small rocks and on the algae, and rarely buried.
Description:-Source Original description from the Spanish
Seashell obconical, moderately solid, with silhouette of almost straight edges, shoulder rounded, spire low and somewhat concave, with sharp apex; suture slightly marked. The spire whorls present constantly three spiral striae to each suture. Some low spiral ribs near the anterior tip.
The color and pattern are quite characteristic and constant: a dark brown zone that is situated in the anterior third of the seashell; another of the same color in the posterior near the shoulder, and of the same color on the spire whorls; between both zones a lighter part, at times crossed by one (or two) brown bands more or less marked; this clear axial zone, is of constant form in all the specimens crossed by numerous fine wavy lines and clearly visible with magnification. The variations of color depend on the brown bands that vary from almost nonexistent, becoming very marked. In the small specimens, the absence of bands in the central zone of the seashell, is frequent.
The interior is generally light, revealing sometimes the underlying lilac or violet color; columela always black.
The larger specimens are found covered with calcareous concretions , on the other hand the juveniles show perfectly the pattern under the periostracum.


Conus salzmanni Raybaudi G. (Massilia) & Rolán, 1997

Picture Link: Picture Original Description

Published in: Argonauta ix p. 11, f. 1-14, 18, 30, 31, 36-38
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Gulf of Aden; 50-150 m
Type Data: Holotype in SMNS deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 33 x 15.5 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Phasmoconus Species:-salzmanni
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Djibouti, Little Aden and Somalia
Habitat:-Found at depths to 150 m
Description:-Original description.
Shell: Moderately small to medium sized (up to 39 mm in length). Moderately solid. Last whorl conical, sides slightly convex adapically, then straight. Shoulder angulate. Spire moderately low (Relative spire height 0.11-0.15), outline straight or very slightly concave. Protoconch smooth, with 1.75 to 2 whorls, counted from the origin, maximum diameter 0. 6 -0.7 mm. Postnuclear whorls smooth, 9-10 in the holotype. Teleoconch sutural ramps straight, with about 3 to 5 shallow subsutural spiral grooves. Last whorl smooth at adapical half, with evenly spaced, weak spiral ribs in adults, and with more pronounced spiral ribs extending onto subshoulder in subadults, to shoulder area in juveniles. Aperture narrow, of uniform width.
Ground colour white, beige or bluish grey. Last whorl with spiral rows of light brown dots and bars evenly. distributed from shoulder to base. Bars in adjacent rows above the centre may coalesce into irregular blotches. Spire stained with scattered radial brown spots. Larval shell brownish grey. Aperture white to dark brown or purplish brown within a lighter collabral edge. Periostracum brownish, thin, translucent, and smooth. Operculum small.
Discussion:-C. salzmanni has since been misinterpreted as a local form of C. inscriptus from Aden (E. A. Smith. 1891. However, C. inscriptus and its Eastem African subspecies C. inscriptus adenensis, which occurs sympatrically with C. salzmanni, both have a multispiral, ('up to 3 whorls in shells from Mozambique.. Rockel et al. 1995), wider (maximum diameter about 0.9 mm) and generally a white larval shell. and weakly to distinctly tuberculate early 2-4 postnuclear whorls.
C. i. inscriptus from central Indian localities attains shell length almost double than C. salzmanni, tends to have broader, more ventricose last whorl (Relative diameter up to 0.68) and a concave to sigmoid spire outline. Sympatrical shells of C. inscriptus adenensis also have a higher (Relative spire height: 013 -0.23, vs. 0. 15- 0.16) and more concave spire. a heavier spiral sculpture of ribs and ribbons on their last whor1s and often a very deep pink inner aperture.


Conus samiae da Motta, 1982

Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac., no. 1, p. 12, f. 11
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Off Balut Is., Mindanao, Philippines; ca. 200 m
Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 57.5 x 34 mm
Nomenclature: An Available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus sulcatus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Asprella Species:-sulcatus samiae forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Philippines and Solomon Is.
Habitat:-Reported in depths of 20 to 240 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae C. sulcatus
Form samiae with rows of brown spots on spiral elevations of last whorl, fusing or concentrating into 2-3 spiral bands. Larval whorls and adjacent postnucelar sutural ramps immaculate, following sutural ramps maculated with brown radial markings, ranging from mainly brown to mainly white. Aperture white.
Discussion:-No Data