TERM 2 LETTER NO.9 Friday 10th November 2017

“Learning, listening and laughing together”

Matthew /


of the week
Amelia /
Phonics Star
of the Week
Charlotte /
Writers of
the Week

We are very proud to share these all of these wonderful

achievements this week

Elliot, Joshua,
Liam, Laura / Honesty / Kindesss / Rainbows
/ Tolerance
Sofia, Noah, Isabelle C, Jude, Alison / Respect
Francesca, Ally


Our Wraparound Care facility is continuing to be extremely popular and we are so proud of being able to offer this seamless care service within our school. Due to the popularity, we have streamlined the booking forms for both WAC and Breakfast club to make it easier for you to book. We are happy to accept block bookings, but must insist payments accompany the whole booking period. If you are paying by BACS, please indicate the date the payment was made. Please DO NOT deposit BACS payments unless they align with a booking as we cannot keep individual accounts. Please also ensure an emergency contact number and name is included on your booking form. A revised booking form is attached and can also be found on our school website.


We are very pleased to let you know that the school will continue to fund Breakfast Club on a Friday morning. However, in order to meet safeguarding and health and safety guidelines, we do need to ask you to book your child in if you wish to use this facility. Booking forms were sent home on Wednesday and are also available from the school website. Please ensure you have registered your child so we can ensure we meet the staff ratio needed.


You will be aware that the system we have used for our School to Parents communication for many years, HomeContact, is no longer available to us. After researching what is available we have signed up to Parent Mail. There are manymodules available in ParentMail but the ones we are subscribing to are the email and text systems which will work similarly to HomeContact and online forms which will encompass school letters regarding trips etc.

Our training is booked for the next couple of weeks and we hope to be up and running by the end of November. The data we hold for you will be imported into ParentMail on 20th November after which you will receive an email with information regarding ParentMail. There is also the option to download a free mobile app which we would encourage all parents to do if possible.

At some point in the future wehope toadd ParentPay to our subscription and phase out the need to pay for trips, WAC etc with cash or cheques unless absolutely necessary. This is a far more secure way of paying for items and easier from an administration point of view.

In the meantime you will continue to receive communications from school in paper format.


Please could we have your empty cereal boxes? We are getting creative in Seagry Class and need cereal boxes for Advent Calendars please. If you can help, please send your boxes into class.


Everyone is invited to come to school in their own choice of clothes on Friday 1st December. In return, we would like to ask everyone for a donation for the Christmas Bazaar on Friday 8thDecember. This could be a raffle prize, a chocolate gift for the tombola stall, or a bottle of wine for the ‘water or wine’ stall. Thank you for your support.


After our second nativity performance on Wednesday 13th December, we would like to invite all of the children to stay at school for a ‘Book at Bedtime’ whilst enjoying hot chocolate and biscuits in their pyjamas, followed by a Christmas craft activity. If you would like your child to take part, please send a contribution of £2.00 in a sealed, named envelope to cover the costs of their refreshments and activity. All parents are welcome to join us for refreshments during this time. We anticipate finishing at approximately 4.30pm. All profits raised will go towards our outside play areas. We do hope you can join us for this event.


Our Christmas Service will take place at 09.15am on Wednesday 20th December at the Church in LowerSeagry. Please could you take your children straight there in the morning. We hope you are able to stay and join us for the Service and would appreciate it if you are then able to bring your children back to school when the Service has finished. If this is likely to be a problem, please let us know and we will do what we can to help. Afterwards, we will be serving refreshments back at school and hope you can join us for that too.

Recognising it isn’t always possible for parents to join us in the morning, we will also be having a Christmas gathering at school at 2.30pm where all parents are invited to join us for a few carols, a cake sale and Christmas good wishes. We look forward to seeing you.


Has your child outgrown their Happy Land/Small World/Playmobil toys? Seagry Class would be very grateful for any donations.


As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we will be supporting Children in Need on Friday 17th November by having a ‘Cosy Day’. Everyone is invited to come to school wearing something ‘comfortable’. This could be pyjamas, onesies, loungewear, slippers etc in return for a suggested £1 donation for Children in Need. Old £1 coins are acceptable as donations. Thank you for your support.

GOVERNOR OF THE MONTH- for November is Shirley Palmer.


·  Revised Breakfast Club Booking Form

·  Revised WAC Booking Form

DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES – new entries in bold - * denotes more details to follow


Tues 14th Nov 9.30am Open Morning

Fri 17th Nov Children in Need

Mon 20th Nov Parents’ Evening

Thur 23rd Nov 9am School Photographs

Fri 1st Dec Mufti Day

Fri 8th Dec Christmas Bazaar*

Tues 12th Dec 2.15pm Nativity*

Wed 13th Dec 2.15pm Nativity*

Wed 13th Dec Book at Bedtime

Thur 14th Dec Pantomime*

Mon 18th Dec Christmas Dinner*

Tues 19th Dec am: Sheldon Performance Corston Class*

Tues 19th Dec Carol Singing at Waitrose*

Wed 20th Dec 9.15am Christmas Service – Lower Seagry Church*

Wed 20th Dec 2.30pm Cake Sale and Carols

Wed 20th Dec End of Term 2


Thu 4th Jan Return to school

TD DATES FOR 2017/18

Our remaining dates for TD Days this academic year are:

Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th June 2018

Our school website address is: www.seagry.wilts.sch.uk – here you will find photographs about trips and things we have done in school as well as forms, the newsletters (current and past) and a whole wealth of information which may save you a phone call to the office.