NCV TME Record Book

July 2008 / Introduction

Directorate General Of Shipping


This Record Book (RB) for NCV TME (Near Coastal Voyage Trainee Marine Engineer) constitutes record of on board training (SSTP) for 1 ~ 2 year as appropriate as per flow diagram No. 4 of META Manual Vol. I.

This Record Book is in addition to NCV TAR Book that is required to be filled during 6 months on board watch keeping service mandated.




In accordance with MS Notice 14/2007


Directorate has always prided itself in being proactive in seafarers' training issues. This is because it believes in continual improvement. This objective necessarily requires excellence through professional participation and induction of new persons with appropriate skills.

Simultaneously the Government has started granting incentives for developing suitable manpower. This approved record book, is a step in that direction. It is based on prescribed programme in META Manual for first certificate of competency (NCV).

I urge trainees to diligently complete the tasks assigned in the Record Book and get themselves duly assessed. This is a joint responsibility of the trainee, the trainer on board and the Company.

This Record Book is for use on board the NCV ships for training of NCV TMEs as per the training programme leading to first certificate of competency (NCV).

I wish to thank all those who have contributed towards preparation of this record book.

Chief surveyor with the Government of India



Sr.No / Description / Page No. / Sr.No / Description / Page No.
1. / Introduction / 5 ~ 9 / Section
2 / Electrical Electronic & Control Engineering
2. / Declaration by the Company / 10 / 2.1 / Operate Alternators
...... systems / 39 ~ 40
3. / NCV TME’s Data / 11 / Section
3 / Maintenance & Repair
4. / Shipboard Service Record / 12 ~ 21 / 3.1 / Marine Engg. System / 41 ~43
5. / List of Publications, Video or Computer based Training Programmes, studied or used / 22 ~23 / Section
4 / Controlling the operation of the ship & care for Personnel onboard
6. / Monthly inspection of progress of Structured Shipboard Training Programme by Shipboard Training Officer / 24 ~25 / 4.1 / Ensure Compliance with Pollution Prevention Requirements / 44
7. / Monthly inspection of progress of Structured Shipboard Training Programme by Chief Engineer / 26 ~ 27 / 4.2 / Maintain Seaworthiness of the Ship / 45 ~ 46
8. / Inspection of progress of Structured Shipboard Training Programme by Company Training Officer / 28 ~29 / 4.3 / Prevent control & Fight Fire onboard / 47
9 / SSTP / 30 / 4.4 / Operate LSA / 48
Section 1 / Marine Engineering / 4.5 / Apply Medical First Aid / 48
1.1 / Use of appropriate tools...... ship / 31 / 4.6 / Monitor compliance with legislative requirements / 48
1.2 / Use of Hand tools....
equipment. / 32 / 10 / Maintenance Practice & Planning / 49 ~ 50
1.3 / Use of Hand tools...Repair / 33 / 11 / Concepts of Maintenance / 51 ~ 53
1.4 / Maintenance safe Engg. watch / 34 / 12 / Work Done Reports / 54 ~ 63
1.5 / Use of English in written & oral form / 35 / 13 / Home work for TME / 64 ~66
1.6 / Operate Main& Aux. machinery and associated control system / 36 ~ 37 / 14 / Summary & Assessment sheets / 67 ~ 69
1.7 / Operate Pumping system
& Associate / 38 / 15 / Format of Certificate to be issued by the Company / 70


Further to the Maritime Education Training and Assessment (META) Manual and MS Notice No. 14 of 2007 in the subject of Training Record Book for NCV TMEs in APPENDIX M-III/5A of META Manual Volume II, the Training Record Book for NCV TMEs is prepared.

This training Record Book is based on the Structured Shipboard Training requirement of STCW 95 and is approved by the Chief Surveyor to the Government of India (Chief Examiner for Engineers).

The tasks contained in this Record book have been carefully designed with onboard training in mind and to help ensure that the NCV TMEs meet the requirements for certification stipulated by the competencies.

What is Shipboard Training?

  • Training needs to be differentiated from education. Education is gaining of underpinning knowledge. Training is imparted for assimilation of skills to perform shipboard tasks.
  • Any shipboard task needs to be performed to perfection in a safe manner, in the shortest possible time and with ease. In other words, it has to be performed in a seaman like manner. This will require “hands-on” practice sessions in order to gain experience in performing any task. During such “hands-on” practice session, a STO is expected to monitor the TMEs performance to ensure that do’s and Don’ts associated with the task are understood and observed by the TME. The objective of this process is to become competent to discharge at the work place.

A Shipboard task

Do’s & Don’ts

Why & How?

Hands on practice sessions

STO monitoring

Skill assimilation

Possession of Competence

Therefore, Competence is the ability to perform any allocated work correctly, in a

Seaman like manner “The first time and every time”.

A Shipboard task may be associated with hazards to the individual and/or some danger

to the ship’s Safety.

Shipboard tasks for NCV TMEs are associated with following functions: -

1)Marine Engineering at operational level.

2)Electrical electronic & Control engineering at operational level.

3)Maintenance & repair at the operational level.

4)Controlling the operations of the ship and care of persons on board.

Systematic “hands-on” practice session/experience for assimilation of skills to carry out every shipboard task associated with the function in a seaman like manner is termed as “Structured Shipboard Training Programme”(SSTP). The NCV TME's Record Book is the documentary evidence of the said SSTP.

Shipboard Training:-

Under STCW 95, the Company has an obligation to make provisions to carry out a Structured Shipboard Training programme (SSTP) through a Company Training Officer (CTO) ashore, and a Shipboard Training Officer (STO) on board the ship. On the job training envisages that a portion of work time of STO is used to train his/her subordinates.

Responsibility and Authority:-

The prime responsibility of following the Structured shipboard Training Programme and subsequently this NCV TME Record Book lies with the trainee marine engineer. The Company, directly and indirectly through its officers onboard the ship, provides every opportunity to the NCV TME to successfully complete the SSTP.

The responsibilities of the NCV TME, Institutes, STO, CTO & the Assessment Centre are listed hereunder:


On receiving this Record Book (RB) the NCV TME shall:

  • Complete the personal detail column.
  • Attach a photograph as required.
  • Read these instructions and go through the entire RECORD BOOK in detail.

On Joining the Ship

Maintenance of Record Book

  1. On joining the ship, the NCV TME will present his record book and the technical journals to the STO for perusal. The record book contains a list of tasks, which need to be done practically on board. This book also contains a list of tasks, which need to be done practically as well as explained in writing in the journal;
  1. Subsequently, he will present his record book and the technical journals to the STO as frequently as possible, but at least every month for review of progress and endorsement of activities completed;
  1. He will present his record book and the technical journals to the Chief Engineer every month for review of progress in SSTP.

 Periodical Reports to CTO/Assessment Centre

The NCV TME shall complete the quarterly report, of the preceding quarter, and present it to the STO on the first day of the next quarter. The NCV TME shall ensure that the entries made in the quarterly report reflect a true record of the tasks accomplished, as per the record book. Every NCV TME should maintain a diary of day-to-day work and tasks undertaken including company’s training sessions.

Maintenance Practice and Planning of NCV TME

This is the most important element of onboard training vide work done sheets.

These are attached at the end of the record book and must be completed by NCV TME and endorsed by Chief Engineer.

On Signing off and reporting to CTO

After each ship

After signing off from the ship, the NCV TME during his leave must visit the CTO and present for inspection of the record book and the technical journals. Such Inspection, along with comments of the CTO, will then be entered on the appropriate pages.

On Completion of Sea Service

After getting all documents inspected by the CTO, the NCV TME shall take all documents along with the Company Sea-time Certificate and individual watch keeping certificates duly endorsed by the Company, to the assessment centre. The Assessment Centre, after satisfying itself that the NCV TME has followed the SSTP successfully, shall issue the eligibility certificate, allowing the NCV TME for admission to post sea course and assessment for subsequent written and oral examination.


The Shipboard Training Officer shall:

a)Ensure that the NCV TME has a complete understanding of the SSTP and the record book;

b)Inspect the record book and the technical journal of the NCV TME at the time of joining the vessel and subsequently at least every four weeks;

c)Endorse the record book with suitable remarks on successful completion of an activity or task;

d)Organise the programme of practical ship specific training at sea or in port;

e)Ensure in a supervisory capacity that the record book is properly maintained and that all the requirements are fulfilled;

f)Monitor the SSTP to ensure that the time spent on the ship by the NCV TME is applied to acquisition of training and experience and that the same is consistent with the objectives of training and operational constraints of the ship;

g)Make provision for adequate opportunities for supervised engine room watch keeping and machinery maintenance experience as required under the SSTP;


The C/E Shall:

a)Provide a link between the STO and the CTO;

b)Fulfill the role of continuity if the STO is relieved during the voyage;

c)Ensure that all concerned are effectively carrying out the SSTP;

d)Provide adequate opportunities for supervised E/R watch keeping experience and maintenance practice and planning as required under the SSTP;

e)Ensure that at no stage the safety or the commercial operation of the ship, is hampered due to the SSTP;

f)Inspect the record book, for progress of the NCV TME in the SSTP, at the beginning of each month and enter remarks on the Monthly Chief Engineer Inspection Report Page.


The CTO Shall:

a)Carry out the responsibility specified in the STCW code;

b)Monitor the progress of the student through the STO whether the company takes the responsibility of monitoring the onboard training;

c)Interview the NCV TME, whenever the NCV TME is ashore, to ascertain that he is receiving the support of the shipboard personnel. Whenever the STO reports any inadequacies in the NCV TME's progress, the CTO shall take appropriate action where so required by the STO to improve the NCV TME's performance.

Company Shall:

a)Conduct SSTP, taking into account the requirements of the STCW Code. In such applications, they shall take the role of the Company Training Officer (CTO) as specified in the code, in addition to the responsibility of conducting and coordinating the SSTP;

b)Ensure that the NCV TMEs under their control submit evidence regularly with respect to completion of the Record Book tasks and the certification necessary in the implementation of programme;

c)When monitoring the completion of the tasks NCV TMEs may not require to carry out tasks relating to the Tankers and/or dry-docking where they have not been exposed to such environment. NCV TMEs should in any case be provided under pinning knowledge in such tasks, for their information and understanding by Chief Engineer/STO/CTO as appropriate;

d)On satisfactory completion of the ‘on board training’ by NCV TME, verify his record book and check that the same has been duly endorsed by the STO, CTO, C/E & the Master in the appropriate pages;

e)On being satisfied that a NCV TME has completed all the entire prescribed record book tasks, will issue eligibility certificate to the candidate for subsequent assessment at the MMD exam centre for admission to post sea course and written & oral examination.


NCV TME's Name:______

Passport No:______

Date & Place of Issue______

This is to declare that the SSTP of the above named NCV TME will be completed under the supervision and guidance of our Company Training Officer (CTO). The Company to conduct SSTP will monitor the progress of training in conformity with the MS Notice No. 30 of 2002 and MS Notice No. 14 of 2007 where applicable.


Company Training OfficerAuthorised Signatory

on behalf of the company



Particulars of NCV TME (To be completed by the NCV TME in block letters)

Basic Training (as required by Section A-VI/1 paragraph 2 of the STCW 95 Code): As part of your pre-sea training. You should have completed Basic Training from a DGS approved institute. Please enter the details of this training below.

Training Programme as applicable:

Pre-Sea Training Institute / From: / To:
Sea Service – Ship 1 / From: / To:
Sea Service – Ship2 / From: / To:
Sea Service – Ship 3 / From: / To:
Sea Service – Ship 4 / From: / To:
Sea Service – Ship 5 / From: / To:
STCW modular courses / Date / Institute / Certificate No.
Personal Survival Techniques
Basic Fire Protection and Fire Fighting
Elementary/Medical First Aid
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities

Passenger Ship familiarization Course (If applicable)

Shipboard Service Record

Ship’s Name
Flag & IMO Number / Dates / Total Days / Propelling Days in Months & Days / Signature
Signed On / Signed Off
Months / Days / C/E / Master
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

NCV TME to obtain Sea Service Certificate as per attached format for each ship


Length Overall: / Aux. Boiler:
Type: / Fire Fighting Equipment:
Fire Extinguishers (Nos.)
Breadth: / Output: (Tons/hour) / Fire Hydrant (Nos.)
Depth: / Working Pressure: / Breathing Apparatus:
Net Tonnage:
Gross Tonnage:
Light Displacement: / Alternators:
No. of units: / Portable Extinguisher:
Dry Powder ______kg:
Foam ______liters:
Water ______liters:
CO2 ______kg:
Summer Freeboard: / Power: (kW) / CO2 Flooding: bottles
Summer draft: / Amperes: (A) / Cranes (make):
Fresh water allowance: / Frequency: (HZ) / No of Cranes:
Immersion at Load Draft: / Normal Sea load (kW) / Capacity: SWL
Bow Thruster:
(if Applicable) / Steering Gear: / Winches:
Type of Rudder: / Purifiers: / No. of Winches:
Classification Society: / Ballast Pumps (No.):
Capacity: m3 / hr
Main Engine:
Make: / Aux. Engine:
Make: / Life saving Appliances:
Type: / Type: / Life boat Nos.:
Life boat capacity:
No of cylinders: / No of cylinders:
Power: bhp
at: rpm / Power: bhp
at: rpm / Life raft Nos.:
Life raft capacity:
Stroke: / Stroke: / Davits (type)
Bore: / Bore: / Log:
Turbocharger: / Turbocharger: / Radar:
Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / SATCOM:
Viscosity: ______cSt, at ______0C / Viscosity :______cSt, at ______0C / EPIRB No.:
Fresh water Generator:
Capacity: (tons/day)
Average consumption of Fresh water on Board: (tons/ day) / Anchors:
Port: (tons)
Starboard: (tons) / Emergency Generator:
Capacity: (kW)
E/R crane: SWL / Cable diameter: (mm) / Emer. fire Pumps: (m3/hr)


Length Overall: / Aux. Boiler:
Type: / Fire Fighting Equipment:
Fire Extinguishers (Nos.)
Breadth: / Output: (Tons/hour) / Fire Hydrant (Nos.)
Depth: / Working Pressure: / Breathing Apparatus:
Net Tonnage:
Gross Tonnage:
Light Displacement: / Alternators:
No. of units: / Portable Extinguisher:
Dry Powder ______kg:
Foam ______liters:
Water ______liters:
CO2 ______kg:
Summer Freeboard: / Power: (kW) / CO2 Flooding: bottles
Summer draft: / Amperes: (A) / Cranes (make):
Fresh water allowance: / Frequency: (HZ) / No of Cranes:
Immersion at Load Draft: / Normal Sea load (kW) / Capacity: SWL
Bow Thruster:
(if Applicable) / Steering Gear: / Winches:
Type of Rudder: / Purifiers: / No. of Winches:
Classification Society: / Ballast Pumps (No.):
Capacity: m3 / hr
Main Engine:
Make: / Aux. Engine:
Make: / Life saving Appliances:
Type: / Type: / Life boat Nos.:
Life boat capacity:
No of cylinders: / No of cylinders:
Power: bhp
at: rpm / Power: bhp
at: rpm / Life raft Nos.:
Life raft capacity:
Stroke: / Stroke: / Davits (type)
Bore: / Bore: / Log:
Turbocharger: / Turbocharger: / Radar:
Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / SATCOM:
Viscosity: ______cSt, at ______0C / Viscosity :______cSt, at ______0C / EPIRB No.:
Fresh water Generator:
Capacity: (tons/day)
Average consumption of Fresh water on Board: (tons/ day) / Anchors:
Port: (tons)
Starboard: (tons) / Emergency Generator:
Capacity: (kW)
E/R crane: SWL / Cable diameter: (mm) / Emer. fire Pumps: (m3/hr)


Length Overall: / Aux. Boiler:
Type: / Fire Fighting Equipment:
Fire Extinguishers (Nos.)
Breadth: / Output: (Tons/hour) / Fire Hydrant (Nos.)
Depth: / Working Pressure: / Breathing Apparatus:
Net Tonnage:
Gross Tonnage:
Light Displacement: / Alternators:
No. of units: / Portable Extinguisher:
Dry Powder ______kg:
Foam ______liters:
Water ______liters:
CO2 ______kg:
Summer Freeboard: / Power: (kW) / CO2 Flooding: bottles
Summer draft: / Amperes: (A) / Cranes (make):
Fresh water allowance: / Frequency: (HZ) / No of Cranes:
Immersion at Load Draft: / Normal Sea load (kW) / Capacity: SWL
Bow Thruster:
(if Applicable) / Steering Gear: / Winches:
Type of Rudder: / Purifiers: / No. of Winches:
Classification Society: / Ballast Pumps (No.):
Capacity: m3 / hr
Main Engine:
Make: / Aux. Engine:
Make: / Life saving Appliances:
Type: / Type: / Life boat Nos.:
Life boat capacity:
No of cylinders: / No of cylinders:
Power: bhp
at: rpm / Power: bhp
at: rpm / Life raft Nos.:
Life raft capacity:
Stroke: / Stroke: / Davits (type)
Bore: / Bore: / Log:
Turbocharger: / Turbocharger: / Radar:
Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / Specific Fuel Consumptions:
(gm / bhp hr) / SATCOM:
Viscosity: ______cSt, at ______0C / Viscosity :______cSt, at ______0C / EPIRB No.:
Fresh water Generator:
Capacity: (tons/day)
Average consumption of Fresh water on Board: (tons/ day) / Anchors:
Port: (tons)
Starboard: (tons) / Emergency Generator:
Capacity: (kW)
E/R crane: SWL / Cable diameter: (mm) / Emer. fire Pumps: (m3/hr)