Criminal Background Check Policy Overview)

  1. This criminal background check (CBC) policy applies to allstudent workers who are not currently employed by UWM orwho have not worked for UWM within the last year.
  1. A CBC must be completed before an offer of employment can be made. Individuals may not commence employment until they have successfully completed a criminal background check unless an exception is granted by the Vice Chancellor. When an exception is granted, a CBC must be completed within the first 60 days of the employee’s appointment.
  1. Position announcements and advertisements will include the following required statement:

“Employment will require a criminal background check.” When a position announcement is not used in the hiring process, applicants must verbally be told that employment offers cannot be made until they have passed a criminal background check. This verbal statement should be documented and retained with all other hiring materials.

  1. The supervisor(or designee)shall e-mail (or mail if appropriate) interviewees information about the criminal background check and an Applicant Consent and Disclosure form.
  1. The Applicant Consent and Disclosure form should be downloaded from the Human Resources Website: Complete the top portion of the form.
  2. Please list the report recipient as Kim Quartemont, phone 414-229-4589, e-mail .
  3. The billing code should be indicated as 101-BXX-0202 and program 02 instruction/faculty, 04 research and 06 administrative.
  1. The e-mail shall include the following information: “The position you have applied for requires candidates to pass a criminal background check as a condition of employment. To facilitate this process, please print and complete the attached Applicant Consent and Disclosure form and bring it with you to your interview. At the interview, we will provide you with a confidential envelope for your form. Your completed form will be sent to our human resources staff for processing.’
  1. The supervisor (or designee)shallsupply interviewees with anenvelope for their completed Applicant Consent and Disclosure Form at the time of interview. In the event that the interviewee does not bring his/her completed form to the interview, thesupervisor (or designee) shall provide interviewee with a new form and envelope. The interviewee shall be provided a private place and adequate time to complete the form, seal the completed form in the envelope provided, and deliver the sealed envelope to the chair/supervisor (or designee) before leaving the building.
  1. Preprinted return envelopes are available fromthe Business Administration & Technology Operations (BATO) Office.
  1. The supervisor (or designee) is responsible for delivering all envelopes containing the Applicant Consent and Disclosure Formsto: Kim Quartemont, BATO Administrative Manager.
  1. The BATO Administrative Manager willforward the appropriate CBC forms to the University Police Department for processing.
  1. BATO will send an e-mail to the departmentregarding the outcome of the CBC (negative or approved for hire). If you have not heard from BATO within one week regarding the outcome of a CBC, please contact at Kim x4589 or for a status update.
  1. The BATO Office and UWM HR will retain the appropriate records for a period of seven years.
