Our Ref: JP/SS
13 January 2015
Dear Parents
National School’s Trampoline Championships
Sunday 18th January 2015
Congratulations to the girls who have qualified for the Southern Zonal Trampoline Finals on Sunday 18 January 2015 at the White House Tennis and Leisure Centre, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3PJ.
Those students who wish to travel on the minibus from school should be at Oaklands for 8.00am, if you arrive before I do the gates will be locked and you will have to wait in the entrance until I arrive with the key. We should be back at Oaklands at about 6.45pm.
The competition runs from 10.00am to 5.00pm but your child will only be involved for a short part of that time. Students who travel independently can collect a copy of the timetable and negotiate the time period during which they need to attend. Girls will compete in leotards, which will be provided, but all students will need plain white ankle /trainer socks and their hair should be neatly tied back. NO jewellery of any sort is to be worn in competition. A t-shirt and shorts may be worn for warm up.
The cost of the trip is £5.00. There are a number of spare places in the minibus so any parent who wishes to join us for the day is welcome, at a cost of £3.00. The leisure Centre has a swimming pool and there may be opportunity for the students to swim once their age group is completed, entry costs about £3.00 (adults £4.20). There will also be refreshments available in the cafeteria, although students are encouraged to bring sufficient supplies of food and drink to see them through.
As this trip is deemed to be an enhancement to the curriculum, the school normally is unable to offer financial assistance and therefore the full cost of the activity must be borne by yourselves. Payments and accompanying paperwork must be handed in on or before the deadline date outlined and late payments will jeopardise your child’s place on the trip/activity. Should your child withdraw from the activity, please be aware that deposits are non-refundable and any further payments can only be refunded if the place can be filled by another student on a waiting list, or if the withdrawal is for an insurable reason. If there are significant changes to the cost of the trip, these may have to be passed on to the student. Be assured that we will try to keep such costs to a minimum.
It is the parents/guardians responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about their child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Team Leader.
Please complete the return consent form and monies to the Finance Office.
Yours faithfully
Mrs J Payne
Trampoline Coach
Please return to Finance Office
National School’s Trampoline Championships
Sunday 18th January 2015
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for
Name…………………………………………………………………Tutor Group………………
I enclose payment of £…………..
I will pay online □
He/she is in good health and I consent to him/her taking part in the programme detailed in your letter.
I give my permission for my child to swim □
I agree to promotional photographs/videos of my child being taken which might be used to promote the event in the future. □
I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about my child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Team Leader.
Please print name………………………………………………………………………….
Contact telephone number for the day……………………………………………………