Mike Philley
Dear Service Learning Partners --
I want to personally thank you for your willingness to work with studentsfrom my environmental studies class this spring. Service learning is anintegral part of the course, enabling students to experience and reflect on"real world" dimensions of the environmental concepts and issues they studyin the classroom. Without your participation, students would not gain thesame depth of understanding and appreciation for the role that environmentaland social service organizations play in our community. And I sincerelyhope that their 15 hours of service will contribute in a meaningful way toyour programs.
I would like to invite you to attend my class onThursday, January 13, from 12:15-1:30 when we will hold a special "servicelearning orientation" for students.
In the opening part of the orientation, I will speak briefly about theconnection between service learning and course objectives. A SL staff member willexplain in greater detail the philosophy, procedures, BSU administrativesupport for service learning. And a teaching assistant will speak about studentexpectations and ways in which you can help your students provide rewardingand productive service.
You will have an opportunity to speak briefly (3-4 minutes), describing yourorganization and the service projects you have planned. After thesepresentations, students will have a chance to meet informally withorganizations to ask questions and explore their interest in a particularservice project. This "match-making" is the first step toward reaching aformal agreement with the student(s) who will provide service to your
My classroom is in the MultipurposeClassroomBuilding, room 207. This isthe relatively new, tall, red brick and sand colored building directlyacross from the large parking deck on Brady Street, off University Drive, inthe vicinity of the MorrisonCenter. You can park in the deck and pay atthe machine, but if you park in the visitor's lot a short distance away onUniversity Drive, we can give you validation stickers.
Please let me know by return e-mail if you or another representative of yourorganization will be able to attend. We look forward to seeing you at 12:15
on January 13, in room MP 207.
Many thanks and best regards,
Mike Philley
Adjunct Faculty in Environmental Studies