The Seneca Falls Town Board held a Budget Workshop on Friday, October 18, 2013 at the Town Offices,
81 W. Bayard Street, Seneca Falls.
Present were Supervisor Donald Earle; Councilpersons Susan Sauvageau, T.J. Casamassima, Emil Bove and Duane Moore. Also present was Beverly Warfel, Account Clerk; Joyce Mahoney, Town Justice, Police Chief Stuart Peenstra, Cynthia Loncosky, Assessor and John Condino of Barton & Loguidice.
Supervisor Earle called the Budget Workshop to order at 12:00 P.M.; the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Town Justice: Mr. Earle mentioned that, as in the past, salaries and wage increases will be a separate item that the Board will deal with at the very end of the Budget Workshops. Mr. Earle explained the procedure the Board follows for salary increases.
Mr. Earle stated the Board approved adding a second Town Justice position; $25,000.00 each was put in the line items for the two Judges (A1110.100 and A1110.101). He referred to the line item Special Court Security (A1110.107) and said the request is for $40,000.00 when only $10,000.00 has been spent. Judge Mahoney said there will be two Judges, and she doesn't know when they will be holding Court - we don't know if they are going to double what the Court has now. She and Mr. Earle have talked previously, and they both agree that the megtometer should be at the main entrance and an Officer should be there all day long. Chief Peenstra added that another issue for the increase was that they don't know if it's going to be a full time Officer at their pay or a part-time Officer at their pay. He also feels it's important to have security out at the front instead of half-way through the building, thus providing security for the entire building instead of just Court. After further discussion, Judge Mahoney indicated that this can be worked out after Election. Ms. Sauvageau stated we don't want to have a lot of lines that are extremely high compared to what we absolutely need because then it would be taxing people unnecessarily ahead of time. Mr. Moore suggested leaving the $40,000.00 in the Budget and discuss it later.
Equipment (A1110.200) was increased from $1,000.00 to $3,500.00. Judge Mahoney said this is for a desk, computers, chair and filing cabinets for the second Judge. She added Mrs. Warfel will get her the amount left from the Grant, and once she gets that information, she will contact Albany who may allow the Town to use that money from the Grant. Postage (A1110.401) was increased $250.00 because of the cost of postage going up. The line item for Education (A1110.405) was increased from $5,000.00 to $6,000.00, and Dues and Fees (A1110.408) increased from $500.00 to $750.00. After brief discussion, Mr. Earle asked the Judge where can she decrease the Budget by $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. Judge Mahoney replied there is a possibility that the $3,500.00 in Equipment will go. Mr. Bove asked that the Judge think about it and get back to the Board.
Drug Court: Mr. Earle stated the Drug Court Budget looks pretty straight-forward. Mr. Bove mentioned that after Election, there will be discussion about the organization and if the Town still has Drug Court. The Judge said she would like to see the Board pass a resolution encouraging the State to let the Drug Court continue. She indicated that the cost to the Town is very minimal. Discussion followed.
Police: Mr. Earle noted the Chief's salary shows an increase which is due to Board action last year. The line item for Overtime (A3120.107) was increased by $10,000.00. Mr. Earle mentioned that seven part-time Officers were approved, but there are currently only three part-time Officers that are actively working to help reduce overtime. The Chief said it is a constant challenge for him to obtain part-time people that are available, and also abiding by the Civil Service regulations. He is working on it and is continuously trying to improve it. Further discussion followed. Mr. Bove stated the Board is telling Department Heads that it is looking for ways to cut; when cutting these things out of the General Fund, it takes it out of the tax rate.
Ms. Sauvageau referred to the Education line item (A3120.408) and asked if this is separate from training some of the new Officers. Chief Peenstra replied the Education line will pay for the Academy expense which is $2,600.00 per person (last year), and the cost for their salary comes out of the line item for Part-Time (A3120.104). Mr. Earle noted the Education line item has been increased by $7,000.00, which is equivalent to getting about three part-time Officers. The Chief replied it is, but it also doesn't leave him any funds for training for the current Staff - he still has to keep up-to-date training with the current Employees. Brief discussion followed.
At this time (12:45 PM), Mr. Casamassima left the Meeting.
Ms. Sauvageau referred to the Vehicle line item (A3120.201), and said there is $25,000.00 in that line which doesn't sound like a whole vehicle. Chief Peenstra stated it's an unmarked to replace the current unmarked 2007 vehicle. He brought the vehicles from eight vehicles down to six in less than two years. Mr. Earle said if the Board approves the second Investigator position, could he suffice in using the old unmarked vehicle for the second Investigator for at least a year and the new vehicle for the first Investigator. The Chief replied they could do that. He added the thing is he always tries to stay ahead of the game with vehicles; in 2015, they will be looking at replacing an older Crown Victoria. He mentioned that he has assigned vehicles so the mileage is
spread throughout the vehicles more evenly.
Crossing Guards (A3120.108) increased to $12,500.00. Mr. Earle asked if there were more Crossing Guards or are they out there longer. The Chief replied the original quote that the prior Administration put together was put together poorly. They changed it last year, and this year it is making everything fit together with three Crossing Guards which do multiple places throughout the Town.
Ms. Sauvageau asked about the $25,000.00 in the line item for Building Maintenance (A3120.420). Chief Peenstra replied their building is not doing very well.It is for fixing Officer safety issues within the building, and sprucing up the building which hasn't been painted in about ten years - nothing is being maintained in that building. He added this is to re-align the building to make it more realistic towards police services, and clean up the building to make it look more professional. He noted that this is just an estimate. Mr. Moore stated this is just a bandaid because they are not going to be there forever. He was in the building, and it really is in dire need of some maintenance. He mentioned that the Officers have done a lot of work themselves.
Ms. Sauvageau referred to the Grant line item (A3120.490) and said she is not sure what that would mean as a line item. Chief Peenstra said that is for any unanticipated grant that he may foresee in 2014. He was asked to put some money in a budgetary line for unforeseen matching grants. She asked about the Accreditation Assistance (A3120.49). The Chief replied a mock assessment should take place in December, and depending on the scheduling of the State, he is looking at an actual assessment in February-March. He said Kevin Hall would come in 2014 and finalize any work he needs to do before the actual assessment. He doesn't see a need for Mr. Hall after 2014.
Mr. Earle asked if the Vehicle Maintenance line item (A3120.412) should go down since we have another new vehicle. Chief Peenstra replied they have to keep the one remaining vehicle (with 80,000 miles) they have for one more year. Vehicle maintenance covers oil changes, tires, all sorts of things you don't think of other than a car breaking down.
Ms. Sauvageau asked where the Chief could cut his Budget. The Chief replied he would like to reduce the $25,000.00 if they were to be put into a new building - that would be $25,000.00 he could reduce while a building was being built and just maintain their building. He added if they are to remain in the building, this is something that will probably come up year after year. He mentioned some of the maintenance that needs to be done, such as Code violations need to be addressed, eaves need to be replaced, need of a back-up generator, etc. Mr. Moore suggested that if he had to start someplace, cut that down to $15,000.00 and do the important work - bite off a little at a time until a decision is made on where we are going. After further discussion, Mr. Bove asked the Chief to figure out what he wants to do and estimate the cost.
Chief Peenstra requested that the Board read the information he gave them relative to the creation of an additional Investigator's position, and said to contact him if there were any questions. Brief discussion followed.
Joint Assessment: Mrs. Loncosky explained the Joint Assessment Fund is a Budget that she put together because she has to line item all her expenses. She takes the total assessed value of both towns, adds them together to come up with a percentage based on the assessed value for each town. She then figures out what the revenue is (just interest), and the remainder is split between the two towns. Her full Budget is $181,000.00; Fayette pays $66.649.00 and Seneca Falls pays $114,781.00. Brief discussion followed.
Mrs. Loncosky said the only increase is Retirement. Mr. Earle asked if anything was put in for revaluation; Mrs. Loncosky replied nothing was put in. Mr. Bove asked if it was going to start in 2014 after July 1st. Mrs. Loncosky replied if the Town is going to gear up to do a reval to place values in 2015, then yes. Mr. Earle said whether it's done in 2014 for 2015 or 2015 for 2016, some funds should be budgeted. After further discussion, Mrs. Loncosky said she will look at the 2010 Budget because that would be the scenario that we are looking at if we are going to do something for 2015 (what expenses were in 2010 prior to the 2011 placing of values). She will get back to the Board.
Highway: Central Garage (A1640) was discussed. Mr. Wood noted that is the Oak Street Garage, and most of the line items are the same as this year. The line item for Gas & Electricity (A1640.400) was reduced to $8,000.00. The Equipment line item (A1640.200) was reduced to $2,000.00, and Cleaning Supplies (A1640.403) decreased from $1,500.00 to $500.00. After discussion relative to the Miscellaneous line item (A1640.405), the line item was reduced to $50.00.
Traffic Control: Electricity (A3310.400) was reduced to $2,500.00. Mr. Wood stated he decreased Road Signs to $1,000.00 because he replaced all the signs this year. He referred to Equipment Maintenance/Repair (A3310.401), and said supposedly, they got the Striper fixed, but he hasn't tried it out yet. Brief discussion followed.
Highway Administration: Mr. Wood stated he went through his bills, and said he should have about $4,200.00 left in this account at the end of the year. He indicated all the line items remain about the same.
Garage: Mr. Earle noted Mr. Wood lowered Gas & Electricity (A5132.400) by $2,000.00. Mr. Wood said the Salt Barn Electricity (A5132.401) is for the storage barn by the Sewer Treatment Plant; the amount is minimal because it has its own meter. He didn't spend the $50,000.00 under Buildings & Grounds Maintenance (A5132.403) because he had problems with the County in getting the permits and other issues. He is going to try and get it started this Fall. He indicated in that account, he has $40,000.00 left plus whatever is left over from Electricity. Mr. Bove asked if he wanted to appropriate another $50,000.00 for next year; Mr. Wood replied yes - put another $50,000.00 in next year and he can get the building started. Mrs. Warfel mentioned that the money that wasn't spent can be encumbered. Discussion followed.
Street Lighting: Mr. Wood stated he increased the Ornamental Lighting (A5182.402) from $5,000.00 to $8,000.00 which is for the LED lights. He said Electricity (A5182.400) can be reduced because he took out some lights and put in LED; Electricity was reduced to $120,000.00.
Christmas Maintenance (A7110.409) was discussed. After discussion, it was decided to take the Christmas Maintenance line item out of A7110.409 and put it under Street Lighting in a separate line item with $1,500.00.
Sidewalks: Mr. Wood stated he discussed this with Mr. Turkett; there is a zoning change which specifies a different way to do it; the Town will pay for just concrete. Brief discussion followed.
The line item for Off Street Parking (A5650.400) was eliminated from the Budget.
Storm Sewers: Mr. Wood stated when Employees work on storm sewers, that is taken out of this account. He asked why it couldn't be kept under one - under Water. Mrs. Warfel replied Storm Sewers has to be taken out of this account. She added $10,000.00 can be taken out of the line item for Personal Services (A8140.100). Overtime (A8140.101) was eliminated. Under Equipment (A8140.200), Mr. Wood stated he is looking at a root cutter; there are attachments that go to the VacCon. He decreased Shop Tools (A8140.201) to $500.00, and decreased Miscellaneous Projects (A8140.401) to $5,000.00. Grates, Basins, Pipes, Misc. (A8140.402) was lowered to $4,000.00. Brief discussion followed.
Shade Trees: Mr. Wood stated trees are being cut now; trees have to meet a certain criteria in order for them to cut them down. This line item (A8560.400) was decreased to $15,000.00. Brief discussion followed.
Cemeteries: Mr. Wood pointed out that the equipment is 4-5 years old, and they have done nothing but repair them. Mr. Earle asked if one-half of the equipment can be replaced this year, and one-half next year. Mr. Wood replied it's not that bad - he put in $17,000.00 for two mowers (line item A8810.200); they will clean up the old mowers and take them to auction which would bring in about $5,000.00, so the cost would be $12,000.00 for two mowers. He mentioned that fuel (A8810.400) has gone up $500.00. Mr. Wood mentioned that the $20,000.00 line item for Headstone Restorations (A8810.407) is what the Cemetery Commission requested. Brief discussion followed relative to the Fence line item (A8810.201). Consultant Records (A8810.404) was decreased from $5,000.00 to $600.00.
Transportation/General Repairs (5110): Mr. Wood stated he will probably have about $225,000.00 left in this account; most of that will be from the Street Plan (DA5110.408) because of the late, wet season. He is going to try and get one more small street in. Marilyn Cator mentioned lower Fall Street; Mr. Wood said he plans on doing that next year. They will be filling in the pot holes this week. He added the CHIPS funds should help to offset this ($250,000.00). Brief discussion followed.
Under Bridge Repairs (DA5120.400), Mr. Wood said the amount was kept the same as this year - $10,000.00; they started a separate account. Mr. Earle indicated that was recommended from the Asset Management Program. Mr. Condino mentioned that an inspection is due next year.
Machinery - Equipment (DA5130.200) was lowered to $50,000.00. Mr. Wood said they always put $30,000.00 in the Capital Reserve Equipment Fund (DA5130.201). Tools and Supplies (DA5130.401) was lowered to $3,000.00, and Vehicle Maintenance (DA5130.403) increased to $9,000.00. Mr. Wood referred to Fuel (DA5130.405) and said he would like to increase that to $38,000.00. He has less than $1,000.00 left, and there is two months left in this year. Tires & Repairs (DA5130.408) increased from $3,000.00 to $5,500.00, and Radio Repairs (DA5130.409) was lowered to $500.00.
Snow Removal: Mr. Wood stated he will probably have about $40,000.00 left in the line item for Salt (DA5142.401), so he decreased this line item from $60,000.00 to $50,000.00. He reduced the part-timers DA5142.101) to $1,500.00 because he doesn't use them unless there is a really bad storm. Plow Parts (DA5142.400) decreased to $6,500.00.
Mr. Bove left the Meeting at 2:10 P.M.
Water: Mr. Wood said he put $26,000.00 in the Budget for a pick-up truck (F8340.204). He is not going to get a work box, so this can be reduced to $22,000.00. Telephone (F8340.402) was decreased to $600.00, and Fuel (F8340.405) remains the same at $10,000.00. Mr. Wood said he decreased Replacement Program Meters (F8340.435) to $10,000.00, but he wants to bring it back to $20,000.00 - he dropped it for a reason, but after talking to Mrs. Havelin, he would like to bring it back to $20,000.00.
Mr. Wood referred to Water Administration (F8310), and said he would like to have Rick Russo as his Deputy. He explained Mr. Russo receives a lot of calls on his personal phone which helps him. He added a line item for Deputy with $400.00 in it for compensation which will help offset his phone bill.
Computer (F8310.201) was increased to $5,000.00. He has a lot of information on his IPAD which he needs to have a backup; a 3-year contract is $3,500.00. He would also like to purchase another IPAD for Mr. Russo so that they can put all the water transmission lines on them and share all the information. The Printer line item (F8310.202) increased to $300.00 - this is a printer for Mrs. Havelin. Software Support (F8310.407) decreased from $35,000.00 to $2,000.00. Mr. Wood said that is why he increased the Replacement Program Meters line item so they can start replacing meters to get them up to a percentage where they can do drive-bys. Discussion followed.