Continuous Improvement Performance Plan

April 2009

CIPP Report for April 2009

LEA: New Hanover County Schools

Continued and New Improvement Activities

Indicator(s) Number / Improvement Activities / Timelines / Person(s) Responsible & Resource(s) /
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #10, #11, #13, #14 & #15 / Each school will develop and implement a Strategic School Improvement Plan aligned with local and State Board of Education goals and includes requirements for Title 1 and IDEA (CIPP) improvement actions. / 8/1/09 through 8/1/11 / Principals & Contractors, NHCS Divisions
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #10, #11, #13, #14 & #15 / Purchase system Data Warehouse capability, software support and contract services for improved data management and system assessment / 2009-10 / NHCS Divisions, IDEA and ESEA ARRA funds
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #10, #11 / Continue implementation of Problem Solving Model – Response to Instruction (PSM-RtI) as a replacement for the current IDEA entitlement system: implementation at 35 middle and elementary schools. / 8/1/09 through 8/1/11 / PSM-RtI Team & knowledge and information involving state and local resources addressing in implementation of RtI, Knowledge developed through pilots, state pilot partners, Horry County, national network
#1, #2, #3, #5, #10, #11, #14 / In coordination with Instructional Services and the State Improvement Projects continue to provide training on scientific research-based instruction in reading, writing, math and differentiated instruction / 8/1/08 through 8/1/11 / Trainers and Coaches, Testing Department, Instruction Department, contractors, DPI demonstration sites
#1, #2, #3, #5, #10 / Continue implementation of the Strategies Instructional Model (SIM) plan expanding to all secondary schools / 8/1/08 through 8/1/11 / Trainers, knowledge developed, DPI, East Carolina University
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #10, #11 / Develop strategies to expand the number of School-wide Positive Behavioral Support Schools from the current level of 9 schools to all school / 8/1/08 through 8/1/12 / District Positive Behavior Support Coordinator, State and Regional PBS Leadership, Implementing schools
#1, #2 , #14 / Continue system-wide special education dropout prevention/graduation team / Monthly through 2011 / Multidisciplinary representation including middle and high schools, administrators, general and special educators - facilitated by transition coordinator
#1, #2, #14 / Continue graduation coaches at high schools / 2009-2011 / Student Support Services, graduation coaches
#1, #2, #14 / Implement site-based special education dropout prevention/graduation teams / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator and multidisciplinary staff
#1, #2 / Develop and implement individualized curriculum modules as special education electives / 2009-2010 / Special education staff
#1, #2 / Implement site-based OCS teams to promote 4 year graduation rates / 2009-2010 / Transition coordinator, high school special education staff, Career and Technical Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation
#2 / Continue yearly identification of at risk middle and high school students / 2009-2011 / Dropout prevention/graduation teams and school staff
#2 / Continue staff development on and implementation of dropout strategies and interventions / 2009-2011 / Dropout prevention/graduation teams and transition coordinator
#1, #2, #14 / Continue staff development and implementation of best practices in transition planning including self-determination / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator
#1, #2, #14 / Parent training sessions on transition and postsecondary goals / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator and contact with Family Support Network
#4 / Continue implementation of Mindset communication and physical restraint strategies at all schools. LEA has 9 Master Trainers, 48 Certified Site Trainers including2 trainers in transportation department for transportation staff and one trainer for Related Services (Occupational & Physical Therapy) staff. All school staff working directly with students is trained in communication with a core group at each school trained in communication and physical restraint. / 8-1-08 through 8-1-11 / Mindset Consulting Services, LLC; System Master Trainers & School Site Trainers, Training opportunities for staff, existing practices
#4 / Add a seclusion component to the Mindset training / 2009-10 / Mindset Consulting Services, LLC; System Master Trainers & School Site Trainers, Training opportunities for staff, existing practices
#4 / Continue to analyze data in data provided by DPI, the LEAs discipline database and End of Year reports to identify schools that need targeted assistance. / 8-1-08 through 8-1-11 / Data provided by DPI, the LEAs discipline database and End of Year reports
#7 / Develop and utilize reporting system to gather pre- and post- COSF within the specified time frame. Develop and utilize method of gathering parental input and information for pre- and post- COSF. Continue to offer training to all new staff that will be responsible for completing the COSF including community partners. / 4/1/09 through 8/1/11 / Liaison, teachers and related service providers, support staff
#8 / Increase parental knowledge of the Problem Solving Model initiative with training and brochures. / 2009-10
(annually) / Family Support Network, PSM-RtI Training Team/Schools


/ Monthly Advisory Council/Stakeholders meeting which include parent participation component / Monthly, 2007-08
(annually) / Board of Education, Advisory Council Annual Report and advocacy organization
#8 / Continue parental involvement in process improvement initiatives / 2007-08
(annually) / IDEA funds, Autism Society, Family Support Network
#8 / Continue contract with Family Support Network for annual conference, parent to parent support, IDEA and surrogate
parent training / 2007-08
(annually) / IDEA funds, Family Support Network, Exceptional Children Assistance Center
#8 / Develop post-IEP conference satisfaction survey system through an analysis of SIPP project parent input component / 2009-11
(annually) / Family Support Network, Exceptional Children Assistance Center contracts, SIPP schools
#10 / Participated in the NC Focused Record Review process, implement strategies identified in the process / 2/1/09 through 8/1/11 / Liaisons and knowledge and information involving state and local resources addressing Disproportionality in Special Education
#11 / Strengthen Goalview training to focus on strategies for monitoring the 90-day timeline to set goals for meeting the timeline through improved communication among team members, and monthly referral to due date reports / 2009-2011 / Liaisons
#11 / Expand use of Goalview reporting to identify flags or triggers that can be added to Goalview to meet timelines for compliance and to generate reports / 20009-2011 / Goalview contractors
#11 / Use of Prior Written Notice when school teams decide not to conduct a formal evaluation to indicate clearly that the 90-day timeline is no longer in effect / 2009-2011 / Liaisons, teachers and support staff
#12 / Expand the web based tracking system to include the Part C Case Managers. Stake holders to attend the regional workshop on transitions. Develop a written transition system / 4-1-09 through 8-1-11 / Liaison, Children’s Developmental Service Agency Case Managers
#13 / Site-based trainings using new Goalview Smart Forms / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator and high school staff
#13 / Continue staff development on transition tools and strategies / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator
#13 / Revised Student Support Team manual with links for easier access to transition process and resources / 2009-2010 / Transition coordinator
#13 / Conduct quarterly on-site audits of IEP transition components / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator and high school staff
#13 / Spot checks of IEP transition component and feedback to individual teachers / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator
#14 / Continue staff development for middle and high school staff on transitions to postsecondary education and employment / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator
#14 / Continue Vocational Rehabilitation/ special education monthly and quarterly meetings / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator, special education director, VR staff
#14 / Random yearly exit surveys and data collection / 2009-2011 / Transition coordinator and staff
#11, #15 / Target training on Smart Forms upgrade, which contains compliance monitoring fields, including Required Participants field. / Annually / Special Education staff
#15 / Conduct Audit of 2% of Goalview IEPs using the web based product with follow up with schools to correct non-compliance within one year / Annually / Special Education staff

Continuous Improvement Performance Plan

Stakeholders Steering Committee Summary

Directions: Please complete the Committee Summary Report below and Stakeholders Steering Committee e Membership Summary Form.

Committee Composition /
Committee Member Name / Organization/Agency / Role on the Committee / Gender / Ethnicity /
Andrea Tarantino / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / New Hanover Kids / f / w
Candra Thornton / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / UNCW rep / f / w
Carla Turner / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHC Health Dept rep / f / w
Carol Rogers / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Hospital Rep / f / w
Cynthia Brown / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHC Community Action / f / b
Edie Hughes / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Wilmington TEACCH / f / w
James Applefield / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / UNCW rep / m / w
Janet McCumbee / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / County Health Rep / f / w
Janet Nelson / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / New Hanover Kids / f / w
Jennifer Phillips / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / OT Solutions / f / w
Jim Northrop / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / CDSZ / m / w
Joyce Hatem / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHC Social Worker / f / w
Jane Holland / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHCS Preschool / f / w
Kitsy Gray / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Early Interv. Prog. for Children / f / w
Dianne Emerson / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHCS Preschool / f / b
Lynn Hebert-Smith / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Child Advocacy Center / f / b
Maggie Dessing / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Gov. Morehead PreK Prog. / f / w
Mary Stephens / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / ACCESS III / f / w
Nancy Haddock / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Child Development Center / f / w
Rachel Berman / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Parent / f / w
Robin Maynard / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / ES/UCP Rep / f / w
Sandra Sink / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / CDSA / f / w
Sheryl Ewing / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Family Support of SENC / f / w
Susan Deans / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Child Development Center / f / w
Susan Phiel / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Dept. of Social Services / f / w
Tammy Helm / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Hospital Rep / f / w
Teresa Mebane / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / Autism Society rep / f / w
Yolanda Blount / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / SE Mental Health rep / f / b
Cathy McEntee / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHC Support - recorder / f / b
William Trant / Local Interagency Coordinating Council / NHCS Special Ed Rep / m / w
Melonia Anderson / Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Vanessa Bishop / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / w
Julia Boxley / Advisory Council / Parent - chair / f / w
Courtney Coley / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / b
Karla Curry / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / w
Judy Farrow / Advisory Council / NH Regional Medical Ctr. / f / w
Linda Granger / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / b
Boni Park Hall / Advisory Council / Administrator / f / w
Rhoda Hayes / Advisory Council / Parent / f / b
Sam Highsmith / Advisory Council / Administrator / m / b
Heather Hurd / Advisory Council / Mental Health provider / f / w
Laura Kellenberger / Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Jeanne Mullins / Advisory Council / Speech-Language Path. / f / w
Mary Piner / Advisory Council / School nurse / f / w
Earlene Spencer / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / b
Chet Stukes / Advisory Council / Parent / m / b
Beth Stukes / Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Clare Wadsworth / Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Bambi Walton-Rivenbark / Advisory Council / Teacher / f / w
Shoshanna Washington / Advisory Council / Parent / f / b
Cathy Alberts / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Carolyn Blanding / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Teacher / f / b
Albert Bozart / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Parent / m / w
Deborah Downey / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Parent / f / b
Marjorie Graham / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Teacher / f / b
Gail Kays / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Teacher / f / w
Vickie Kontalonis / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Becky McGee-Hudson / Ex Officio Advisory Council / Parent / f / w
Linda Mechling / Ex Officio Advisory Council / UNCW Professor / f / w

Attach the Stakeholders Steering Committee forms, along with minutes, calendar, and agendas from the meetings held.


Describe the level of participation of parents and non-LEA personnel.

New Hanover County Schools used existing NHC groups as its Stakeholder Steering Committee: Advisory Council on the Education for Children with Special Needs and the NHC Local Interagency Coordinating Council for Children with Special Needs (Birth to Five). Each group reviewed the CIPP Indicators relevant to their respective missions. Activities were held with the Advisory Council on Special Needs December 19, 2008 and Local Interagency Coordinating Council on May 26, 2009. In total 61 individuals participated: 14 parents and 31 other non-LEA personnel participated in stakeholder activities. Parents and non-LEA personnel made up 74% of the stakeholder group.

Describe the Stakeholders Steering Committee public sharing process.

The public sharing process followed the same agenda for each group. Staff shared information describing the issue addressed by the CIPP indicator. After sharing the indicator information, staff shared the baseline and progress monitoring information for a particular indicator and then described the 2010 target. The stakeholder group was then asked, “What improvement activities would you suggest to assist New Hanover County Schools to reach the target measure in 2010?” Staff recorded the suggestions and used this information to prepare the New Hanover County Schools Continuous Improvement Performance Plan.